Sunday, December 16, 2012

Walk the Labyrinth on Monday afternoon.

The LCM prayer labyrinth will be available to the GMU community on Monday, December 17, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. in Room D on the 3rd floor of the Johnson Center (just above the campus ministry office).  The labyrinth is a tool for a walking meditation.  It can provide an active means of reflecting upon one's life and one's spiritual journey.  Come and relax and have some meditative time to pray to God before break!  Stay for a few minutes or for an hour; come at 1:00 or come later when it suits your schedule.
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Advent/Christmas dinner and social Friday night!

This invitation is coming rather late; still, I hope you can join us for a free holiday meal this coming Friday, December 14.  Even if you haven't taken part in any other LCM events this semester, please know you are welcome.  There will be plenty of food!  We'll begin serving at 7:00 p.m. and go until 9:00.  We provide the meal; you can provide the entertainment!!  Location:  Johnson Center, Room 239A—just one door down the hall from the campus ministry office.  And bring a friend if you like!!

Bible study on Thursday evening:

Advent/Christmas Bible Study at the normal time and place: Thursday the 13th at 7:30pm in JC 239. Come explore what the Bible really says about the first Christmas!


Walk the Labyrinth on Monday afternoon.

The LCM prayer labyrinth will be available to the GMU community on Monday, December 17, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. in Room D on the 3rd floor of the Johnson Center (just above the campus ministry office).  The labyrinth is a tool for a walking meditation.  It can provide an active means of reflecting upon one's life and one's spiritual journey.  Come and relax and have some meditative time to pray to God before break! You could also pray about Jesus coming at Christmas!

I conclude this note with words from Scripture, words that the apostle Paul wrote in the 1st century that still have meaning today.  They remind of you, dear students, and my thoughts of you over the past few weeks.

 "How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy that we feel before our God because of you? Night and day we pray most earnestly that we may see you face to face and restore whatever is lacking in your faith.
Now may our God and Father himself and our Lord Jesus direct our way to you.  And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, just as we abound in love for you."
– 1 Thessalonians 3:9-12

Grace and peace,

Pastor Terry

Lutheran Campus Minister

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Coming Up with Lutheran Campus Ministry

Hope you're staying warm with this winter weather forecast for today.  Vicar Josh and I will be out and about today on the plaza and around the JC from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. distributing flyers for Hunger and Homelessness Action Week next week (more about that later!).  We welcome warm smiles—and hot drinks!


This week with Lutheran Campus Ministry, we have two events planned:


Exodus Bible Study continues and meets Thursday night, November 8, at 7:30 p.m. in the Campus Ministry Office (Johnson Center, Room 239).  This week we're focusing on Exodus 32 and the story of the golden calf! 


It's Bowling Night again on Friday evening.  This time we're headed to BowlAmerica in Burke.  Meet at the campus Starbucks at 4:50 p.m. for a 5:00 departure.  First 3 games are free for GMU students.  Come join us for some fun as you start your weekend.



Today is an appropriate day to pray for missionaries and their courageous witness to good news of Jesus Christ.  Today the Lutheran church remembers John Christian Frederick Heyer and two other missionaries who died on this day.  Heyer was the first missionary sent out by American Lutherans, in the 19th century.  He went to India after teaching at Gettysburg (PA) College and Seminary.



 Hunger and Homelessness Action Week at GMU

begins Sunday, November 11!  Throughout the week, the various campus ministries are sponsoring events to raise awareness of those who are hungry and homeless throughout the world and in our community in particular.  Plan now to take part!


Lutheran Campus Ministry is sponsoring or co-sponsoring a food collection drive and a meal-packaging event known as "Stop Hunger Now".  You can participate in several ways:


Non-perishable food drive:  bring canned, boxed, or bagged foods or other household essentials (like toilet paper) to our kiosks in the JC on Monday, Nov. 12, from 2:30 – 5:00 p.m. and Thursday, Nov. 15, from noon – 2:00 p.m.  We'd also like your help staffing the kiosks on those days.



