Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Worship + INTERFAITH GAME NIGHT + TransFORM Conference + Theology Pub + MORE!

I hope that you are doing well.  I know the end of the semester can be busy and stressful, and I can relate.  At times like these, it's important to remember, what Jesus said in Matthew 6:25-34 about not worrying about tomorrow.  Here is what I take away from it:

Focus on what you need to do today.

Don't get bogged down in past accomplishments or regrets.

Don't get distracted with dreams or fears about what the future holds.

Today has plenty in store for you -- plenty of tasks to accomplish -- plenty of beauty and wonder to behold -- plenty of people to notice and connections to make.

Your ture value comes from God, who loves you more than you can imagine, just for being you -- the YOU that God created you to be.

Lord God, creator of all that is, hold us close, grant us peace, and give us the strength and focus to accomplish what you would have us accomplish each day.  In the name of Jesus the Christ we pray,. AMEN. 
Upcoming Events:
747 Creative Christian Worship - Wednesdays at 7:47pm in SUB1 room B.  This week, we will have a short vespers service ending by 8:25pm, which will be followed by a GAME NIGHT with Hillel (see below).  ALL are welcome! 
GAME NIGHT with HILLEL and UCMNV - Wed. 4/28, 8:30-10pm in SUB1 room B - After worship, we'll be joined by Rabbi Aft and members of the Jewish community on campus to spend some time chatting, playing games, and making new friends.  We would *love* to have a great turnout for this!  This should be awesome!
Fill out our SURVEY for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate (to your choice of Target or Starbucks) -- *please* fill it out regardless of whether you have attended any of our events.  This is really important for us to help us look back at the year and to plan ahead for next year.  Thanks so much!  Here is the link to the survey: www.gmu.edu/org/lutheran/survey.html
TransFORM conference - April 30 - May 2 at Wesley Theological Seminary in D.C. - Go for all or part of it!  This is a FREE conference on forming transformational missional communities.  That's a mouthful, I know.  It's focused on how Christian communities can be spread the gospel in our specific contexts (unique to the location/people involved) -- on being an outward focused communitiy that exists to share God's love with others in a variety of ways, transforming us and our communities in the process. Website.  Facebook.
THEOLOGY PUB - 5:15-7:15pm on Tuesday 5/4/2010 in the Mason Rathskeller (lower level of SUB1)!  Order yourself food and drink of choice and we'll have a non-judgemental chat about life, God, faith, and the intersection of all these things.  This will be the last one for the school year, and we'll have a seminary student from Gettysburg visiting with us -- don't miss it!
GAME NIGHT - 6pm-10pm on Friday 5/7/2010 (location TBA) -- Burn some stress before the weekend of studying for finals.  ALL are welcome! 
Summer Opportunities
SUMMER ACTIVITIES: I'm starting to try to figure out how many students will be around this summer.  Last year, we started having fellowship events each week during the summer, and if people are going to be around this summer, we can do that again.  Let me know if you'll be around so I know what to expect -- and if you want to help plan activities.
The Refugee & Immigrant Service Program of Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area is seeking interns for SUMMER and FALL.  Let me know if you want info ASAP because the deadline is Friday, April 30th (may be extended by a week).
Community Lutheran Church in Sterling, VA seeks a creative and energetic part-time summer intern to coordinate children's programming, June 28th – August 8th.  Primary responsibilities will include overseeing VBS with our volunteers and creating/implementing children's programming during Sunday Morning worship services. Qualified applicants may be considered for a continuing position in Youth Ministry commencing in the fall. Stipend commensurate with experience.  Interested applicants please contact Sarah Shangraw at ChristianEd@CommunityLutheran.org
Ever consider being a counselor at SUMMER CAMP?  I still can't believe I actually got paid for all the fun I had the year I was a camp counselor!  Ask me for more info.

