Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Upcoming (9/24): Global Mission, 747, GAMES, Poverty Meal, and more!

What does it mean to be a missionary?  It might not be quite what you think.  Come to SUB1 room B on the 3rd floor today at 7pm as we are joined by Mark Molter from ELCA Global Mission, who will tell us about his experiences.  He'll stay for our exploration of prayer during 747 and then will meet with anyone afterwards (about 9pm). 
If you like games, we'll be playing some this Friday after the debates, and again next Thursday afternoon.  See below for more details.
Dear Lord, help us to understand more about people who are not like ourselves.  Allow us to see You in them.  Help us to treat all people with dignity and respect, and help us to wrestle with all the great mysteries that surround us every day. In Jesus' name.  AMEN.
(In general, ALL students, faculty, or staff at GMU or any other college in northern Virginia are invited and welcomed at our events. Being "Lutheran" is never expected or required. All times, dates, and locations are subject to change. Check for updates at or the "GMU Lutherans" Facebook group -- also, friend LCM here.) 
SPECIAL GUEST:  In just a few hours, we have the priviledge of being joined by a friend from ELCA Global Mission, who will share his experiences doing mission work with the Lutheran church.  Wednesday 9/24 at 7pm in SUB 1 room B.
747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  Wednesdays at 7:47pm.  This week, our community is going to explore PRAYER.   Today (9/24/2008), we'll be in the in SUB1 meeting room B (3rd floor above the campus ministry office)  -- but the room changes, so check each week!  We welcome everyone and assert that every person has have valuable insights and talents to share, so feel free to bring your friends along.  We're hosting this in cooperation with United College Ministries (UCM).  Also check out the Facebook group
POLITICS & GAMES:  We'll be at Kiosk B in the JC Atrium during the Debate Party this Friday night (9/26/2008) and afterwards we'll head upstairs to JC meeting room D on the 3rd floor to play games & discuss the issues a bit.  From what I understand, there will be a "panel of experts" at 8pm in the Atrium, followed by watching the debate on a big screen from 9pm-10:30pm, and then we'll head upstairs to chat about the issues and play games until midnight. We will *not* be endorsing a candidate.  Hope to see you there!
SCRABBLE AFTERNOON:  On Thursday, October 2, some of us are going to gather in Patriot's Lounge (SUB 1) at 4:30pm to play Scrabble and other games.  Join us for some fun!
FALL RETREAT:  Sign up now for this great opportunity to spend a weekend in a cabin by the woods.  We're going to talk about various aspects of HUNGER -- spiritual and physical -- personal and global. Are you hungry for more community, knowledge, insight, meaning, and fulfillment?  I know I am!  Are you hungry for a weekend away from the 'burbs?  We'll head off together to the retreat house at Caroline Furnace Camp on October 3-5, 2008.  Mark your calendars -- we'll rest and recharge, have fun and play in nature, grow together in community, and talk about hunger, and much more!  You don't want to miss it.  Email or RSVP on Facebook to sign up now!  :-)
BROKEN BREAD POVERTY MEAL:  On the Quad on Thursday, October 16th at 7PM, we'll help host a poverty meal of a simple porridge on campus, and we'll discuss the everyday problems encountered by those confronted with AIDS and extreme poverty.  More information will be coming soon...
TABLE TALK:  Joining our UCM friends for their weekly Table Talk every Thursday at 7pm at St. George's United Methodist Church (4910 Ox Rd, Fairfax -- just south of Braddock).  Free food and fellowship!  All are welcome. Email for more information.
There will be much more in the weeks ahead -- such as meeting and feeding those living in shelters, fixing up a transitional shelter, Wii night in the JC, Habitat for Humanity builds, movie nights, Bible studies, discussions where we learn about other denominations and faiths, and much more!  Let us know what you are interested in. 

"Now there is no godlessness, no hatred, no sin which God has not carried, suffered, and atoned. Now there is no reality, no world that is not reconciled and in peace with God. God did this in the beloved son Jesus Christ." ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Monday, September 15, 2008

Upcoming (9/15): Playing with kids, worship, RETREAT, poverty meal, etc.