  Stop Hunger Now meal packaging event  on Wednesday, Nov. 14, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in the Johnson Center, ground floor, in Dewberry Hall.  Lutheran Campus Ministry and Arise! Campus ministry are co-sponsoring this activity.  We need at least 50 people to be part of an assembly line to package 10,000 meals in 2 hours. Bring one or more friends and join us in making a difference!

The Stop Hunger Now meals are highly nutritious, dehydrated meals comprised of rice, soy, vegetables, flavoring and 21 essential vitamins and minerals. Each meal costs approximately 25 cents to make. The meals will be distributed to those in greatest need in developing countries around the world.



As always, Vicar Josh and I look forward to seeing and hearing from you. 

E-mail, call, or text us or give us a shout out on Facebook.  We're also available to help connect you to a local congregation.


Grace and peace,

Pastor Terry

Lutheran Campus Minister

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday, Reformation Day, and Halloween

Blessed Wednesday, All!

Yes, it's back to work, classes, and "normal" schedules for most of us.  Praying that you weathered the storm without significant incident.  And...I hope the extra time was helpful for some of you trying to catch up on class projects!

Vicar Josh and I will be in the campus ministry office today from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.  Stop by and see us, or give us a shout and we'll meet you somewhere else on campus!

Bible study is a "go" for tomorrow night, Thursday, at 7:30 pm in the campus ministry office.  We'll continue the Exodus with Moses and the rest!  And we may even find some extra Halloween candy if you haven't had your fill already.

Save the dates!  November 12-17 is Hunger and Homelessness Action Week at George Mason.  Lutheran Campus Ministry is a co-sponsor, along with other campus ministry organizations.  For our part, we'll be collecting non-perishables throughout the week for "Our Daily Bread," a local food bank.  If you can help with a kiosk on Monday or Thursday afternoons, please let Vicar Josh and me know.  Also--and this is the really big event--we're teaming up with Arise! campus ministry for a "Stop Hunger Now" meal packaging event on Wednesday, November 14, from 7-9 pm.  Our goal is to package 10,000 freeze-dried meals in just 2 hours!  Please plan to help!

And yes, it's Halloween and Reformation Day.  From Garrison Keillor's The Writer's Almanac for October 31, 2012 (c) American Public Media: 

"Today is All Hallows' Eve, or Halloween. The modern holiday comes from an age-old tradition honoring the supernatural blending of the world of the living and the world of the dead. Halloween is based on a Celtic holiday called Samhain. The festival marked the start of winter and the last stage of the harvest, the slaughtering of animals. It was believed that the dark of winter allowed the spirits of the dead to transgress the borders of death and haunt the living.

"Eventually, Christian holidays developed at around the same time. During the Middle Ages, November 1 became known as All Saints' Day, or All Hallows' Day. The holiday honored all of the Christian saints and martyrs. Medieval religion taught that dead saints regularly interceded in the affairs of the living. On All Saints' Day, churches held masses for the dead and put bones of the saints on display. The night before this celebration of the holy dead became known as All Hallows' Eve. People baked soul cakes, which they would set outside their house for the poor. They also lit bonfires and set out lanterns carved out of turnips to keep the ghosts of the dead away.

"It was on this day in 1517 that Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on a church door in Wittenberg, Germany. Martin Luther was a monk who disagreed with the Catholic Church's practice of selling indulgences, which forgave the punishment for sins. Luther thought that God offered forgiveness freely without having to pay for it, and he wanted to reform the Catholic Church. He posted the theses as points to be argued in a public debate. He had no intention of creating a new branch of the Church, but that is what he did, more or less. He set in motion a huge rift within the Church, which eventually led to the Reformation."

Blessings to all,
Pastor Terry
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Monday, October 29, 2012

To Friends of Lutheran Campus Ministry at GMU

As I write this, the rains have started here in Fairfax County. We are awaiting what some may call the "perfect storm" weather-wise.
Certainly of greatest importance the next few days is staying safe and dry, if possible.  I pray that no harm comes to any of you, and that you are well-prepared to ride this storm out.

