Thursday, December 24, 2009

The miraculous scandal of Christmas

As I write this, it is Christmas Eve -- and the Christmas season is about to BEGIN!  We've been waiting throughout the weeks of Advent for the coming of Christ.  Tomorrow we begin the 12 day celebration of the birth of Jesus the Christ.     

Think about it -- God, the creator of everything we see, chose to enter into our world, taking on flesh, blood, skin, and bones.  We call this incarnation.  It's bizarre, isn't it?

What's more, God didn't choose a noble birth.  Mary was no queen.  Joseph was not a wealthy man. They were peasants in a rural town -- out in the sticks, so to speak.  Worse yet, they were far from home that starry night, and couldn't even get a respectable room.  Instead, Mary ended up giving birth in a stable -- where the inn keeper kept his animals.  It was likely little more than a rough cave in a rocky hillside with the thick sent of manure in the air.  

It's scandalous -- don't you think?  

I mean, God could have worked out a system where it wasn't necessary to be so lowly.  Yet, God choose humanity.  Jesus was a little baby, crying and soiling diapers in a dirty feeding trough!  Once we find God in a stable, God could be anywhere!

We can turn our back on God: walking away from the hungry woman; ignoring the homeless man.  God put God's-self at our mercy.

Incarnation is messy.  It means that God cares about human flesh -- about our bodies.  Christianity isn't merely about some heaven we can only imagine.  Jesus came to show us how to live in our world - in our time.  God has walked the earth, been scolded by parents, spent time starving in a desert, loved people, made friends, been betrayed, been tortured and executed.  God doesn't merely sympathize with our daily struggles -- God empathizes, suffering with us, because God understands what it is like to be human.

This is the miracle of Christmas, and it's a scandal.  The revolution of hope and love beginning in a no-place with people that were not otherwise notable.

So take heart that God can use anyone -- and wants to use you!

Merry Christmas!

Grace and peace be with you,
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030

Monday, December 14, 2009

GAME NIGHT + study space + more!

Good luck on your finals exams from Lutheran Campus Ministry!  Know that however things go, you are loved and valuable.  Also, I'm starting to look ahead to next semester -- so please drop me a line if you have ideas for events you'd like to see.  I mean, where do you see God moving in our midst?  And what big audacious goals would you set for us?  
Study space:  If you need a quiet place to study for finals, and would appreciate getting a couple miles away from campus for it, my wife and I are offering our kitchen table and a variety of desks in other rooms.  Thursday (12/10), NOON-10pm.  Just call us at 703-349-2580 to let us know you are coming -- or to get directions.

GAME NIGHT:  Take a break form studying -- if you have time to relax a bit and burn some stress, join us to play some games and have some fun!  I'll be in SUB1 room B from 6pm-10pm on Wednesday 12/16 with a big stack of card and board games.  Come for a few minutes or the whole time -- whatever works for you! ALL are welcome, so bring a friend! 
Lord God Almighty, we ask that your peace invade the anxiousness of our lives.  Overcome our fears and insecurities, giving us the trust and confidence to follow you into the unknown adventure of our reality.  We pray, come Lord Jesus, come.  AMEN. 

Grace and peace,
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

LAST CALL to join us for worship at the Mathy House (home of President and Mrs. Merten)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
747 Creative Christian Worship at the Mathy House (home of President and Mrs. Merten)
Join us for a night of revelry as we experience the Advent tension of waiting for Jesus as well as the joy of celebrating the Christmas birth of Christ.  Take a break from studying to revel in the wonder of the season!
     Gather at the Sandy Creek Shuttle Stop at 6:30pm to take the Lord of Life bus to the Mathy House -- the bus will depart at 6:45pm sharp so that we arrive on time! At the Mathy House, we'll enjoy some light refreshments as we socialize with President and Mrs. Merten, who have generously opened their home for our use for the evening. The we'll worship together, discussing Advent and celebrating Christmas -- with plenty of Carols and joy! The bus will depart the Mathy House at 9pm and will drop everyone off on campus a few minutes later.   *ALL* are welcome -- so bring a friend!
     Due to space limitations, *please* RSVP accurately for this event at one of the following:
     If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Ben Buss at or 703-829-0220.

Study space: If you need a quiet place to study for finals, and would appreciate getting a couple miles away from campus for it, my wife and I are offering our kitchen table and a variety of desks in other rooms.  Thursday (12/10)-Tuesday (12/15), 3pm-10pm.  Just call us at 703-349-2580 to let us know you are coming -- or to get directions.

GAME NIGHT: 6pm-10pm on Wednesday, 12/16 -- take a break form studying -- if you have time to relax a bit and burn some stress, join us in SUB1 room B to play some games and have some fun!  I'll bring a big stack of card and board games.  ALL are welcome, so bring a friend! 

Grace and peace,
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030