Tuesday, December 11, 2007

PS -- *NO* more 747 in December

Just in case you were wondering, we won't be having 747 Tuesday tonight, or next week for that matter.

Good luck on Finals!

Finals week update

Today I'm looking at 1 Corinthians 12. It talks about how the body of Christ is made up of many different types of people -- each possessing different gifts. We all have different strengths and weaknesses.

I don't really like exams. It's not just that they are stressful. They are such an arbitrary way to measure success. Sometimes are are tested under timed circumstances more stringent than future use of the knowledge will require. Other times we have to memorize massive quantities of facts or equations that will be sitting in a reference book beside our desk in our future career. Exams often don't take into account the fact that cold medicine or lack of sleep dulls our focus. Some people seem wired to knock the socks off the standard types of exams. Other people would do much better with large projects that take all semester to complete. Some would rather take their exams as discussions with the professor. We are all different.

I don't mean this to be a rant on the educational system. It is what it is. I guess I'm just encouraging each of us to prayerfully discern our strengths and weaknesses -- to consider what role we have in the body -- and how we might play to our strengths...or improve upon (or compensate for) our weaknesses. Working together as a team allows us to accomplish so much more than we can alone, because a team has the combined strengths of all of the team members.

In the meantime, best wishes for your Final Exams -- I'll be praying for you!

Dear Lord, we know we can't accomplish everything by ourselves. Help us and guide us so that we may find our role and do our part in your world. In Jesus name, Amen.

While there are no more events this semester, I'm starting to look ahead to 2008. Here's what's on the calendar, or in the works, so far:

Gospel According to the Simpsons: We'll meet each Wednesday from Noon-1pm in Johnson Center room 243 to watch an episode of the Simpsons (20 minutes without the commercials) and then discuss it -- so bring your lunch, your laughter, and your friends. If we don't fit in the room, I'll find a bigger room for the next week! All are welcome!

747 Tuesdays: We've been meeting for a free home-cooked dinner and devotions at the Crosspoint Ministry House on Roberts Rd across from President's Park each Tuesday at 7:47pm. We'll probably continue this trend, though I'm open to votes for changes to the time, location, or format. Just let me know if you have ideas & I'll see what I can do.

Service: We'll probably have a volunteer opportunity on the calendar every other week or so. Some probable events: Habitat for Humanity build, helping out with the Hypothermia Shelter at a local church, serving food or playing with children at the Katherine K. Hanley Family Shelter, kids activities for NOVACO, etc. The possibilities are endless. Please let me know if a specific type of event or organization is close to your heart -- or if you'd like to help plan an event!

Fellowship: The options are wide open here too -- movie nights, ice skating, game nights, a ski trip, visiting a museum in DC, etc. What sounds good to you?

"Alternative" Spring Break Trip: Who would be interested in taking a trip to help make the world better for people in need. Last year, I went with a group to Mobile, Alabama to help Lutheran Disaster Response fix up houses damaged by hurricane Katrina. Would you be interested in a trip like this?

Leadership: We have many ways that you can get involved. From planning events to helping lead a worship service or devotion -- from one time gigs to possible part-time employment -- if you have time & energy you'd like to use in this way, just let me know & we'll try to work it out.

If you ever need someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to call or email me. If I'm not available, I'll do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.

In Christ's peace, love, and joy,
"God waits for you, for you to act." ~Desmond Tutu
"Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." ~ Margaret Mead

Monday, November 19, 2007

Upcoming Events -- Nov. 19, 2007 Edition

We are approaching the Thanksgiving holiday. We won't be having a 747 Tuesday gathering. There is an assumption that everyone will be spending their time feasting with family. If this is your reality, enjoy -- but also remember that many are not so fortunate. Remember that some people don't have family to spend the holiday with, or won't be able to travel to see them. Other families can't afford the feast. If any of you find yourselves here alone for the Thankgiving holiday, let me know -- you are welcome at my house.

Dear Lord, we thank you for the abundance in our lives. We thank you for the blessings of food, family, and community. We ask that you help us to remember those in the world for whom a belly-busting feast with family is but a fleeting fantasy. Help us, as your servants, to find ways to share your abundance with our communities, neighbors, and the world in which we live. In Jesus' name, Amen.