In the life of the church, Lutherans are observing the 16th century Reformation, brought on by questioning and inquiry by Martin Luther, the reluctant founder of our denomination.  He didn't intend to start something new--only to reform the church's understanding of God's unwavering love.  Indeed, that love is at the heart of the good news of Jesus Christ.  By grace alone we have been saved--now and for all eternity!

The apostle Paul writes in the 8th chapter of Romans that nothing  "...will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."  That includes storms, wars, testy roommates, crabby adults, and demanding professors--you get the idea.

Hope to see some of you later this week on All Saints Day for our Thursday evening Bible study--7:30 pm in JC 239H, the campus ministry office.  Join us for the first time, if you like, or continue with us on our study of the book of Exodus.

God's blessings,
Pastor Terry
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October 17, 2012

Greetings, All!


First order of business is to offer a big thank you to Vicar Josh for carrying the Lutheran Campus Ministry at GMU banner for the last 2 weeks.  I'm feeling much better now and feel I am well on the road to recovery.  Doctors and others have advised me to take it easy for a few weeks, so…


As I indicated last week, Wednesday night 747 Creative Christian Worship has been cancelled for the rest of October.  Stay tuned for future developments.  Please join one of the other campus ministries for on-campus worship during this time.  I'd also be happy to refer you to a local Lutheran congregation for Sunday worship; there are several nearby, and some offer transportation!


Vicar Josh and I will be in the Campus Ministry Office today, Wednesday, from 1-3 pm or so.  Stop in to say hi, bring any questions, or let one of us know if you want or need counseling.

Tomorrow night, Thursday, there will be the Exodus Bible Study in JC 239 at 7:30 pm with free cookies! Hope to see you all there! If you have not come yet, or have missed a few, you can still get plugged back in! You don't need to have come every time.

Oktoberfest Saturday, October 20!  Vicar Josh and the members at Living Savior Lutheran Church invite all students 21 or over to Living Savior
Lutheran Church's Oktoberfest this Saturday from 6-10 pm! There will be lots of authentic German food.  Alcohol will also be served, requiring the age restriction. So, as long as you are 21 or over, come on out to Living Savior Lutheran Church (just down Ox Road from GMU), and enjoy some German food and fun!
 Contact Vicar Josh in advance if you need transportation or further directions.


Blessings on your week.  Keep in touch!


In Christ,

Pastor Terry Hannon

Lutheran Campus Minister

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Monday, October 8, 2012

Wednesday Worship Cancelled This Week

Please note that our Wednesday night 747 Creative Christian Worship has been cancelled this week due to unforeseen problems.

Join us Thursday night for Vicar Josh's Exodus Bible study.  We are still in the earlier chapters, so it isn't too late to join in.  We're glad to have those who can attend each week.  We also welcome those whose schedules don't permit them to attend every session.

Have a blessed week.  Enjoy Family Weekend beginning Friday!

In Christ,
Pastor Terry 

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Wednesday Worship Cancelled This Week

Please note that our Wednesday night 747 Creative Christian Worship due to unforeseen problems.

Join us Thursday night for Vicar Josh's Exodus Bible study.  We are still in the earlier chapters, so it isn't too late to join in.  We're glad to have those who can attend each week.  We also welcome those whose schedules don't permit them to attend every session.

Have a blessed week.  Enjoy Family Weekend beginning Friday!

In Christ,
Pastor Terry 

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

This Week with Lutheran Campus Ministry

Greetings, All!


We have a lot going on with Lutheran Campus Ministry over the next few days.  I hope you can be part of one or more of these events.


On Wednesday evening, October 3, we gather for 747 Creative Christian Worship with Holy Communion in meeting room D (Rm 333) in the Johnson Center, beginning at 7:47 p.m.  Note location change from previous weeks!

We'll be commemorating St. Francis of Assisi with a Blessing of Animals—although GMU policy doesn't allow live animals indoors, you are encouraged to bring a pet photo, an object associated with your favorite pet or animal (such as a fishbowl, leash, blanket, etc.), or a stuffed animal.

