Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Coming Up with Lutheran Campus Ministry

Hope you're staying warm with this winter weather forecast for today.  Vicar Josh and I will be out and about today on the plaza and around the JC from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. distributing flyers for Hunger and Homelessness Action Week next week (more about that later!).  We welcome warm smiles—and hot drinks!


This week with Lutheran Campus Ministry, we have two events planned:


Exodus Bible Study continues and meets Thursday night, November 8, at 7:30 p.m. in the Campus Ministry Office (Johnson Center, Room 239).  This week we're focusing on Exodus 32 and the story of the golden calf! 


It's Bowling Night again on Friday evening.  This time we're headed to BowlAmerica in Burke.  Meet at the campus Starbucks at 4:50 p.m. for a 5:00 departure.  First 3 games are free for GMU students.  Come join us for some fun as you start your weekend.



Today is an appropriate day to pray for missionaries and their courageous witness to good news of Jesus Christ.  Today the Lutheran church remembers John Christian Frederick Heyer and two other missionaries who died on this day.  Heyer was the first missionary sent out by American Lutherans, in the 19th century.  He went to India after teaching at Gettysburg (PA) College and Seminary.



 Hunger and Homelessness Action Week at GMU

begins Sunday, November 11!  Throughout the week, the various campus ministries are sponsoring events to raise awareness of those who are hungry and homeless throughout the world and in our community in particular.  Plan now to take part!


Lutheran Campus Ministry is sponsoring or co-sponsoring a food collection drive and a meal-packaging event known as "Stop Hunger Now".  You can participate in several ways:


Non-perishable food drive:  bring canned, boxed, or bagged foods or other household essentials (like toilet paper) to our kiosks in the JC on Monday, Nov. 12, from 2:30 – 5:00 p.m. and Thursday, Nov. 15, from noon – 2:00 p.m.  We'd also like your help staffing the kiosks on those days.



  Stop Hunger Now meal packaging event  on Wednesday, Nov. 14, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in the Johnson Center, ground floor, in Dewberry Hall.  Lutheran Campus Ministry and Arise! Campus ministry are co-sponsoring this activity.  We need at least 50 people to be part of an assembly line to package 10,000 meals in 2 hours. Bring one or more friends and join us in making a difference!

The Stop Hunger Now meals are highly nutritious, dehydrated meals comprised of rice, soy, vegetables, flavoring and 21 essential vitamins and minerals. Each meal costs approximately 25 cents to make. The meals will be distributed to those in greatest need in developing countries around the world.



As always, Vicar Josh and I look forward to seeing and hearing from you. 

E-mail, call, or text us or give us a shout out on Facebook.  We're also available to help connect you to a local congregation.


Grace and peace,

Pastor Terry

Lutheran Campus Minister

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University