747 TUESDAY: CANCELLED for 11/20/2007. (The Crosspoint Ministry House will be closed for the Thanksgiving break from Tuesday-Sunday, so we're taking the week off.) We will be meeting November 27th and December 4th. We'll be meeting at the lower-level entrance to S.U.B. II (near the School of Management) at 7:30pm to walk over to the Crosspoint Ministry House. At 7:47pm, we'll have FREE home-cooked food, table fellowship, and a devotion/discussion. Come & bring your friends! Directions (in case you aren't walking with the group):

· Walk through Presidents Park and back behind Jackson Hall.

· Follow the gravel road to Roberts Rd.

· Cross the street and the white house there to your right is the one.

· Enter side door near the parking lot. (It's about a 5 minute walk from SUB II.)

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY: On Saturday, December 1st we'll be working on a local Habitat build. No experience or tools required! Dress in appropriate clothes (layers suggested along with solid footware and gloves). We'll meet the George Mason Statue at 8:00am to carpool to the site. Lunch is provided. We'll be back to campus by 4:30pm.

25:40 World AIDS Day Concert: We'll meet at the George Mason Statue at 7:00pm to carpool to Abiding Presence Lutheran Church ( http://abidingpresence.net/) for this wonderful event. Admission is FREE -- donations are aceepted to help support the 1.2 million children in South Africa who have been orphaned by AIDS. http://wwww.2540.org

Looking ahead: Next semester we'll be starting a lunchtime discussion, probably around "the Gospel According to the Simpsons" -- where the idea would be to bring your lunch and we'll watch a Simpsons episode together, discuss it for a bit, and then continue our day. Probable time slot is Wednesdays 12-1pm.

Feel free to share this information with your friends. Also, join the "GMU Lutherans" Facebook group to stay up to date on what is going on! Use the "discussion board" or "wall" on the Facebook group to find a ride -- carpool to worship at a local congregation.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I try not to send out too many messages, but it has been brought to my attention that I didn't actually list the date for the FACETS event. Also, we are still in need of people to serve at the Katherine K. Hanley Family Shelter on Friday. UPDATED info for both is included below:

Katherine K. Hanley Family Shelter: This new family shelter run by Shelter House, Inc. ( http://www.shelterhouse.org) provides temporary housing and supportive services to homeless families in order to enable them to transition to permanent housing and a stable family life. On Friday, November 2nd, we'll help serve food to the families and do whatever else they need help with. We'll leave campus from the Crosspoint Ministry House at 4:30pm, returning around 8pm. (Also see http://gmu.facebook.com/event.php?eid=5474424341)

Fairfax Area Christian Emergency & Transitional Services, Inc. (FACETS) --- http://www.facetscares.org/). We're going to join a local church in transporting and watching homeless kids (& their parents), so it would be great if each car we take has an empty backseat for the transportation part. We'll meet at 9:00am to depart from the Crosspoint Ministry House by 9:10am on Saturday, November 3rd. After picking up the kids/families from their transitional housing, we'll head to Cox farms ( http://www.coxfarms.com) for Pumpkin Madness (including pumpkin destruction and more -- you won't want to miss the awesome post-Halloween big splattery mess!) If you are interested & available, let me know if you'll be able to drive, & how many passengers you can take. We'll be back to campus around 2:30pm. (Also see http://gmu.facebook.com/event.php?eid=5293254167)

The Crosspoint Ministry House is at 4601 Roberts Rd. Directions can be found at http://gmulutherans.blogspot.com -- just scroll down to the post from 10/29/2007. Driving there is easy, it's the 2nd house on Roberts north of Braddock across from campus.

If you are interested or have questions, email me: ben {at} novalcm.org
"God waits for you, for you to act." ~Desmond Tutu

Monday, October 29, 2007

Upcoming Events -- Oct. 29, 2007 Edition

Jesus talks about establishing a firm foundation (Matthew 7). He says, "Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his home upon the rock." He goes on to say that the foolish build their home upon the sand, where storm and rain wash the foundation away.