To find room D, take the elevators on the Food Court side of the Atrium and go to 3d floor.  Turn left as you come out of the elevator.  Turn right and go through the double doors; room D is the first room on the left.  Look for us there.


Thursday, October 4, is Exodus Bible study night, 7:30 p.m., in the Campus Ministry Office (JC room 239H).  This week:  Exodus 6-12, including the plagues!—with a reach back to Exodus 4 and the concept of Israel as God's firstborn.  Snacks provided; bring a beverage of choice if you like.


Friday, October 5, is Game Time at the Corner Pocket in the Hub (SUB II), 2nd floor, from 7:00-9:00 p.m.  Games are FREE for GMU students! Bring your student ID. Come out and play billiards, table tennis, air hockey, foosball, XBOX 360, Playstation 3, board games, and more!  Meet us at the Corner Pocket at 7:00 on Friday!


Coming on Monday October 15th: Board Games with free food.  Meet Vicar Josh at JC 239H (2nd floor) at 5:30 p.m.  We will play Apples to Apples and just have some pizza and have fun.  We hope to make this a regular every-other-week gathering to play your favorite board games.


As always (almost), Vicar Josh and I will be in the office (JC, 239H) Wednesday afternoons from 3:00-5:00 p.m.  Stop by for conversation or a prayer!


Have a blessed week.  And as a reminder, you can always check out our schedule of events at


In Christ,

Pastor Terry Hannon

Lutheran Campus Minister

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Worship With Lutheran Campus Ministry

It's a light schedule week for Lutheran Campus Ministry at GMU, which makes it a good week to explore ecumenical relationships!!  Having said that, however,  don't forget about

747 Creative Christian Worship
Tonight!   (Wednesday) at 7:47 in the Hub, Meeting Room 1!
All are welcome to join us then!

I've noticed that many of you are encountering big projects, tests, exams, etc, and that can certainly be a stressful time.  Praying for you all, regardless of your need.  Remember to take time for yourself and for nurturing your relationship with God this week.

Vicar Josh and I are in the Campus Ministry office today and every Wednesday from 1-3 pm.  Stop by and see us!  As always, know that if this time doesn't suit you, feel free to call, text, or e-mail us and set up a different time.

"What a God!  His road stretches straight and smooth....Everyone who runs toward Him makes it."
  - Psalm 18:30, The Message Bible

Grace and peace,
Pastor Terry
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Exodus Bible Study

The Exodus Bible Study is in its second week! We will go over key points in Exodus
1-5 Thursday Night (that's tonight!) at 7:30 in the Campus Ministry Office, JC 239. And this time
there will be FREE PIZZA! So come along, bring a drink and a pen or pencil, and
enjoy some FREE PIZZA! You can also bring a bible, but there are bibles there for
you to use as well.

We went over key points throughout the book of Exodus last week. If you want that
material to help catch up, let me know and I can email it to you. However, don't feel
like you cannot join this study if you missed week one. Join anytime!

Hope to see you all tonight at 7:30 pm!

-Vicar Josh

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Monday, September 17, 2012

This Week with Lutheran Campus Ministry

Greetings, students and friends of Lutheran Campus Ministry at GMU!


We offer special prayers for those who fallen victim to the virus that has invaded the campus these last weeks.  We hope you are well on your way to health and wholeness.  We pray also for those whose loved ones have been victims of violence in the past week as they serve the United States in foreign lands.  May God comfort you during this difficult time.


Join us this week for 747 Creative Christian Worship with Holy Communion on Wednesday evening, September 19, in meeting room 1 at the Hub, beginning at 7:47 p.m.  Bring a friend!  Note that our weekly worship will take place on Wednesday evenings at 7:47.  


Our fall Bible Study is off to a great start.  Join Vicar Josh on Thursday evening, September 19, at 7:30 p.m. in the Campus Ministry Office (Johnson Center, Room 239).  We're journeying through the book of Exodus.  No previous experience is required—but if you have a Bible, bring it along.  And if you have a chance, browse the first five chapters.


