Tuesday, March 31, 2009

(3/31) Pride Week worship, DRUM CIRCLE, Relay for Life, Holy Week, Theology Pub, Movie Night, and much MORE!

Hello friends!   How've you been?  If you'd like to get together for coffee or lunch sometime -- my treat, let me know.  Have something you want to talk about?  Have questions about life?  I'd love to hang with you!

For Pride Week, we've invited the LGBTQ and ally communities to join us for worship!  More details below -- bring a friend and come share God's love!

Read on to find out about:
+ Joining our Relay for Life team at http://main.acsevents.org/goto/gmulutherans 
+ Drum circle
+ Theology Pub
+ Movie night

Before the end of the year, we also hope to participate in a Habitat for Humanity build, have a bake sale (for our Relay for Life team), and have at least one game night!

Also, if you aren't receiving our daily Lenten devotions, and would like to, check out the "Lenten Devotions" group and/or subscribe at http://lentendevotions.blogspot.com.

I hope to see you soon!

Lord, we read how time and time again, you are portrayed as being with those who are oppressed and living on the margins.  Help us to find the strength to share your love with all we meet, both those who are like us and those who are not like us.  In Jesus name, AMEN.

If you wish to unsubscribe, respond to this e-mail with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject.

747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  We gather each week to worship, discuss, sing, pray, and more!  This week, we celebrate Pride Week by inviting the LGBTQ and ally communities to join us as we explore how we all live in exile, how God's love is inclusive, and how we can support each other in life's journey.  There will be music, prayer, discussion, and other activities.  In the JC Bistro at 7:47pm on Wed 4/1  Facebook event HERE .  We affirm the dignity of all people and encourage you to participate however you are most comfortable.  Bring a friend!  Every week is a different experience.  Sponsored by United College Ministries and Lutheran Campus Ministry.  http://GMU747.org

DRUM CIRCLE:  No experience necessary!  I'll bring a bunch of drums and we'll make music together on the SUB I Quad from 5pm-6pm on Wed 4/8.  Come and go as you please -- ALL are welcome!

RELAY FOR LIFE:  Lutheran Campus Ministry is joining the fight against cancer by participating in Relay for Life here at GMU.  We'll have a team meeting to answer questions on Wed 4/8 at 6:45pm in SUB I before worship.  The relay will begin on Saturday 4/18 at 5pm (ending Saturday at 7am).  We'll walk, play games, and camp out!  It'll be a blast!  Being Lutheran is never a requirement - everyone is welcome to join our team by following this link and clicking the "Join our Team" button:  http://main.acsevents.org/goto/gmulutherans 

HOLY WEEK:  We'll carpool to services as local Lutheran congregations for Maundy Thursday (4/9), Good Friday (4/10), & Easter (4/12).  More details early next week...

THEOLOGY PUB:  Gather at Brion's Grille in University Mall (across Braddock from GMU) to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  Bring your questions!  No one will imply they have the truth and you don't.  All are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself food & beverage, and join us for some great conversation!  5:15pm at Brion's Grille on Tuesday 4/14 and 5/5.  Facebook it .  Rides leave from SUB I room 207 at 5pm.  For more info, email lutheran@gmu.edu 

MOVIE NIGHT:  Friday 4/17 we'll have a movie night.  Bring a snack and a friend.  We'll watch a movie & maybe chat a bit afterwards.  Details will be announced early next week...

LENTEN DEVOTIONS:  We're sending out daily devotions until Easter, each including a scripture passage, brief thoughts, and a short prayer.  They are sent as messages to the "Lenten Devotions" group and/or you can view them online and/or subscribe by email/RSS at http://lentendevotions.blogspot.com.

You think I'm joking?  Nope -- being a camp counselor was one of the most powerful summers of my life.  Summer camp changes lives -- both for the campers and the counselors.  I would love it if our dedicated faithful students spent this summer in the daily lives of young people.  Have I wet your appetite?  Drop me a line and we can chat about great places to spend your summer!