We sometimes think of college as a time inbetween, or a time to "live it up" before we go out into the real world where we have to work everyday. To imagine that the years we spend in college are somehow not part of the rest of our lives isn't really accurate. These are the years when we wrestle with big questions (such as "what am I going to do with my life?") and we discover things about ourselves that we didn't know before (like how many hours we can stay awake before we just have to crash).
These are not just transitional years between living with our parents and following some career path. These are foundational years in which we form friendships and patterns of living that will continue with us long past college.
This isn't a guilt trip to get involved. I'm not going to tell you what to do with your life. I'm just pointing out what may or may not be obvoius to you already. I certainly don't think I have all the answers anyway. If you want to get together to struggle through the questions, let me know. Life is the journey.

Dear Lord, we thank you for the blessing that is college -- that we have the priviledge to explore who we are and what we want our lives to be about. Help us to remember that each and every day that we live is part of the whole that is our life. In Jesus name,

747 TUESDAYS: Every Tuesday, we're meeting at the Crosspoint Ministry House at 7:47pm for FREE home-cooked food, table fellowship, and a devotion/discussion. Come & bring your friends! Directions:

· Walk through Presidents Park and back behind Jackson Hall.

· Follow the gravel road to Roberts Rd.

· Cross the street and the white house there to your right is the one.

· Enter side door near the parking lot. (It's about a 5 minute walk from SUB II.)

Katherine K. Hanley Family Shelter: This new family shelter run by Shelter House, Inc. ( http://www.shelterhouse.org )provides temporary housing and supportive services to homeless families in order to enable them to transition to permanent housing and a stable family life. On Friday, November 2nd , we'll help serve food to the families and do whatever else they need help with. We'll leave campus from the Crosspoint Ministry House at 4:30pm, returning around 8pm.

Fairfax Area Christian Emergency & Transitional Services, Inc. (FACETS) --- http://www.facetscares.org/). We're going to help a local church transport and watch homeless kids (& their parents), so it would be great if each car we take has an empty backseat for the transportation part. We'll depart from the Crosspoint Ministry House at 9:30am. After picking up the kids/families, we'll head to Cox farms ( http://www.coxfarms.com) for Pumpkin Madness (including pumpkin destruction and more!) Let me know if you are interested and/or have questions!

Homelessness and Hunger Action Week: November 11-17. Let me know if you want to help the Campus Ministry Association staff the event headquarters during the week, collecting canned food, passing out educational materials, and asking fellow students to pledge to take action on the issue of hunger or homelessness. We're helping organize an on-campus sleep-out on Wednesday, November 14th -- starting at 7pm with a powerful presentation by the National Coalition for the Homeless (http://www.nationalhomeless.org/). I hope many of you come listen to the stories, and maybe even spend the night sleeping on the North Plaza with me!

Program Support: We want students involved as we plan our programs & events. Let me know if you want to set up a service opportunity, fellowship event, etc. …or if you have ideas, but want someone else to set it up. Maybe you want to have a bonfire...or volunteer for Habitat for Humanity...etc. Just let me know!

Feel free to share this information with your friends. Also, join the "GMU Lutherans" Facebook group to stay up to date on what is going on! Use the "discussion board" or "wall" on the Facebook group to find a ride -- carpool to worship at a local congregation.

Director of Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
ben [at] novalcm.org

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Upcoming Events -- Oct. 20th edition

Hey there GMU Lutherans & friends,

Last week, we talked about the interrelationships between poverty, food, and the AIDS pandemic. We also talked about what we can do to help (e.g. learn, advocate, participate in charity walks, etc.). The question is always open. Jesus seems to talk more about caring for the poor more than pretty much any other topic. Maybe we should spend a bit more time on the subject, both in brainstorming to find creative solutions to the problems in our world, and in being called to action -- serving the poor as the hands and feet of Christ in the world today.

In the near future, we're going to have the opportunity to "sleep out" for a night in November to get a small glimpse of the harsh conditions that the homeless out on our streets face...and to educate us so that we may advocate for those less fortunate than ourselves. It's easy to forget that there are homeless in affluent places like Fairfax, but Fairfax county estimated earlier this year that there are over 1800 homeless people living in our community. I hope we continue to pray about, and discuss, what we can do to be part of the solution. "Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." ~ Margaret Mead

Dear Lord, we are so blessed. We have the opportunity eat more than one meal each day. We have the privilege to get a college education. We have the gift of community. We thank you for all of these things. We know that not everyone is so fortunate. Help us to share all the blessings we have with those in such dire need of food, clothing, community, and love. In Jesus' name, Amen.