Office hours:  Vicar Josh is in the Campus Ministry office on most Monday afternoons from 3-5 p.m.  On Wednesday afternoon, from 1-3 p.m., Vicar Josh and I will both be there.  We'd love to see you; stop by JC Room 239 and chat! 


Registration materials are available for "Here I Run" on Saturday, November 3.  This is a fun run/walk at Lake Accotink Park in North Springfield to benefit Northern Virginia Lutheran Campus Ministries, our parent organization.  We're looking for runners and volunteers.  Let me know if you want more information.


We are always willing to have you share your ideas and needs; none are too small!


In Christ,

Pastor Terry Hannon

Lutheran Campus Minister

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Friday, September 14, 2012

Holy Cross Day - September 14

Today the Church celebrates Holy Cross Day.  It's a day we remember how Jesus came into his glory by being lifted up on the Cross of crucifixion--yet his death wasn't the last word.  Indeed Christ overcame death for the sake of the world.  Today would be a good day to remember your baptism into Jesus Christ's death and resurrection.  And while you're at it, make the sign of the cross on your forehead! 
St. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 1:18, 21-24  "For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God...For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, God decided, through the foolishness of our proclamation, to save those who believe. For Jews demand signs and Greeks desire wisdom, but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God."
On this day, we pray for grace to choose the way of the Cross and for Christ's gift of hope to the world through his death on the Cross and his resurrection.

Lift high the Cross!
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Monday, September 10, 2012

This Week With Lutheran Campus Ministry at GMU

I pray that everyone fared Saturday's storm well.  I'm spending part of the day cleaning up some tree branches and pine cones blown down by the wind.  It's amazing how the lack of electricity for 18 hours can play havoc with a person's routine!  I'm grateful to God that I have only endured inconvenience.

We had a lot of fun bowling on Friday night; just wish more of you could have been there!  We hope to get together at least one Friday a month for fun, fellowship, and community-building.


Arise Campus Ministry invites us to a free concert in the HUB Ballroom on Monday, September 10, at 8:00 p.m.  The concert features the Mark Swayze Band, a Christian recording group.  They will feature music off of their current album "This Album Feeds Children".  To date they have provided 15,000 meals for children and their families through album sales and their partnership with Children's Hunger Fund ( through Lauren's Table (
For more info about the Mark Swayze band and to hear some of their songs check out their website

On Wednesday afternoon, from 1-3 p.m., Vicar Josh and I will be in the Campus Ministry office.  We'd love to see you and talk about your hopes and dreams--for school and for campus ministry.  Stop by JC Room 239 and chat!  We'll be there most Wednesdays at the same time and hope to add other regular times.  Otherwise,  email or call us, and we'll find a time that works best for you!  

747 Creative Christian Worship with Holy Communion will be held on Wednesday evening, September 12, in meeting room 1 at the HUB, beginning at 7:47 p.m.  Please join us and bring a friend!  Note that our weekly worship will take place on Wednesday evenings at 7:47.  


Beginning Thursday!

Eager to learn more about the Bible?  Join Vicar Josh on Thursday evening, September 13, at 7:30 p.m. in the Campus Ministry Office (Johnson Center, Room 239).  We'll begin with a trip through the book of Exodus.


It's not too late to register for

Unplug. Relax. Renew." the upcoming young adult (18 to 35)retreat September 21-23 at the Northbay Retreat Center, North East, MD.  The retreat is sponsored by the Metro Washington and Delaware-Maryland Synods of the ELCA.

From Pastor Amy Sevimli (

"No question, life is busy. Whether you're grinding out the semester as a college or grad student, working an impossibly busy job, or simply trying to figure out "that next step" personally or professionally, your body and spirit is more than ready to step away for a few days, immerse yourself in nature, reconnect with God, meet new people, and recharge your spirit.