Join us for worship during PRIDE WEEK:

747 Creative Christian Worship invites the LGBTQ and ally communities to join us as we explore how we all live in exile, how God's love is inclusive, and how we can support each other in life's journey.  There will be music, prayer, discussion, and other activities.  In the JC Bistro at 7:47pm on Wednesday 4/1/2009.   Facebook event HERE .  We affirm the dignity of all people and encourage you to participate however you are most comfortable.  Sponsored by United College Ministries and Lutheran Campus Ministry.  http://GMU747.org

More info later today on:
+ Relay for Life
+ Peer Ministry Application
+ Drum circles
+ Game/movie nights
+ Picnic
+ Holy Week carpools
+ Mason Day
+ More!

Monday, March 23, 2009

(3/23) Theology Pub / Faith Discussion / Worship / Relay for Life / More!

Greetings friends!

Our next Theology Pub is tomorrow, and Pastor Jeffrey Wilson will be joining us for beer and half-price burgers.  Join us and we'll see where the conversation goes!  Also, join our Relay for Life team at http://main.acsevents.org/goto/gmulutherans 

If you aren't receiving our daily Lenten devotions, and would like to, check out the "Lenten Devotions" group and/or subscribe at http://lentendevotions.blogspot.com.

Let me know if you have thoughts for future events, or if you just want to say "hi".

Lord God, work within us today and help us to notice those in need around us.  Friends who are hurting; strangers who are struggling; people who serve us food who we've never really met.  Help us to share your love with all we encounter.  In Jesus name, AMEN.

If you wish to unsubscribe, respond to this e-mail with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject.

THEOLOGY PUB:  Gather at Brion's Grille in University Mall (across Braddock from GMU) to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  Bring your questions!  No one will imply they have the truth and you don't.  All are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself food & beverage, and join us for some great conversation!  5:15pm at Brion's Grille on Tuesday 3/24, 4/14, and 5/5.  Facebook it.  Rides leave from SUB I room 207 at 5pm.  For more info, email lutheran@gmu.edu 

DISCUSSION GROUP ON FAITH:  Share an afternoon snack and explore some of the challenges of our hearts and the beliefs of the Christian faith.  We discuss our thoughts, experiences, and questions as Pastor Lisa Hufford guides us through ideas of various Christian thinkers while staying rooted in scripture.  Last chance to attend:  Wed 3/25 at 4:30pm in SUB 1 Patriot's Lounge (2nd floor on the blue couches) 

747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  We gather each week to worship, discuss, sing, pray, and more!  Wednesday 3/25 in SUB I room B (3rd floor).  Rededicate yourself to God this Lent by making the sacrifice of giving, and gifting, your time in prayer, reflection, and worship.  When we journey in Lent, we journey together.  Bring a friend!  Every week is a different experience.  See http://GMU747.org for future locations and other information -- or check out the Facebook group

RELAY FOR LIFE:  Lutheran Campus Ministry is joining the fight against cancer by participating in Relay for Life here at GMU.  The relay will be on Saturday 4/18 -- details TBA soon!  Being Lutheran is never a requirement - everyone is welcome to join our team by following this link and clicking the "Join our Team" button:  http://main.acsevents.org/goto/gmulutherans 

LENTEN DEVOTIONS:  We're sending out daily devotions until Easter, each including a scripture passage, brief thoughts, and a short prayer.  They are sent as messages to the "Lenten Devotions" group and/or you can view them online and/or subscribe by email/RSS at http://lentendevotions.blogspot.com.

+ Carpool to Maundy Thursday (4/9) and/or Good Friday (4/10) services at local congregations
+ Mason Day - Thursday 4/23
+ End of year picnic - Saturday 4/25 

You think I'm joking?  Nope -- being a camp counselor was one of the most powerful summers of my life.  Summer camp changes lives -- both for the campers and the counselors.  I would love it if our dedicated faithful students spent this summer in the daily lives of young people.  Have I wet your appetite?  Drop me a line and we can chat about great places to spend your summer!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

(3/17) Game Night, Relay for Life, Theology Pub, Devos, Worship, Discussion, and more!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  It's a celebration of the memory of a 5th century Christian who was humble and courageous, accepting suffering and success with equal indifference as he followed where he believed Christ was leading him.  

I hope everyone had a great break!  Our events for the rest of the semester are coming together, as you can see below.  Important notes:
+ Only two more meetings for the Faith Discussion Group (Weds @ 4:30pm).
+ GAME NIGHT this Friday night starting at 5pm in JC 3rd Floor Meeting Room B.
+ Your input is valued.  Reply to this email if you have thoughts for future events, or if you just want to say "hi".

God, your mystery is deep.  Your spirit blows in ways we can scarcely understand or imagine.  Help us to follow you each day.  In Jesus name, AMEN.

If you wish to unsubscribe, respond to this e-mail with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject.

LENTEN DEVOTIONS:  We're sending out daily devotions until Easter, each including a scripture passage, brief thoughts, and a short prayer.  They are sent as messages to the "Lenten Devotions" group and/or you can view them online and/or subscribe by email/RSS at http://lentendevotions.blogspot.com.

DISCUSSION GROUP ON FAITH:  Share an afternoon snack and explore some of the challenges of our hearts and the beliefs of the Christian faith.  We discuss our thoughts, experiences, and questions as Pastor Lisa Hufford guides us through ideas of various Christian thinkers while staying rooted in scripture.  Only two meetings left!  Wed 3/18 & 3/25 at 4:30pm in SUB 1 Patriot's Lounge (2nd floor on the blue couches) 

747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  We gather each week to worship, discuss, sing, pray, and more!  Wednesday 3/18 in SUB I room B (3rd floor).  Rededicate yourself to God this Lent by making the sacrifice of giving, and gifting, your time in prayer, reflection, and worship.  When we journey in Lent, we journey together.  Bring a friend!  Every week is a different experience.  See http://GMU747.org for future locations and other information -- or check out the Facebook group

GAME NIGHT :  Come hang out and play some of your (and our!) favorite board games and card games! If you want to, feel free to bring a snack to share.  5pm-11pm on Friday 3/20 (come for all or part of the time) in JC 3rd floor meeting room B.  ALL are welcome!  Facebook event 

THEOLOGY PUB:  Gather at Brion's Grille in University Mall (across Braddock from GMU) to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  Bring your questions!  No one will imply they have the truth and you don't.  All are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself food & beverage, and join us for some great conversation!  5:15pm at Brion's Grille on Tuesday 3/24, 4/14, and 5/5.  Facebook it.  Rides leave from SUB I room 207 at 5pm.  For more info, email lutheran@gmu.edu 

RELAY FOR LIFE:  Lutheran Campus Ministry is joining the fight against cancer by participating in Relay for Life here at GMU.  The relay will be on Saturday 4/18 -- details TBA soon!  Being Lutheran is never a requirement - everyone is welcome to join our team by following this link and clicking the "Join our Team" button:  http://main.acsevents.org/goto/gmulutherans 

+ Carpool to Maundy Thursday (4/9) and/or Good Friday (4/10) services at local congregations
+ Mason Day - Thursday 4/23
+ End of year picnic - Saturday 4/25 

You think I'm joking?  Nope -- being a camp counselor was one of the most powerful summers of my life.  Summer camp changes lives -- both for the campers and the counselors.  I would love it if our dedicated faithful students spent this summer in the daily lives of young people.  Have I wet your appetite?  Drop me a line and we can chat about great places to spend your summer!

Monday, March 2, 2009

(3/2) Spring Break, Theology Pub, Lenten Devotions, Worship, Faith Discussions, and other things to come!

I hope you are enjoying your morning off from classes by taking some time to play in the snow!  I know not everyone loves snow as much as I do, but friend of mine used to have a footer at the bottom of her emails that read: "The weather is beautiful no matter what it is, take a walk in it."  So try to take some time to appreciate the natural beauty that has blanketed our area today.  

