Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday, Reformation Day, and Halloween

Blessed Wednesday, All!

Yes, it's back to work, classes, and "normal" schedules for most of us.  Praying that you weathered the storm without significant incident.  And...I hope the extra time was helpful for some of you trying to catch up on class projects!

Vicar Josh and I will be in the campus ministry office today from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.  Stop by and see us, or give us a shout and we'll meet you somewhere else on campus!

Bible study is a "go" for tomorrow night, Thursday, at 7:30 pm in the campus ministry office.  We'll continue the Exodus with Moses and the rest!  And we may even find some extra Halloween candy if you haven't had your fill already.

Save the dates!  November 12-17 is Hunger and Homelessness Action Week at George Mason.  Lutheran Campus Ministry is a co-sponsor, along with other campus ministry organizations.  For our part, we'll be collecting non-perishables throughout the week for "Our Daily Bread," a local food bank.  If you can help with a kiosk on Monday or Thursday afternoons, please let Vicar Josh and me know.  Also--and this is the really big event--we're teaming up with Arise! campus ministry for a "Stop Hunger Now" meal packaging event on Wednesday, November 14, from 7-9 pm.  Our goal is to package 10,000 freeze-dried meals in just 2 hours!  Please plan to help!

And yes, it's Halloween and Reformation Day.  From Garrison Keillor's The Writer's Almanac for October 31, 2012 (c) American Public Media: 

"Today is All Hallows' Eve, or Halloween. The modern holiday comes from an age-old tradition honoring the supernatural blending of the world of the living and the world of the dead. Halloween is based on a Celtic holiday called Samhain. The festival marked the start of winter and the last stage of the harvest, the slaughtering of animals. It was believed that the dark of winter allowed the spirits of the dead to transgress the borders of death and haunt the living.

"Eventually, Christian holidays developed at around the same time. During the Middle Ages, November 1 became known as All Saints' Day, or All Hallows' Day. The holiday honored all of the Christian saints and martyrs. Medieval religion taught that dead saints regularly interceded in the affairs of the living. On All Saints' Day, churches held masses for the dead and put bones of the saints on display. The night before this celebration of the holy dead became known as All Hallows' Eve. People baked soul cakes, which they would set outside their house for the poor. They also lit bonfires and set out lanterns carved out of turnips to keep the ghosts of the dead away.

"It was on this day in 1517 that Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on a church door in Wittenberg, Germany. Martin Luther was a monk who disagreed with the Catholic Church's practice of selling indulgences, which forgave the punishment for sins. Luther thought that God offered forgiveness freely without having to pay for it, and he wanted to reform the Catholic Church. He posted the theses as points to be argued in a public debate. He had no intention of creating a new branch of the Church, but that is what he did, more or less. He set in motion a huge rift within the Church, which eventually led to the Reformation."

Blessings to all,
Pastor Terry
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Monday, October 29, 2012

To Friends of Lutheran Campus Ministry at GMU

As I write this, the rains have started here in Fairfax County. We are awaiting what some may call the "perfect storm" weather-wise.
Certainly of greatest importance the next few days is staying safe and dry, if possible.  I pray that no harm comes to any of you, and that you are well-prepared to ride this storm out.

In the life of the church, Lutherans are observing the 16th century Reformation, brought on by questioning and inquiry by Martin Luther, the reluctant founder of our denomination.  He didn't intend to start something new--only to reform the church's understanding of God's unwavering love.  Indeed, that love is at the heart of the good news of Jesus Christ.  By grace alone we have been saved--now and for all eternity!

The apostle Paul writes in the 8th chapter of Romans that nothing  "...will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."  That includes storms, wars, testy roommates, crabby adults, and demanding professors--you get the idea.

Hope to see some of you later this week on All Saints Day for our Thursday evening Bible study--7:30 pm in JC 239H, the campus ministry office.  Join us for the first time, if you like, or continue with us on our study of the book of Exodus.

God's blessings,
Pastor Terry
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October 17, 2012

Greetings, All!


First order of business is to offer a big thank you to Vicar Josh for carrying the Lutheran Campus Ministry at GMU banner for the last 2 weeks.  I'm feeling much better now and feel I am well on the road to recovery.  Doctors and others have advised me to take it easy for a few weeks, so…


As I indicated last week, Wednesday night 747 Creative Christian Worship has been cancelled for the rest of October.  Stay tuned for future developments.  Please join one of the other campus ministries for on-campus worship during this time.  I'd also be happy to refer you to a local Lutheran congregation for Sunday worship; there are several nearby, and some offer transportation!