During our upcoming Young Adult Retreat, you'll join dozens of other young adults from across the D.C. area, Delaware and Maryland for a unique opportunity to "unplug, relax and breathe" at the beautiful North Bay Retreat Center.

"During this weekend getaway, you'll enjoy:

· A variety of recreational activities (adventure activities) led by camp staff

· Basketball, hikes

· Nightly bonfires by the bay

· Prayer, reflection and other spiritual practices you can incorporate into your

daily life

"The cost is $99, which includes lodging, Saturday meals, Sunday brunch and staff/supplies for the adventure activities and bonfire!

If cost is an issue, or if you have any other questions, please contact Pastor Amy Sevimli at; some scholarships are available.   "To register to attend, visit

For more information about North Bay Retreat Center, visit"   To find out more about Metro DC Young Adults, visit

Planning Ahead:  Want to get involved in helping to plan for the fall and spring?  Contact me to share your ideas and needs; none are too small!

And remember to save Saturday, November 3, for a fun run/walk at Lake Accotink Park in North Springfield.  This is a fundraiser for Northern Virginia Lutheran Campus Ministries, our parent organization.  We're looking for runners and volunteers.


Hope to see you sometime this week.  May God's grace and peace abound wherever you are.


In Christ,

Pastor Terry Hannon

Lutheran Campus Minister



You are receiving this e-mail because you have expressed an interest in LCM at GMU at some time in the past or because we have received a referral from a colleague or congregation.  If you wish to be removed from our contact list, please reply to this message and let us know.   And if you know someone who would appreciate hearing from us, please let us know!


--Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Friday is Bowling Night

Come bowling with Pastor Terry Hannon and Vicar Josh at Bowl America Fairfax this Friday (September 7th) at 7:30pm. We will meet on the GMU campus at 7 to carpool, at the Starbucks at Northern Neck, then head over to the bowling alley. Rides will be available for those who need them. So meet us there for a ride!

And the bowling will be free for GMU students (up to 3 games)! So come, learn about Lutheran Campus Ministry at GMU,  and enjoy Free Bowling Friday Night! See you then!

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September with Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason

To Our Friends of Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason:


Grace and peace to you from God our Creator and from our Redeemer, Jesus Christ!  I'm Terry Hannon, and I look forward to serving you for another semester as the Lutheran campus minister at George Mason!


I'm pleased to have Vicar Josh Rusert from Living Savior Lutheran Church as a regular volunteer with LCM this coming year.  Josh is a student at Concordia Lutheran Seminary in St. Louis and is studying to be a pastor.


Now that Labor Day has come and gone, and Mason Patriots have a full week of classes behind them, the summer seems like a mere memory.  With you, I am full of anticipation looking ahead to what the Fall season has in store.


I hope that you'll prayerfully consider making Lutheran Campus Ministry a part of your university life experience.  Listed below are a few upcoming events: 


Our first gathering will be for 747 Creative Christian Worship with Holy Communion on Wednesday evening, September 5, in meeting room 1 at the HUB, beginning at 7:47 p.m.  Please join us and bring a friend!  Note that our weekly worship will take place on Wednesday evenings at 7:47.  Why 747?  Come and find out!!


Join us for bowling on Friday night, September 7, beginning at 7:30 p.m. at Bowl America Fairfax.  The first 3 games, plus shoe rental, are on us!  We'll meet on campus at 7:00 p.m. for those who want to carpool. Watch Facebook for more info; if you want to carpool, e-mail


Arise Campus Ministry invites us to a free concert in the HUB Ballroom on Monday, September 10, at 8:00 p.m.  The concert features the Mark Swayze Band, a Christian recording group.  They will feature music off of their current album "This Album Feeds Children".  To date they have provided 15,000 meals for children and their families through album sales and their partnership with Children's Hunger Fund ( through Lauren's Table (
For more info about the Mark Swayze band and to hear some of their songs check out their website



Unplug. Relax. Renew." is the upcoming young adult retreat (18 to 35) September 21-23 at the Northbay Retreat Center, North East, MD.  The retreat is sponsored by the Metro Washington and Delaware-Maryland Synods of the ELCA.