747 TUESDAYS: Every Tuesday, we're meeting at the Crosspoint Ministry House at 7:47pm for FREE home-cooked food, table fellowship, and a devotion/discussion. Come & bring your friends! Directions:

  • Walk through Presidents Park and back behind Jackson Hall.
  • Follow the gravel road to Roberts Rd.
  • Cross the street and the white house there to your right is the one.
  • Enter side door near the parking lot. (It's about a 5 minute walk from SUB II.)

Katherine K. Hanley Family Shelter: This new family shelter run by Shelter House, Inc. provides temporary housing and supportive services to homeless families in order to enable them to transition to permanent housing and a stable family life. On Friday, November 2nd , we'll help serve food to the families and do whatever else they need help with. We'll leave campus from the Crosspoint Ministry House at 4:30pm, returning around 8pm.

Homelessness and Hunger Action Week: November 11-17. We'll probably help the Campus Ministry Association staff the event headquarters during the week, collecting canned food and passing out educational materials. I'm also helping plan a sleep out on campus for Wednesday night of that week. I'll keep you informed when I know more. If you want to help plan something for the week, just let me know.

Program Support: We want students involved as we plan our programs & events. Let me know if you want to set up a service opportunity, fellowship event, etc. Also let me know if you have ideas, but want me to set it up. Maybe you want to have a bonfire...or volunteer for Habitat for Humanity...etc. Just let me know!

That's all for now. Feel free to share this information with your friends. Also, join the "GMU Lutherans" Facebook group to stay up to date on what is going on!

In God's grace,
gmulutherans [at] bbuss.com

Experience the loving grace of God renewing the world through Jesus Christ crucified. Our servant community laughs, questions, worships, hopes, struggles, prays, volunteers, and grows together. GMU Lutherans.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Upcoming Events -- Oct. 9th Edition

Hello GMU Lutherans & friends!

Fall is being elusive...brown leaves seem to be falling off of trees more from lack of water than seasonal changes. Yet most of us don't really feel the effect of the drought. Most of the world isn't so blessed. When the rains don't come, wells run dry and crops don't grow. Bellies grumble with hunger. What can we do about it?

Sure, but problem is too big for one individual to fix, but as we learn, discuss, and are moved to action, our actions multiply through those acting around us. As Mother Teresa said, "We can do no great things -- only small things with great love. " I'm sure you're all quite busy, but I hope you take a moment to look over the events below. More service opportunities have been added at various times...and more are on the way!

Dear Lord, help us to see the world around us through your eyes. We thank you for all the blessings you pour out upon us. Help us to share them. Help us to love those who the world forgets about. Help us to do your will in our broken world. In Jesus name, Amen.


747 TUESDAYS: Every Tuesday, we're meeting at the Crosspoint Ministry House at 7:47pm for FREE home-cooked food, table fellowship, and a devotion/discussion. Come & bring your friends! Directions:

  • Walk through Presidents Park and back behind Jackson Hall.
  • Follow the gravel road to Roberts Rd.
  • Cross the street and the white house there to your right is the one.
  • Enter side door near the parking lot. (It's about a 5 minute walk from SUB II.)

NOVACO: The Northern Virginia Coalition (NOVACO) helps homeless victims of domestic abuse become healthy, secure, and self-sufficient. We'll play with children on a some upcoming Monday nights while their mothers are in classes to equip them for the workforce. I can provide rides if needed, leaving the Crosspoint Ministry House near campus around 6pm and returning around 8:30pm. We'll be helping out on Monday October 15th. Let me know if you are interested by sending me an email (or by indicating your coming on Facebook)

Broken Bread on Capitol Hill: This event is sponsored by World Vision's college advocacy group, Acting on AIDS. The summary details: On Tuesday, October 16th (World Food Day) we'll meet at the George Mason Statue at 9:30am to carpool to the Metro. The event is near Union Station at the Russell Senate Office Building. Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Gordon Smith (R-OR) will be sponsoring the event as well. We'll return to campus by 3:30pm. Get more details here. Also, watch the promo video:

Lamb Center Karaoke Night: I have some friends who are hosting a Karaoke Night for the homeless folks at the Lamb Center from 7:30-9pm on Wednesday, October 17th . They are seeking people to help contribute to the crowd, to share love with others, to make fools of themselves, and have a blast dancing and singing. Let me know if you are interested in helping out -- I know I am!

Katherine K. Hanley Family Shelter: This new family shelter run by Shelter House, Inc. provides temporary housing and supportive services to homeless families in order to enable them to tansition to permanent housing and a stable family life. We'll help serve food to the families and do whatever else they need help with. The tentative date for this is October 26th (or November 2nd) -- I'll let you know what date we get as soon as I can. We'll leave campus at 4:30pm, returning around 8pm.

Homelessness and Hunger Action Week: November 11-17. We'll probably partner up with another ministry on campus help raise awareness about this issue & provide help in whatever way we can. I'm working on helping plan the climax event for the week, which looks like it might be a sleep-out on campus on November 15th. If you want to help plan something for the week, just let me know.

Habitat for Humanity: Let's get our hands dirty building some affordable housing. Details coming soon!

Program Support: We want students involved as we plan our programs & events. Let me know if you want to set up a service opportunity, fellowship event, etc. Also let me know if you have ideas, but want me to set it up.

That's all for now. Feel free to share this information with your friends. Also, join the "GMU Lutherans" Facebook group to stay up to date on what is going on!

In God's grace,
gmulutherans [at] bbuss.com

Monday, October 8, 2007

Broken Bread on Capitol Hill 10/16/07 @ 11am-2pm

Hey, I don't know if anyone is available to go to this, but I can take one carload from GMU to the Metro to get downtown and back if people can go. Please drop me an email to
gmulutherans [at] bbuss.com
or message me if you are interested in going. We'll meet at the George Mason Statue at 9:30am and should be back to campus by 3:30pm. (I can also pick-up / drop-off elsewhere if you let me know). Without further distraction -- the event details (from World Vision)...

In Christ's peace,

Broken Bread on Capitol Hill

You're Invited!

World Vision's college advocacy group, Acting on AIDS, is hosting an exciting event in Washington DC and you're invited! Broken Bread on Capitol Hill is taking place on October 16, World Food Day. Broken Bread is a time to show your concern for and solidarity with the hungry.

If you are unsure of what Broken Bread is, or would like more information, you can find it at-

Important Details:
11am-2pm Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Location: Meet at the Delaware Ave. side of the Russell
Senate Office Building (directions below)
What to Wear: We will provide you with an AoA t-shirt. Please wear business casual- this is an official event (no ripped jeans or flip flops, please).
What to bring: You, Your friends, Your voice, money for the metro

People all over the nation will be doing Broken Bread in their cities and on their campuses at the same time, so by joining us on Capitol Hill, you represent your peers from all over the nation. Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Gordon Smith (R-OR) will be joining World Vision and the North American Millers Association to sponsor the event. .We will also be inviting Senate and Congressional leaders and staff.

If you plan to attend the event, let us know by filling out the RSVP form (one per participant) at the bottom of this email. Copy and paste it into a new email and return it to
ckenisto@worldvision.org. We will send out an email with final details a few days before the event. There is no cost for this event- you even get a free T-shirt! Drop me a line if you have questions!

The Russell Building is closest to the Union Station metro stop, which is located on the Red Line. Come out of the Union Station metro via the escalators. Turn 180 degrees and Walk towards the traffic circle and onto Delaware Ave NE. Continue on Delaware until you reach the visitor entrance of the Russell Building, which will be on your left- someone from Acting on AIDS will meet you there.

RSVP ASAP so we can get you a T-shirt and a
Please copy and paste this completed form into a new email to


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Mini-golf update

Mini-golf: We'll be going to Burke Lake Park for some mini-golf fun on Saturday October 6th! We'll meet by the George Mason Statue at 1:50pm to carpool down to the park (departing at 2:00 PM sharp). If you want to drive and meet us there, just let me know:
gmulutherans [at] bbuss.com

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Hello GMU Lutherans & friends!

Homework. Projects. Exams. Work. It's so easy to get buried in a list of things we have to do. Sometimes, we end up hiding from the world. I sometimes find myself struggling with the realization that the way I prioritize my time speaks volumes about the things I value. I spend hours toiling at menial tasks, sometimes shutting other people out. -- the figurative "DO NOT DISTURB" written across my face. What does this say concerning my love for my neighbor? What does this say about my view of community? Do my actions sometimes contradict my beliefs?