Vicar Josh and I will be in the Campus Ministry Office today, Wednesday, from 1-3 pm or so.  Stop in to say hi, bring any questions, or let one of us know if you want or need counseling.

Tomorrow night, Thursday, there will be the Exodus Bible Study in JC 239 at 7:30 pm with free cookies! Hope to see you all there! If you have not come yet, or have missed a few, you can still get plugged back in! You don't need to have come every time.

Oktoberfest Saturday, October 20!  Vicar Josh and the members at Living Savior Lutheran Church invite all students 21 or over to Living Savior
Lutheran Church's Oktoberfest this Saturday from 6-10 pm! There will be lots of authentic German food.  Alcohol will also be served, requiring the age restriction. So, as long as you are 21 or over, come on out to Living Savior Lutheran Church (just down Ox Road from GMU), and enjoy some German food and fun!
 Contact Vicar Josh in advance if you need transportation or further directions.


Blessings on your week.  Keep in touch!


In Christ,

Pastor Terry Hannon

Lutheran Campus Minister

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Monday, October 8, 2012

Wednesday Worship Cancelled This Week

Please note that our Wednesday night 747 Creative Christian Worship has been cancelled this week due to unforeseen problems.

Join us Thursday night for Vicar Josh's Exodus Bible study.  We are still in the earlier chapters, so it isn't too late to join in.  We're glad to have those who can attend each week.  We also welcome those whose schedules don't permit them to attend every session.

Have a blessed week.  Enjoy Family Weekend beginning Friday!

In Christ,
Pastor Terry 

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Wednesday Worship Cancelled This Week

Please note that our Wednesday night 747 Creative Christian Worship due to unforeseen problems.

Join us Thursday night for Vicar Josh's Exodus Bible study.  We are still in the earlier chapters, so it isn't too late to join in.  We're glad to have those who can attend each week.  We also welcome those whose schedules don't permit them to attend every session.

Have a blessed week.  Enjoy Family Weekend beginning Friday!

In Christ,
Pastor Terry 

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

This Week with Lutheran Campus Ministry

Greetings, All!


We have a lot going on with Lutheran Campus Ministry over the next few days.  I hope you can be part of one or more of these events.


On Wednesday evening, October 3, we gather for 747 Creative Christian Worship with Holy Communion in meeting room D (Rm 333) in the Johnson Center, beginning at 7:47 p.m.  Note location change from previous weeks!

We'll be commemorating St. Francis of Assisi with a Blessing of Animals—although GMU policy doesn't allow live animals indoors, you are encouraged to bring a pet photo, an object associated with your favorite pet or animal (such as a fishbowl, leash, blanket, etc.), or a stuffed animal.

To find room D, take the elevators on the Food Court side of the Atrium and go to 3d floor.  Turn left as you come out of the elevator.  Turn right and go through the double doors; room D is the first room on the left.  Look for us there.


Thursday, October 4, is Exodus Bible study night, 7:30 p.m., in the Campus Ministry Office (JC room 239H).  This week:  Exodus 6-12, including the plagues!—with a reach back to Exodus 4 and the concept of Israel as God's firstborn.  Snacks provided; bring a beverage of choice if you like.


Friday, October 5, is Game Time at the Corner Pocket in the Hub (SUB II), 2nd floor, from 7:00-9:00 p.m.  Games are FREE for GMU students! Bring your student ID. Come out and play billiards, table tennis, air hockey, foosball, XBOX 360, Playstation 3, board games, and more!  Meet us at the Corner Pocket at 7:00 on Friday!


Coming on Monday October 15th: Board Games with free food.  Meet Vicar Josh at JC 239H (2nd floor) at 5:30 p.m.  We will play Apples to Apples and just have some pizza and have fun.  We hope to make this a regular every-other-week gathering to play your favorite board games.


As always (almost), Vicar Josh and I will be in the office (JC, 239H) Wednesday afternoons from 3:00-5:00 p.m.  Stop by for conversation or a prayer!


Have a blessed week.  And as a reminder, you can always check out our schedule of events at


In Christ,

Pastor Terry Hannon

Lutheran Campus Minister

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University