There are currently TWO spaces available for the Harvest of Hope service-mission trip over spring break.  We'll leave at 2pm on Saturday 3/7 to head to sunny Jacksonville Florida. So if you want to get out of the cold snow, here's your opportunity!  While there, we'll be spending the most of our days "gleaning" -- harvesting food left behind in the fields -- and the fruits of our labor will be distributed to food banks and those in need.  It sounds like there is a pool at the camp we're staying at has a pool, and we'll spend one day on the beach, so it won't be all work.  Spend your spring break doing something meaningful: learning about hunger and doing something about it!  See http://gmu747.org/spbr09.php for information and applications.  (Cost is $100 for GMU/NOVA students, but scholarships are still available!)  Contact us ASAP if you are interested in going so we can get you more information!

PS -- there is a glimpse at upcoming events after spring break near the bottom of this email.

Dear Lord, open our eyes to be amazed by the diverse weather we get to experience living in northern Virginia.  Open our ears that we might hear your still small voice when you call us.  Open our hearts to pull us to do your work in the world.  In Jesus name, AMEN.

If you wish to unsubscribe, respond to this e-mail with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject.

LENTEN DEVOTIONS:  Between Ash Wednesday and Easter,  we'll be sending out daily devotions for your reading pleasure, each including a scripture passage, some brief thoughts (usually written by myself), and a short prayer.    
To view them online and/or subscribe by email/RSSvisit http://lentendevotions.blogspot.com
Alternatively, you can join the "Lenten Devotions" Facebook group, and I'll send them as messages to the group.

THEOLOGY PUB:  Gather at Brion's Grille in University Mall (across Braddock from GMU) to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  Bring your questions!  No barriers to entry. No one will imply they somehow have the truth and you don't.  All are welcome, so bring a friend and come order yourselves some food and a beverage and join us for some great conversation!  Tuesday 3/3 at 5:15pm at Brion's GrilleFacebook event. If you want a ride, email lutheran@gmu.edu 

DISCUSSION GROUP ON FAITH:  Come share an afternoon snack, and explore some of the challenges of our human hearts and the beliefs of the Christian faith.  Pastor Lisa Hufford will lead us as we consider the ideas of various Christian thinkers, pertinent biblical passages, along with our own personal thoughts, experiences, and questions.  Next weekly meeting is Wed 3/4 at 4:30pm in SUB 1 Patriot's Lounge (2nd floor on the blue couches) 

747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  We gather each week to worship, discuss, sing, pray, and more!  Wednesday 2/23 in JC Bistro.  When we journey in Lent, we journey together.  I invite you to consider Lent a time to focus on your spiritual disciplines, to attend church regularly this season, making the sacrifice of giving, and gifting your time in prayer and reflection.  Join us as we journey together.  Bring a friend!  Every week is a different experience.  See http://GMU747.org for future locations and other information -- or check out the Facebook group . 

HARVEST OF HOPE (alternative spring break service mission trip): TWO spaces currently available!  We'll leave at 2pm on Saturday 3/7 to head to sunny Jacksonville Florida. So if you want to get out of the cold snow, here's your opportunity!  While there, we'll be spending the most of our days "gleaning" -- harvesting food left behind in the fields -- and the fruits of our labor will be distributed to food banks and those in need.  It sounds like there is a pool at the camp we're staying at has a pool, and we'll spend one day on the beach, so it won't be all work.  Spend your spring break doing something meaningful: learning about hunger and doing something about it!  See http://gmu747.org/spbr09.php for information and applications.  (Cost is $100 for GMU/NOVA students, but scholarships are still available!)  Contact us ASAP if you are interested in going so we can get you more information!

+ Faith discussion group every Wednesday at 4:30pm
+ 747 creative worship every Wednesday at 7:47pm
+ Game Night on Friday 3/20
+ Theology Pub every third Tuesday: 3/24, 4/14, and 5/5
+ Carpool to Maundy Thursday (4/9) and Good Friday (4/10) services at local congregations
+ Relay for Life - Saturday 4/18
+ Mason Day - Thursday 4/23
+ End of year picnic - Saturday 4/25 

You think I'm joking?  Nope -- being a camp counselor was one of the most powerful summers of my life.  Summer camp changes lives -- both for the campers and the counselors.  I would love it if our dedicated faithful students spent this summer in the daily lives of young people.  Have I wet your appetite?  Drop me a line and we can chat about great places to spend your summer!

AND MORE: There will be much more in the weeks ahead.  Let us know what you are interested in.