Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter blessings & 747 & kiosk for LCM

Blessings on this Easter Monday, Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!
Stop by our LCM kiosk on Tuesday between 2pm and 5pm.  And spread the word. 
Wednesday eve--747 in Johnson B--for a few minutes or the whole evening.
The resurrection of Christ is our hope--our call to new life in Christ now and our hope for eternal life with Christ in the not-yet.  It is miracle and mystery.  Christ is risen.
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Monday, April 18, 2011

Holy Week & kiosk & 747 & worship

Holy Week brings us face to face with the cross of Christ, with his crucifixion with all its pain and cruelty.  And all of this is for us and for our salvation, to save us from our sin, from death and from the powers of evil.
Tuesday afternoon stop and visit with me at the LCM kiosk C, 1-4pm.
Holy Week worship at 747--Johnson B--join us for a few minutes or for the whole worship time.
On Good Friday join with the Catholic campus ministry at the statue of George Mason for the Stations of the Cross.  We will walk around the campus pausing to observe each of the steps Jesus took on the way to the cross.
Christ Lutheran Church is the closest Lutheran church to campus (on Meredith Drive--behind the gas station at 29/50 and Meredith Drive).  Holy Thursday  worship time is 7:30pm and Good Friday at 7:30pm. Easter Sunday's time is 10 am.  If you need a ride, let me know.
God bless you this Holy Week as you follow Christ's steps to the cross and walk into the glorious light of Easter.  
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Palm Sunday & 747 & end of semester stress

This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday.  Passion comes from the Latin for suffer or endure--alerting us to the suffering Christ will endure for us and for our salvation.  Palms were used to show honor at the arrival of an important person.  According Luke 19, the crowds shouted, "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!  Peace in heaven and glory in the highest heaven!"  Let us give glory to God as we prepare for Holy Week.
Wednesday is 747 worship evening--take a break from the sufferings and anxieties that come toward the end of a semester.  Come even if you can stay for only a few minutes.

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Monday, April 4, 2011

Lenten Journey + Theology Pub + ATTN: graduating students

Attention graduating studentsWe are putting together a worship liturgy to celebrate those who are graduating and/or transitioning from their time at Mason to whatever comes next, be that jobs, or graduate school, or whatever is next for you.  This will be at our Wednesday evening worship (7:47pm) on either May 4th or May 11th.  Please let us know if you have a preference and would be interested in attending, even if you haven't been around.

Lenten Worship--Come for a few minutes for a prayer and scripture reading time on Tuesday, April 5, 11:30 am in J 244.
Theology Pub--Come with questions, concerns or just plain talk for just a few minutes or longer--Tuesday, April 5, 5-7pm in the Rathskeller.
747 Wednesday Creative Worship--Wednesday, April 6, 7:47pm Johnson Room B
Since we are approaching the end of the semester, stress will (or may already) abound.  Everyone is invited and welcome to take advantage of a time of reflection and prayer.  Or just stop by to talk with me--I am planning on being around onTuesdays (Campus Ministry Office, J 239).  Or call me and we can meet.  Jeanne Larsen
 O Lord of Light and Sight, help us with our blindness--open our eyes, open our windows, that we  might see what you have revealed to us...that we might be like they who "have eyes and see".  (Lindy)

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University