Lutheran Student Movement - Sharing the Gospel in a 2.0 World - August 11-14, 2010: What does it mean to be disciples of Jesus in a world with social media?  Join college students and others from across the country as we gather in downtown Chicago to explore this issue with phenomonal speakers including: 
  • Mark S. Hanson, ELCA Presiding Bishop
  • Eboo Patel, Executive Director, Interfaith Youth Core
  • Nadia Bolz-Weber, Pastor, House for All Saints and Sinners 
  • Let me know if you want to go, and we'll help you afford it.  $100 discount for the first 200 student registrations!  More info HERE

    Grace and peace,
    Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
    MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030

    Monday, April 19, 2010


    The "American Dream" is built on the idea that if you work hard, use the opportunities you are given, and don't give up, you will prosper.  It's all about you.  However, it's not good for us.  When we are focused on ourselves, it's easy to get upset when we suffer from minor injustices and it's easy to end up depressed and unhappy.
    As Christians, our story is different.  We are called to recognize that everything is a gift from God: families, friendships, our abilities, the beauty of nature, human resiliance, our lives, and even faith.  It's all a gift.  God came to earth as Jesus to show us how to live in tune with God and to wash away all our sin -- to reconcile the world into relationship with God.  We are more loved and blessed than we can comprehend.  Out of joy and thankfulness, we are called to share our gifts with others -- to bless others as extravagantly as God has blessed us.  We are called to set our sights on our relationships with God and other people
    This doesn't mean that if we trust in God, everything will go our way. The Bible tells time and time again that God dwells alongside the lost, the lonely, the oppressed, and the suffering.  Even when the world seems to be out to get us, when we get our focus on sharing God's blessings with others, we find that our problems start to shrink.  I find this amazingly beautiful.
    God Almighty, be with us amidst every step of our lives, and help us to always remember to let your love and blessings overflow from us into the world around us.  Let your kindom take root on earth, and let it begin in our hearts.  May your will be done with our hands and feet. AMEN. 
    Upcoming Events:
    THEOLOGY PUB - 5:15-7:15pm the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month in the Mason Rathskeller (lower level of SUB1)!  Order yourself food and drink of choice and we'll have a non-judgemental chat about life, God, faith, and the intersection of all these things.  The next one is Tuesday 4/20/2010 (tomorrow), and we'll have a seminary student from Gettysburg visiting with us -- don't miss it!
    747 Creative Christian Worship - We are back in SUB1 room B (3rd floor) on Wednesdays at 7:47pm.  This week, we will be exploring scriputral ties relating to Earth Day and some feminist interpretations of scriptures.  This worship experience will involve drumming too, so come prepared to immerse your full body into worship!  ALL are welcome! 
    Habitat for Humanity ONE BY YOUTH - The GMU Chapter of Habitat for Humanity has been invited to be a part of a huge volunteer project on April 24th in a Georgetown South neighborhood (near Manassas). We will work alongside 2,000 eager volunteers filling sidewalks, painting fences, planting trees, etc. This is a great opportunity for our chapter to help out and make a difference.  The day begins at the Boys and Girls Club at 7 am and will end around 6 pm.  For details and transportation, please visit the Facebook event and the registration page.
    GAME NIGHT with HILLEL and UCMNV - Wed. 4/28, 8:30-10pm in SUB1 room B - 747 will run a bit shorter this night, and will be followed by an evening of games with our friends from Hillel and United College Ministries.  This should be awesome!
    TransFORM conference - April 30 - May 2 at Wesley Theological Seminary in D.C. - This is a FREE conference on forming transformational missional communities.  That's a mouthful, I know.  It's focused on how Christian communities can be spread the gospel in our specific contexts (unique to the location/people involved) -- on being an outward focused communitiy that exists to share God's love with others in a variety of ways, transforming us and our communities in the process. Website.  Facebook.
    DO YOU HAVE IDEAS FOR THINGS YOU WANT TO DO?  Just let us know what you'd like to do -- and when!
    Summer Opportunities
    SUMMER ACTIVITIES: I'm starting to try to figure out how many students will be around this summer.  Last year, we started having fellowship events each week during the summer, and if people are going to be around this summer, we can do that again.  Let me know if you'll be around so I know what to expect -- and if you want to help plan activities.
    Ever consider being a counselor at SUMMER CAMP?  I still can't believe I actually got paid for all the fun I had the year I was a camp counselor!  Ask me for more info.

    Lutheran Student Movement - Sharing the Gospel in a 2.0 World - August 11-14, 2010: What does it mean to be disciples of Jesus in a world with social media?  Join college students and others from across the country as we gather in downtown Chicago to explore this issue with phenomonal speakers including: 
  • Mark S. Hanson, ELCA Presiding Bishop
  • Eboo Patel, Executive Director, Interfaith Youth Core
  • Nadia Bolz-Weber, Pastor, House for All Saints and Sinners 
  • Let me know if you want to go, and we'll help you afford it.  $100 discount for the first 200 student registrations!  More info HERE. 

    Grace and peace,
    Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

    MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030

    Sunday, April 4, 2010


    The tomb is empty.  Jesus is risen from the grave.  This is hard to wrap our heads around, so it may be a confusing time -- but even amidst our confusion we know that this is a time for celebration! 
    Join us for an EASTER POTLUCK at my house this afternoon, and we will celebrate together!  RIDES AVAILABLE (see below for details).  The weather is fantastic, so I'd be happy to fire up the grill if you bring anything that needs grilled!


    Lord God, even amidst times of confusion and doubts, help us to always celebrate your mercy and grace as we dwell in the wonder of all that you have created.  In the holy name of Jesus the Christ we pray. AMEN. 

    Upcoming Events:
    EASTER WORSHIP - Sunday 4/4 - Bethlehem Lutheran Church would like to invite you to Easter brunch (with the world's BEST quiches) and Easter Services! Church services are 8:30am & 11:00am. The brunch is around 9:30-10:55am. We would love to have you and your physical and spiritual appetites be our guest. GOD's peace and blessings on you.
    EASTER POTLUCK - Sunday 4/4 starting at 2PM, eating around 2:30PM - We'll be having a potluck dinner at my house (10627 Lakeside Oak Ct, Burke, VA).  *ALL* are welcome and rides will be provided from Sandy Creek Shuttle Stop at 1:45PM (and upon request by calling 703-829-0220).  The weather is fantastic, so I'd be happy to fire up the grill if you bring anything that needs grilled!  After dinner, feel free to stick around to hang out and play games if you have time.  Facebook event.
    DRUM CIRCLE - Tuesday 4/6/2010 at 3:30-5 PM on the SUB1 QUAD - Warmth and sunshine have replaced chilly rain (at least for now), so it's time to dust off my collection of hand-drums & shakers!  ALL are welcome to join us to make rhythms together -- *NO* equipment or experience required!  Facebook event.
    THEOLOGY PUB - 5:15-7:15pm the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month in the Mason Rathskeller (lower level of SUB1)!  Order yourself food and drink of choice and we'll have a non-judgemental chat about life, God, faith, and the intersection of all these things.  Facebook event for the next one is Tuesday 4/6/2010.  
    Interfaith panel on God & Suffering - Wed. 4/7, 4-6:30pm - in Enterprise room 80.  Rev. Denise May of UCMNV will be one of the panelists.  There will be a time for questions.
    747 Creative Christian Worship - Wednesdays at 7:47pm in SUB1 room B (3rd floor).  This week, our journey together takes us into the Easter season -- the ongoing celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.  Facebook event This will be a special time! See http://GMU747.org
    PANCAKE DINNER FUNDRAISER - ***We need your HELP*** - Saturday 4/10 at 5:30-7:30pm - Help us serve pancakes to supporters of Lutheran Campus Ministry, answer their questions about what LCM means to you, etc.  Please let me know if you can come, as this is a very important event for our ministry and we want to ensure it is succesful.  (There is also a need for set-up prior & clean up after.)  Also, RSVP for the Facebook event.
    DO YOU HAVE IDEAS FOR THINGS YOU WANT TO DO?  Just let us know what you'd like to do -- and when!
    Summer Opportunities
    "BUILD" Summer Service Trip - Registration due by May 15.  Rebuild homes/cabins and lives in Neon, Kentucky, and share God's love while having fun and learning more about Christian servanthood and compassionate justice.  Open to university students and young adults in the Metro DC area.  June 6-12, 2010. Full cost is $400.  Documents: Trip Info - Program Description - Registration Forms - Also Facebook event.
    Ever consider being a counselor at SUMMER CAMP?  I still can't believe I actually got paid for all the fun I had the year I was a camp counselor!  Ask me for more info.

    Sharing the Gospel in a 2.0 World - August 11-14, 2010: What does it mean to be disciples of Jesus in a world with social media?  Join college students and others from across the country as we gather in downtown Chicago to explore this issue with phenomonal speakers including: 
  • Mark S. Hanson, ELCA Presiding Bishop
  • Eboo Patel, Executive Director, Interfaith Youth Core
  • Nadia Bolz-Weber, Pastor, House for All Saints and Sinners 
  • Let me know if you want to go, and we'll help you afford it.  More info HERE

    Grace and peace,
    Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
    MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030