Greetings!  I hope that everyone had a restful weekend.  On Monday (9/15) we'll be playing board games and such with kids for a couple hours so their mothers (homeless victims of domestic abuse) can attend a life skills class.  More details below.
On Wednesday at 7:47pm, 747 will be in a different location: Patriots Lounge (middle level of SUB1 by the Info desk).  Last week we talked about how sometimes we need to step out in faith to use the gifts God has given us ... understanding that God trusts us enough to want us to take such risks.  This week's theme: JOY AND THANKSGIVING IN THE GIFTS OF GOD.   I understand this may include balloons, candy, games, and more!  Join us this Wednesday at 7:47pm in the Patriots Lounge -- EVERYONE is invited, so invite your friends!
When we say EVERYONE is welcomed, we mean it.  We have taken a stand as a Reconciling in Christ ministry that seeks to provide a warm and welcoming environment for ALL people regardless of doubts, political affiliations, gender identity, sexual orientation, or other societal divisions.  We know the world is often an unloving place, full of alienation and brokenness.  Christ calls us to reconciliation and wholeness, challenging us to be agents of healing within our society.  We affirm each individual's identity as God's loved child, and we welcome everyone with open minds and hearts as we listen to the story of each person's life.
God, help us to overcome our fears and societal divisions.  Free us to follow Jesus in reconciling the whole world to you by feeding the hungry, loving the unloved, clothing the naked, and seeing those who society wishes were invisible.  Allow us to see the world through your eyes.  AMEN.
(In general, ALL students, faculty, or staff at GMU or any other college in northern Virginia are invited and welcomed at our events. Being "Lutheran" is never expected or required. All times, dates, and locations are subject to change. Check for updates at or the "GMU Lutherans" Facebook group -- also, friend LCM here.) 
NOVACO:  We'll play with kids NOVACO helps homeless victims of domestic abuse become self-sufficient.  We'll play board games and such with the kids, allowing the mothers time to attend a life skills class.  Monday 9/15/2008 meeting at 6pm (in Patriots Lounge outside SUB1 room 207) to carpool to the site -- returning to campus by 8:30pm.  Please email us so we know how many people to expect:  The location is about 15 minutes from campus, and you can contact us for directions if you want to drive yourself.

747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  We gather each week to worship, but each week is different.  This is never a show to come and watch, but rather a community experience where everyone has something to offer.  This week we explore JOY and THANKSGIVING as we look at how we appreciate the gifts of God in our lives.  I understand there will be balloons, candy, and games involved.  Wednesdays at 7:47pm -- we'll be in the in Patriots Lounge on the middle level of SUB1 this week (9/17/2008) -- but the room changes, so check out the website!  We welcome everyone and assert that every person has have valuable insights and talents to share, so feel free to bring your friends along.  We're hosting this in cooperation with United College Ministries (UCM).  See for future locations and other information -- or check out the Facebook group.  We hope you join us!
FALL RETREAT:  I'm HUNGRY...and not just for my next meal.  I'm hungry for a would where no one wonders IF they will be able to eat at the next mealtime.  In hungry for more community, knowledge, insight, meaning, and fulfillment.  i get glimpses of these things from day to day...but I'm usually hungry for more.  Are you like me?  Are you hungry for a weekend away from the 'burbs?  I know I am.  We'll head off together to the retreat house at Caroline Furnace Camp on October 3-5, 2008.  Mark your calendars -- we'll rest and recharge, have fun and play in nature, grow together in community, and talk about both physical and spiritual hunger.  Email or RSVP on Facebook to sign up now!  :-)
BROKEN BREAD POVERTY MEAL:  The location is still being ironed out, but on Thursday, October 16th at 7PM, we'll help host a poverty meal of a simple porridge on campus, and we'll discuss the everyday problems encountered by those confronted with AIDS and extreme poverty.  More information will be coming soon...
TABLE TALK:  Joining our UCM friends for their weekly Table Talk every Thursday at 7pm at St. George's United Methodist Church (4910 Ox Rd, Fairfax -- just south of Braddock).  Free food and fellowship!  All are welcome. Email for more information.
There will be much more in the weeks ahead -- such as meeting and feeding those living in shelters, fixing up a transitional shelter, Wii night in the JC, Habitat for Humanity builds, movie nights, Bible studies, discussions where we learn about other denominations and faiths, and much more!  Let us know what you are interested in. 

"Now there is no godlessness, no hatred, no sin which God has not carried, suffered, and atoned. Now there is no reality, no world that is not reconciled and in peace with God. God did this in the beloved son Jesus Christ." ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Upcoming (9/10): 747, kid play, RETREAT, poverty meal, more!

The semester is starting to come together.  Last week, 747 was one of those deep experiences where you learn more about yourself by learning more about the person sitting next to you.  We talked about our needs to set aside time in our lives to rest, recharge, and open ourselves up to God -- whether a day, an hour, or a few moments in the midst of chaos.  We explored of the wisdom of Sabbath in our own lives.  This week (, we'll be looking at how we use whatever it is that God has blessed us with ... and how maybe a little risk might be necessary with our talents, finances, and relationships.  Join us this Wednesday at 7:47pm in the Bistro to check it out -- come early for FREE FOOD (starting at 7pm).
Dear Lord, help us to remember to set aside time to rest, and help us to actually do so.  Enable us to listen for your still small voice, that we might sometimes notice your sometimes subtle action around us.  May we find our rest in You.  In Jesus name, AMEN.
(In general, ALL students, faculty, or staff at GMU or any other college in northern Virginia are invited and welcomed at our events. Being "Lutheran" is never expected or required. All times, dates, and locations are subject to change. Check for updates at or the "GMU Lutherans" Facebook group -- also, friend LCM here.) 
DRUM CIRCLE: I'll have some drums in Presidents Park (near Jefferson Hall) on Tuesday 9/2/2008 from 5pm-7pm.  No experience is necessary, so join me anytime during this window as we make music together!

747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  We gather each week to worship, discuss, sing, pray, and more!  Wednesdays at 7:47pm -- we'll be in the in the Johnson Center Bistro again this week (9/10/2008) -- but the location will be different next week!  We welcome everyone and assert that every person has have valuable insights and talents to share, so feel free to bring your friends along.  We're hosting this in cooperation with United College Ministries (UCM).  See for future locations and other information -- or check out the Facebook group.  We hope you join us!
FALL RETREAT:  Another joint endeavor with UCM, this will be at the retreat house at Caroline Furnace Camp on October 3-5, 2008.  Mark your calendars now for a great weekend of community, discussion, and contemplation!  Email us at to sign up now!  :-)
NOVACO:  We'll play with kids!  NOVACO helps homeless victims of domestic abuse become self-sufficient.  We'll play games with the kids while their mothers are in a life skills class.  Monday 9/15/2008 meeting at 6pm (in Patriots Lounge outside SUB1 room 207) to carpool to the site -- returning to campus by 8:30pm.  Please email us so we know how many people to expect: 
BROKEN BREAD POVERTY MEAL:  The location is still being ironed out, but on Thursday, October 16th at 7PM, we'll help host a poverty meal of a simple porridge on campus, and we'll discuss the everyday problems encountered by those confronted with AIDS and extreme poverty.  More information will be coming soon...
TABLE TALK:  Joining our UCM friends for their weekly Table Talk every Thursday at 7pm at St. George's United Methodist Church (4910 Ox Rd, Fairfax -- just south of Braddock).  Free food and fellowship!  All are welcome. Email for more information.
There will be much more in the weeks ahead -- such as meeting and feeding those living in shelters, Wii night in the JC, Habitat for Humanity builds, movie nights, Bible studies, discussions where we learn about other denominations and faiths, and much more!  Let us know what you are interested in. 
"Now there is no godlessness, no hatred, no sin which God has not carried, suffered, and atoned. Now there is no reality, no world that is not reconciled and in peace with God. God did this in the beloved son Jesus Christ." ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Upcoming (9/2/08): Drum Circle, 747, Retreat, play with kids, and more!

For those of you who missed last weeks 747 -- it was a great experience!  Join us this Wednesday at 7:47pm in the Bistro to check it out -- come early for FREE FOOD (starting at 7pm).
Do you have doubts?  Do you feel like God is far off -- or never around?  You aren't the first one -- the Psalms are rich with statements like "Why, O Lord, do you stand far away?  Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?" (Psalm 10) and we even see King David saying "How long, O Lord?  Will you forget me forever?  how long will you hide your face from me?" (Psalm 13).  It's OK to doubt -- to ask questions.  When we gather, we do so with the understanding that we can talk about our tough questions.  We try to have faith that Jesus is among us, as he promised (Matthew 18), helping us to wrestle with the questions.

God, help us to have faith in your promises and in your love.  Give us the courage to talk about our doubts, that others may know that they aren't alone in their questions.  Allow us to notice your often subtle presence in our lives.  In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
(In general, ALL students, faculty, or staff at GMU or any other college in northern Virginia are invited and welcomed at our events. Being "Lutheran" is never expected or required. All times, dates, and locations are subject to change. Check for updates at or the "GMU Lutherans" Facebook group -- also, friend LCM here.) 
DRUM CIRCLE: I'll have some drums in Presidents Park (near Jefferson Hall) on Tuesday 9/2/2008 from 5pm-7pm.  No experience is necessary, so join me anytime during this window as we make music together!

747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  We gather each week to worship, discuss, sing, pray, and more!  Wednesdays at 7:47pm -- we'll be in the in the Johnson Center Bistro again this week (9/3/2008).  We welcome everyone and assert that every person has have valuable insights and talents to share, so feel free to bring your friends along.  We're hosting this in cooperation with United College Ministries (UCM).  See for future locations and other information -- or check out the Facebook group.  We hope you join us!
FALL RETREAT:  Another joint endeavor with UCM, this will be at the retreat house at Caroline Furnace Camp on October 3-5, 2008.  Mark your calendars now for a great weekend of community, discussion, and contemplation!
NOVACO:  We'll play with kids!  NOVACO helps homeless victims of domestic abuse become self-sufficient.  We'll play games with the kids while their mothers are in a life skills class.  Monday 9/15/2008 meeting at 6pm (in Patriots Lounge outside SUB1 room 207) to carpool to the site -- returning to campus by 8:30pm.
TABLE TALK:  Joining our UCM friends for their weekly Table Talk every Thursday at 7pm at St. George's United Methodist Church (4910 Ox Rd, Fairfax -- just south of Braddock).  Free food and fellowship!  All are welcome. Email for more information.
There will be much more in the weeks ahead -- such as meeting and feeding those living in shelters, Wii night in the JC, Habitat for Humanity builds, movie nights, Bible studies, discussions where we learn about other denominations and faiths, and much more!  Let us know what you are interested in. 
"Now there is no godlessness, no hatred, no sin which God has not carried, suffered, and atoned. Now there is no reality, no world that is not reconciled and in peace with God. God did this in the beloved son Jesus Christ." ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer