Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pentecost Feast + Bowling

Pentecost Feast! This Sunday (5/31) is the Feast of Pentecost, which celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit to Jesus' disciples, as told in Acts 2:1-13. In the story, the disciples are gathered together when BAM! the Spirit rushes in and sends them out, speaking about God's amazing power. Jerusalem is packed that day, since it's the Jewish festival of Shavuot, and people from all over the Mediterranean and the Middle East hear the disciples speaking and understand them in their own languages! 

To commemorate and celebrate this inter-national event, we're having an international feast! As with all of our events, EVERYONE is welcome to join us for eating good food and playing games. It will be picnic-style and pot-luck style, so bring a blanket and food from another country (if you can). 

Time: 5pm to 9pm sounds about right. We might stay a little later depending on who wants to and if four hours cannot contain the fun of eating and playing games.
Location: Outside on the lawn by the Johnson Center, by North Plaza. The weather should be nice, but if not then we'll move into the JC.

That's all! If you can, bring something international. I'm bringing falafel and some side dishes, so feel free to mix it up with food from Asia, Latin America, Africa, or Europe (Italian food counts!).

Bowling! Join us on Thursday, June 4 at 9pm, for bowling at Bowl America Burke. Cost is between $12 and $15-- the more people come the lower the cost! Location is 5615 Guinea Rd Fairfax, VA 22032. If you need a hand with cost, no problem. Questions about rides, money, or anything else? Email or facebook Mason Lutherans (

Future events!  We're thinking about a camping trip later in the summer, and probably mini-golf sometime too!  If you have ideas, email or facebook Mason Lutherans (

Saturday, May 16, 2009

(5/16) Congrats! Transition -- UPCOMING

To those who have just graduated: CONGRATULATIONS *new* alumni!  If you've graduated from GMU, please let us know what's next for you, and what your postal address will be moving forward.  Even if you never made it to any activities, we'd like to keep you in the loop about what LCM is doing here at GMU.  

To those will be around this summer: Make sure to let us know so we keep you informed with weekly emails about fellowship activities.  The first couple weeks are listed below...THIS WILL BE THE LAST WEEKLY EMAIL FOR A COUPLE MONTHS. 

To those moving out of the area for the summer: Have a wonderful summer, and we look forward to seeing you in the fall!  We've started our fall planning, so let us know if you have ideas or want to help organize or lead anything.  (We'll have an open meeting for fall planning later in the summer.)

To those who will be back in classes on Monday: We hope you can relax this weekend.  Find a way to rest/recharge before heading back into the fray.

Lord God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.

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Wii / HANGOUT / HAIRCUTS?  We'll gather at my house in on Wednesday 5/20 in Burke to play MarioKart, have fun, and a few people will be drastically shortening their hair on the back patio (weather permitting).  Email to get the address.  Show up any portion of time between 6:30pm-10pm.  Rides can be arranged.

STAR TREK MOVIE: We're tentatively planning to go see the new Star Trek movie sometime May 26-30.  Let us know if you have a vote for when or where.

SUMMER IDEAS:  Those of you who are around for at least the next few weeks, let me know what you want to do next week through the end of the month.  It could be the Perils of the Lost Jungle Mini-Golf, going to see a band playing at Jammin' Java, spending some time at one of the Smithsonian museums, coming down to my place to grill out & play MarioCart, goof off in a park, a Theology Pub, or whatever strikes your fancy. 

SUMMER EMAIL LIST:  We'll probably gather once/week to do something fun, like mini-golf, watching a movie, eating dinner, playing games, disc golf, a bike ride, or whatever.  This is open to students from other schools who are living/working in northern Virginia in the summer, so ask your friends if they want on the list too!  If you'd like to be on our summer email list, please let me know: (Otherwise, you'll probably just get an email every few weeks to keep you in the loop.)

Monday, May 11, 2009


So most of you are either done or on the home stretch...  Take some time to relax when you finish.  Breath deep and catch up on sleep.  While you are at it, consider hanging out in community.  It'll be fun!

Lord God, thank you so much for life -- for each new day -- for each new breath.  Help us to cherish each moment, and to take the opportunity to live life fully.  Help keep us from becoming so immersed in our TO DO list that we never get a chance to enjoy the splendor of the world you created.  In Jesus name we pray, AMEN.

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GAMES (MOVIES?) in the JC Bistro, Wed. 5/13, 6:30pm-10pm. Celebrate the end of finals by relaxing in community! I'll bring games -- Bring your dinner along if you'd like! Bring your friends! All are welcome!  If you haven't yet met us in person, all your school work should be done -- so hopefully this is a great time to come have fun!

SUMMER EMAIL LIST:  We'll probably gather once/week to do something fun, like mini-golf, watching a movie, eating dinner, playing games, disc golf, a bike ride, or whatever.  This is open to students from other schools who are living/working in northern Virginia in the summer, so ask your friends if they want on the list too!  If you'd like to be on our summer email list, please let me know: (Otherwise, you'll probably just get an email every few weeks to keep you in the loop.)

SUMMER IDEAS:  Those of you who are around for at least the next few weeks, let me know what you want to do next week through the end of the month.  It could be the Perils of the Lost Jungle Mini-Golf, going to see a band playing at Jammin' Java, spending some time at one of the Smithsonian museums, coming down to my place to grill out & play MarioCart, goof off in a park, a Theology Pub, or whatever strikes your fancy. 

CALL & CANOE:  The Virginia Synod of the ELCA has a Young Adult retreat THIS WEEKEND (May 15-17) and they still have spaces left. The "Call and Canoe" retreat is at Caroline Furnace. The cost is only $25 and it is a small and relaxed event which gives you a chance to discuss with your peers what it means to respond to the call of God in your life, no matter what you may be doing! It starts on Friday evening with dinner and ends on Sunday at noon. Anyone of college age or just past that age can attend (even if you are from outside Virginia, etc.). Registration form/info at (I can't provide rides, but contact the event organizers if you need one, because someone might be driving through this area on the way out.)

VIRGINIA SYNOD YOUNG ADULTS: For those of you who come from congregations in the Virginia Synod, please consider attending this year's Young Adult Convocation at the Virginia Synod Assembly - June 5-7, 2009. Here's the form for that:

LIVING THE QUESTIONS: Dream. Think. Be. Do. -- check out this video promo & let me know if you think you might be interested in discussions based on these videos next year.

YOU ARE A LEADER: Flex your leadership skills, or develop them!  If you are interested in helping line up service events for next year (Katherine K Hanley Family Shelter, Habitat for Humanity, NOVACO, or whatever is close to your heart), let me know.  I'd love to help you gather people to do God's work in our region.  :-)

DC YOUNG ADULTS:  Check out the website ( ) or Facebook group:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

(5/5) Worship UPDATE + Call for Pictures + Summer + more!

Sorry for the second email.  We've ironed out a location the LAST 747 worship gathering of the school year Wed. 5/6: the sanctuary at St. George's United Methodist Church4910 Ox Road (across from Giant/University Mall).  Take a break from the stress of the week to re-center on God, worship, discuss, sing, pray, and more!  Arrive there at 7:47pm...or catch a ride from SUB 1 room 207 at 7:30pm.  We'll end by 9pm to get you back to campus by 9:15pm.  See students talk about worship at  

*** FIRST SUMMER ACTIVITY: Movies/Games in the Bistro, Wed. 5/13, 6:30pm-10pm.  Celebrate the end of finals by relaxing in community!  Bring your dinner along if you'd like!  Bring a friend!  All are welcome! ***
SUMMER EMAIL LIST:  We'll probably gather once/week to do something fun, like mini-golf, watching a movie, eating dinner, playing games, disc golf, a bike ride, or whatever.  This is open to students from other schools who are living/working in northern Virginia in the summer, so ask your friends if they want on the list too!  If you'd like to be on our summer email list, please let me know: 

CALL FOR PICTURES:  If you've taken any pictures at LCM events (including co-sponsored events like the Retreat, 747 Worship, Hunger and Homeless Action Week, or the spring break trip), I would love it if you would please burn me a CD or let me pull them off a thumb drive.  Thank you!

Living the Questions: Dream. Think. Be. Do. -- check out this video promo & let me know if you think you might be interested in discussions based on these videos next year.

==> THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: One of our Board members was telling us last night that whenever you are down in the dumps, think of Job.  It isn't a matter of rejoicing in the suffering of others, but rather resting in the knowledge that others have been through things we can scarcely imagine.  Yet, God is with us...usually in mysterious ways we can hardly comprehend.  So as you finish classes and begin exams, remember that God is with you.  May you feel peace amidst the stress.

God, sometimes we feel alone, and that our load is to heavy to bear.  Yet, we trust that somehow, you are with us.  Please help us carry our burdens, and give us the strength to go on.  Thank you for all the blessings and opportunities we've been given.  In the name of Jesus the Christ we pray, AMEN.

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METRO DC SYNOD ASSEMBLY:  I'm looking into what possibility there is for students to hang out at the campus ministry booth at synod assembly to tell those representing congregations what has been happening on campus this year.  Friday 5/8 at Noon - Saturday 5/9 at 5pm at Gallaudet in DC.  Email if you are interested.

DC YOUNG ADULTS:  Check out the website ( ) or Facebook group:


You don't want to miss the Theology Pub today at Brion's Grille as we chat with Rev. Amy Sevimly -- 5:15pm for half price burgers and other Cinco de Mayo specials!  More details below!

One of our Board members was telling us last night that whenever you are down in the dumps, think of Job.  It isn't a matter of rejoicing in the suffering of others, but rather resting in the knowledge that others have been through things we can scarcely imagine.  Yet, God is with us...usually in mysterious ways we can hardly comprehend.  So as you finish classes and begin exams, remember that God is with you.  May you feel peace amidst the stress.

God, sometimes we feel alone, and that our load is to heavy to bear.  Yet, we trust that somehow, you are with us.  Please help us carry our burdens, and give us the strength to go on.  Thank you for all the blessings and opportunities we've been given.  In the name of Jesus the Christ we pray, AMEN.

If you wish to unsubscribe, respond to this e-mail with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject.

THEOLOGY PUB:  Gather at Brion's Grille in University Mall (across Braddock from GMU) to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  Bring your questions!  No one will imply they have the truth and you don't.  All are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself food & beverage, and join us for some great conversation!  5:15pm at Brion's Grille on Tuesday 5/5.  Rev. Amy Sevimli, assistant to the Bishop of the Metro DC Synod, will be joining us!  Rides leave from SUB I room 207 at 5pm.  For more info, email 

747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  The last 747 of the semester will be Wed. 5/6 -- we're still trying to iron out the location.  Tentatively, we'll meet at 7:30pm at the Campus Ministry Office (SUB I room 207) to head to the location (either St. George's UMC or a classroom).  In the midst of finals, we'll gather to worship, discuss, sing, pray, and more!  Take a break from the stress of the week to re-center on God.  See students talk about worship at  

CALL FOR PICTURES:  If you've taken any pictures at LCM events (including co-sponsored events like the Retreat, 747 Worship, Hunger and Homeless Action Week, or the spring break trip), I would love it if you would please burn me a CD or let me pull them off a thumb drive.  Thank you!

METRO DC SYNOD ASSEMBLY:  I'm looking into what possibility there is for students to hang out at the campus ministry booth at synod assembly to tell those representing congregations what has been happening on campus this year.  Friday 5/8 at Noon - Saturday 5/9 at 5pm at Gallaudet in DC.  Email if you are interested.

SUMMER EMAIL LIST:  We'll probably gather once/week to do something fun, like mini-golf, watching a movie, eating dinner, playing games, disc golf, a bike ride, or whatever.  This is open to students from other schools who are living/working in northern Virginia in the summer, so ask your friends if they want on the list too!  If you'd like to be on our summer email list, please let me know: 

DC YOUNG ADULTS:  Check out the website ( ) or Facebook group: