Monday, February 4, 2008

Upcoming Events -- February 4, 2008

Lent starts this Wednesday -- a bit earlier in the year than usual. For once I'm actually a little excited about it. To be perfectly honest, I have spent years thoroughly and passionately disliking Lent. I knew Lent was an ancient liturgical practice that Christians have observed for many centuries, but to me it was bunk. I watched people around me give up what I felt were nonsensical things, like giving up yummy Chocolate and bountiful feasts with friends. I got upset as leaders in the ministry, through well meaning intentions, took all the things I enjoyed out of worship (such as upbeat moods and joyful thoughts). From my perspective, Lent was flat out depressing. On top of that, it was stuck in a season when many of my friends and acquaintances have sometimes struggled with what gets called "seasonal affective disorder" or the "winter blues". Shouldn't the church be a source of joy in a season of sadness?

More recently, I've found communities and friends who have helped me begin to appreciate Lent as a spiritual practice. They've helped me realize that it isn't about randomly giving up things you may or may not really miss. The point is finding things you can do to help yourself return to God -- to help us focus on that relationship rather than spending so much time focused on ourselves -- and to strengthen faith communities so that we may more cohesively and effectively support each other and the world around us.

Lent is a season of the church year in which we focus energy on recognizing where we have strayed from God and make efforts to renew and strengthen our relationship with God. It is a time when we take notice of all the places in our lives where we attempt to live life independently from God, then repent of our failings and seek to follow more closely our Lord Jesus the Christ, the king of all who humbly allowed himself to be abused and executed upon a rugged cross wearing a crown of thorns.

I still can't say Lent is my favorite season of the church year, but I am truly excited this year for this opportunity to grow closer to God as part of this faith community here at George Mason University. Therefore, I'm going to write a DAILY devotion during Lent for all of you -- and it will be completely optional on your end. See more details under Upcoming Events below.

Dear Lord, today we look inward, not with selfish desires, but in an effort to identify and purge ourselves of these desires. We look to you to help us discern what is really important in life. We look to each other, for support and understanding as we struggle to find you in our hearts. We look beyond ourselves and our community while listening for your gentle call to action in this world. Through all of this, we pray that your will be done. In Jesus name, Amen.


(All times, dates, and locations are subject to change. Check for updates at or the " GMU Lutherans" Facebook group.)

Lenten Devotions: Each day during Lent, I plan to provide a scripture-based devotion for you to read and pray with. I will commit to writing them if you commit to reading them. Feel free to share them with any interested friends as well. To get the devotions daily, do any of the following:
1. Join our "Lenten Devotions" Facebook group.
2. Send an E-mail message asking to receive the devotions by email.
3. Subscribe to the RSS feed.

Office Hours: I'll be in SUB 1 room 207 on Wednesday, February 6th from 3:30pm-6:30pm. Feel free to come by if you want to chat about anything.

Ash Wednesday Worship: We'll meet at 7:00pm this Wednesday, February 6th at the bus shelter / Parking Services building by the Sandy Creek Parking Deck to carpool to Ash Wednesday worship at Lord of Life Lutheran Church a couple miles from campus. We should be back to campus a little after 8:30pm. Link to Facebook event.

Gospel According to the Simpsons: Friday, 3pm-4pm. We'll meet in Johnson Center meeting room B (3rd floor) to watch an episode of the Simpsons, laugh together, & discuss. Bring some friends along -- everyone is welcome! Link to Facebook event.

Visitor from ELCA Global Missions: We will hopefully have a visitor from ELCA Global Missions at our Friday gathering. If you are interested in this wonderful ministry, please plan to stick around after we discuss the Simpsons to get the info!

Samaritan House Service Project (Day trip): Carpool to Baltimore to spend the day working alongside other Lutheran young adult groups from the region on a house for girls who are run aways and/or have been abused. We'll probably be painting. This event is tentative -- email me or join the Facebook event to stay in the loop...

Sunday Morning Worship: Meet Katie Kane at the Parking Services building by the Sandy Creek Parking Deck at 10:30am to carpool to worship at a local congregation. She'll be creating a Facebook event for this soon.

Hypothermia Shelter: We'll be helping out by providing hospitality for an evening -- assisting with dinner, conversation with the guests, playing cards, making coffee, emptying garbage ... whatever. Join us on Friday, February 15th departing campus at 4:15pm to help prevent hypothermia deaths in Fairfax County this winter. We'll meet at the bus shelter by the Sandy Creek Parking Deck. Link to Facebook event. (They are also looking for people to volunteer for the 5pm-11pm shift or the overnight shift throughout the week. Contact me for more details!)

Survey: Please don't forget to take a few minutes for this survey so that our ministry can work to better serve you!
Experience the loving grace of God renewing the world through Jesus Christ crucified. Our servant community laughs, questions, worships, hopes, struggles, prays, volunteers, and grows together. GMU Lutherans.
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