Dear Lord, we desire to help make your will be done here in our world, which is your world. We thank you for the generous abundance you surround us with, and seek to share that abundance with others. We know that we struggle to live out our faith sometimes, and we ask that you help us struggle through what it means to follow you. Please renew us and call us forth as your servant people. In Jesus name, Amen.


747 TUESDAYS: Every Tuesday, we're meeting at the Crosspoint Ministry House at 7:47pm for FREE home-cooked food, table fellowship, and a devotion/discussion. Come & bring your friends! Directions:
  • Walk through Presidents Park and back behind Jackson Hall.
  • Follow the gravel road to Roberts Rd.
  • Cross the street and the white house there to your right is the one.
  • Enter side door near the parking lot. (It's about a 5 minute walk from SUB II.)

Mini-golf: We'll be going to Burke Lake Park for some mini-golf fun on Saturday October 6th at 2pm! Meeting location for a carpool to the park will be announced soon.

NOVACO: The Northern Virginia Coalition (NOVACO) helps homeless victims of domestic abuse become healthy, secure, and self-sufficient. We'll play with children on a some upcoming Monday nights while their mothers are in classes to equip them for the workforce. We'd need to be at King of Kings Lutheran from 6:30pm-8pm. I can provide rides if needed, leaving campus around 6pm. Let me know if you are interested. We'll be helping out on Monday October 15th.

Homelessness and Hunger Action Week: November 11-17. We'll probably partner up with another ministry on campus help raise awareness about this issue & provide help in whatever way we can.

Habitat for Humanity: Let's get our hands dirty building some affordable housing. Details coming soon!

Program Support: We want students involved as we plan our programs & events. Let me know if you want to set up a service opportunity, fellowship event, etc. Also let me know if you have ideas, but want me to set it up.

That's all for now. Feel free to share this information with your friends. Also, join the "GMU Lutherans" Facebook group to stay up to date on what is going on!

In God's grace,

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Upcoming Events

Hello GMU Lutherans & friends!

Cooler temperatures ... leaves falling from the trees ... it's starting to feel like fall! Before we know it, the trees on campus will be exploding into color! Many changes will be occurring for us too, as servant opportunities and fellowship events start bubbling up, and as our "747 Tuesdays" grow & evolve! Check out the listing below to be in the know.

Dear Lord, we thank you for the wonderful opportunities we are given each day. Please help us to wrestle with the questions in life, to grow deeper in community, to make a difference in the world, and to know you more. In Jesus name, Amen.


Game Night: We'll be having a game night this Friday night (9/21/2007) at 7pm in SUB I room C. Bring your favorite game(s) and some friends & I'll bring some games too -- it'll be fun!

Carpool to worship: I'll be at the Lutheran Church of the Abiding Presence this weekend hyping GMU Lutheran Campus Ministry. It would be awesome if some of you could carpool to one of their services too! If you'd like a ride to the service on Saturday (9/22/2007) at 6pm, contact Katie Kane at kkane1@gmu.edu to arrange a meeting time/place. If anyone wants to offer a ride to people for Sunday morning, let me know. Service times:
  • Saturday, September 22nd at 6pm ("vespers" = Holden Evening Prayer)
  • Sunday, September 23rd at 8:30am ("contemporary" service)
  • Sunday, September 23rd at 11am ("traditional" service)
747 TUESDAYS: Every Tuesday, we're meeting at the Crosspoint Ministry House at 7:47pm for FREE home-cooked food, table fellowship, and a devotion/discussion. Come & bring your friends! Directions:
  • Walk through Presidents Park and back behind Jackson Hall.
  • Follow the gravel road to Roberts Rd.
  • Cross the street and the white house there to your right is the one.
  • Enter side door near the parking lot. (It's about a 5 minute walk from SUB II.)

NOVACO: The Northern Virginia Coalition (NOVACO) helps homeless victims of domestic abuse become healthy, secure, and self-sufficient. We'll play with children on a some upcoming Monday nights while their mothers are in classes to equip them for the workforce. We'd need to be at King of Kings Lutheran from 6:30pm-8pm. I can provide rides if needed, leaving campus around 6pm. Let me know if you are interested. We'll be helping out on these dates:

  • Monday October 15th
  • Monday November 19th

Mini-golf: We'll be going to Burke Lake Park for some mini-golf fun on Saturday October 6th at 2pm! Time & date are tentative -- More details as the time draws closer.

Habitat for Humanity: Let's get our hands dirty building some affordable housing. Details coming soon!

MALSM Fall Retreat: The Mid-Atlantic Lutheran Student Movement will be holding their fall retreat October 19-21 -- mark your calendars now -- these are always a great experience!

Homelessness and Hunger Action Week: November 11-17. We'll probably partner up with another ministry on campus help raise awareness about this issue & provide help in whatever way we can.

Program Support: We want students involved as we plan our programs & events. Let me know if you want to set up a service opportunity, fellowship event, etc. Also let me know if you have ideas, but want me to set it up.

That's all the news for this week. Feel free to share this email with your friends!

In God's grace,

Friday, September 7, 2007

747 Tuesdays

Every Tuesday at 7:47pm, we'll gather at the Crosspoint Student Minsitry house (4601 Roberts Rd.) Enjoy a FREE homecooked meal followed by some lively discussion. Feel free to bring your questions, hopes, struggles, dreams, & friends!

To get to the Crosspoint Student Ministry house:

  • Walk through Presidents Park and back behind Jackson Hall.
  • Follow the gravel road to Roberts Rd.
  • Cross the street and the white house there to your right is the one. (It's about a 5 minute walk from SUB II.)

If you have questions, email GMULutherans [at] bbuss.com

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

SERVICE: Shelter House

We're going to be the first volunteer group at the new Katherine K. Hanley Family Shelter! We'll be serving dinner this Friday to several families and possibly helping them out in other ways too!

The mission of Shelter House is to provide temporary emergency housing and supportive services to homeless families in order to enable them to transition to permanent housing and a stable family life. For more info on Shelter House, check out http://www.shelterhouse.org/

We'll meet at the Crosspoint Student Minsitry house (4601 Roberts Rd.) on Friday, September 7, 2007 at 4:30 PM to carpool to the shelter, and we should be back on campus by 7:45 PM. To get to the Crosspoint Student Ministry house:

  1. Walk through Presidents Park and back behind Jackson Hall
  2. Follow the gravel road to Roberts Rd.
  3. Cross the street and the white house there to your right is the one.
  4. Find me by my tan Explorer in the lot there. (It's about a 5 minute walk from SUB II.)

If you have questions or want an address/directions to meet us there, email GMULutherans [at] bbuss.com

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Let's get together to meet each other and share in devotions

Let's start meeting!

This Wednesday (September 5, 2007) at 7:00 PM, we're going to meet in the EAST Lounge on the 3rd floor of Student Union Building I. There are only two lounges on the floor and they are really close together, so if you don't see us in one, check out the other.

The plan is to talk a little about upcoming events & share in a devotional conversation led by Pastor Dan Krewson from Lord of Life Lutheran.

We're looking forward to meeting you. Feel free to bring friends!

Friday, August 31, 2007

My ideas (please comment)

I'm putting forward the following:

SERVICE: Interacting with children on a Monday night playing games & having fun. We'd need to leave campus around 6pm and would probably return by 8:30pm.

FAITH: A free home-cooked meal on a Wednesday night across the street from campus followed by Pastor Dan introducing a topic and leading some discussion. Would 7pm be a good starting time?

FELLOWSHIP: A weekend excursion to hike at Great Falls National Park? A game night on/near campus? A movie night?

Let me know what you think & we'll have stuff starting up ASAP! You can comment below, use the discussion board on our Facebook group, or just email: GMULutherans [at] bbuss.com

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Meeting time (& place)

Time: WEDNESDAY 8/29/2007 @ 7:30 PM (That's tonight!)

Location: WEST LOUNGE on the 3rd floor of Student Union Building I.
Backup plan is the East Lounge on that floor if you can't find us...

We'll be discussing ideas & getting to know each other..

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Upcoming events...

Let's get together this week to talk about ideas for the upcoming weeks, semester, and school year. Some questions to be answered:

  • What types of faith formation / discipleship / worship activities would you like to see?
  • What kinds of service experiences would you be interested in participating in?
  • What kinds of fellowship events would you be excited about?
  • What other ideas do you have?

Please feel free to share this page with other people who might be interested! All are welcome!