From Pastor Amy Sevimli (

"No question, life is busy. Whether you're grinding out the semester as a college or grad student, working an impossibly busy job, or simply trying to figure out "that next step" personally or professionally, your body and spirit is more than ready to step away for a few days, immerse yourself in nature, reconnect with God, meet new people, and recharge your spirit.

During our upcoming Young Adult Retreat, you'll join dozens of other young adults from across the D.C. area, Delaware and Maryland for a unique opportunity to "unplug, relax and breathe" at the beautiful North Bay Retreat Center.

"During this weekend getaway, you'll enjoy:

· A variety of recreational activities (adventure activities) led by camp staff

· Basketball, hikes

· Nightly bonfires by the bay

· Prayer, reflection and other spiritual practices you can incorporate into your

daily life

"The cost is $99, which includes lodging, Saturday meals, Sunday brunch and staff/supplies for the adventure activities and bonfire!

If cost is an issue, or if you have any other questions, please contact Pastor Amy Sevimli at; some scholarships are available.   "To register to attend, visit

For more information about North Bay Retreat Center, visit"   To find out more about Metro DC Young Adults, visit


Again, I look forward to getting to know you and to worshipping with you Wednesday evening.


In Christ,

Pastor Terry Hannon

Lutheran Campus Minister

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Welcome New and Returning Students!

Grace, mercy, and peace to you this day!
Ah, time for a new semester and a new school year to begin!  Lutheran Campus Ministry extends a hearty welcome back to returning Mason students.  We also extend a warm welcome to those of you who are new to George Mason University!
We hope you will consider letting us be part of your university experience.  We'd like to be part of your journey and help you link your faith with your school life.
Look here, on Facebook, and on Twitter for news of upcoming events.  If you want to be part of our e-mail address list, send us a note to
Hope to meet you soon!

In Christ,
Pastor Terry Hannon
Lutheran Campus Minister
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Monday, June 18, 2012

Welcome new and prospective students on campus this week for Orientation!
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Reminder: Service Event on Saturday!

Hi Everybody,

This is a reminder of this coming Saturday's  service opportunity from 8:30 a.m. to noon at  King of Kings Lutheran Church, Fairfax.

Stop Hunger Now is a meal packaging program run by an international hunger relief organization that coordinates the distribution of food around the world. The organization is driven by a vision to end world hunger in our lifetime.

On June 16, using an assembly line process, we'll package 10,000 meals in just two hours. The Stop Hunger Now meals are highly nutritious, dehydrated meals comprised of rice, soy, vegetables, flavoring and 21 essential vitamins and minerals. Each meal costs approximately 25 cents to make. The meals are easy to transport, store and distribute to those in greatest need. 

Here's the schedule for Saturday, June 16th:

8:30 a.m.    Light breakfast

9:00 a.m.    Briefing/instructions/begin preparing meals

12:00 Noon Finish


King of Kings is located about 7 miles northwest of GMU at 4025 Kings Way, Fairfax, 22033, just off US 50 and just west of the Fairfax County Parkway.


Interested?  Please let me know via e-mail or phone.  Please indicate if you need transportation to get there.


For more information on the Stop Hunger Now program, visit on the web.

Freshman orientations begin on Monday.  If you're on campus and see a bewildered face, stop and say hi.  (It could be me!)

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Service Opportunity

Service Opportunity this Month!

For those who are in the Fairfax-GMU area, we invite you to take part in a service opportunity on Saturday, June 16, from 8:30 a.m. to noon.  King of Kings Lutheran Church, Fairfax, is hosting a Stop Hunger Now event.

Stop Hunger Now is a meal packaging program run by an international hunger relief organization that coordinates the distribution of food around the world. The organization is driven by a vision to end world hunger in our lifetime.

On June 16, King of Kings hopes to assemble a team of 50 volunteers. Using an assembly line process, we'll package 10,000 meals in just two hours. The Stop Hunger Now meals are highly nutritious, dehydrated meals comprised of rice, soy, vegetables, flavoring and 21 essential vitamins and minerals. Each meal costs approximately 25 cents to make. The meals are easy to transport, store and distribute to those in greatest need. 

Here's the schedule for Saturday, June 16th:

8:30 a.m.    Light breakfast

9:00 a.m.    Briefing/instructions/begin preparing meals

12:00 Noon Finish

King of Kings is located about 7 miles northwest of GMU at 4025 Kings Way, Fairfax, 22033, just off US 50 and just west of the Fairfax County Parkway.

Interested?  Please let me know via e-mail or phone. Also  indicate if you need transportation to get there.

For more information on the Stop Hunger Now program, visit on the web.

I hope some of you will join us!  Oh, yes—we are considering co-sponsoring a Stop Hunger Now event on campus with United College Ministries during Hunger and Homelessness Action Week in November.  This would be a great opportunity to see firsthand what the program is all about—and to help those in need while having fellowship with fellow Christians!

Grace and peace,

Pastor Terry

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Sunday, June 3, 2012

"Come, join the dance of Trinity, before all worlds begun—

the interweaving of the Three, the Father, Spirit, Son.

The universe of space and time did not arise by chance,

but as the Three, in love and hope, made room within their dance."


- Richard Leach, ©2001 Selah Publishing Co., Inc.

Evangelical Lutheran Worship Hymn #412

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Monday, May 28, 2012

A Prayer for Memorial Day

On this Memorial Day, remembering those who gave of themselves for our country and our freedoms.

Many thanks to colleague Chris Duckworth for the prayer which I share here...

Almighty God, you are our strength and our shield. We give you thanks for the men and women of our armed forces, past and present, and especially for those who have died while serving. May their sacrifices serve the cause of peace, and may our nation be ever grateful for their service. With your wisdom and strength guide our military's leaders, and give to all people a desire for justice and peace. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

In Christ,
Terry Hannon
Lutheran Campus Minister
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Winding Down and Commencement

Special prayers go out to all you Mason students, faculty members, and staff members as spring semester winds down.
We also know the time is nearing for new beginnings for some of you as graduation comes up.  Congratulations!
On Wednesday, May 9, we hold our final 747 Creative Christian Worship for the semester with United College Ministries.  The format will be a bit different from usual, allowing you more time to come and go as best fits your study plans.  Do join us though, beginning at 7:47pm in Johnson Center, 3rd floor, Room F.
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

This Week With Lutheran Campus Ministry

Mark, Evangelist:  We give thanks today (April 25) for the witness of Mark.  Although Mark was not one of the twelve apostles, he was probably a member of the early church community. The gospel that bears his name is the shortest, most direct, and is thought to be the first to be written.  Most notably, he began his gospel by stating quite simply, "The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God." (Mk 1.1)

747 Creative Christian Worship: "When the Training Wheels Come Off."  Wednesday at 7:47pm in JC meeting room F (3rd floor, ask the info desk or call 703-829-0220 for help finding us).  ALL are welcome!  Take a break from those end-of-semester studies to join us…and bring a friend!  Co-sponsored with United College Ministries.

Table Talk:  This week's Table Talk begins Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. in Johnson Center, Room 239H (Campus Ministry Association office.)  Sponsored by United College Ministries.  Note the location change.


World Malaria Day, Wednesday, April 25:   As we remember those individuals and communities suffering from malaria, we pray for God's light to enter into the world and shine brighter than any darkness. We pray that we may also be a light to those who are suffering and to future generations, by taking strides and raising funds to end malaria now.


Summer Jobs:  Haven't decided how you'll be spending the summer?  Consider a rewarding job at one of our camp and conference centers.  Mar-Lu-Ridge is located in Jefferson, MD, in the Catoctin Mountains near Frederick.  Caroline Furnace  is located in Fort Valley, VA, on the Massanutten Mountain in the Shenandoah Valley.

For Mar-Lu-Ridge, contact, call 301-874-5544, or visit  For Caroline Furnace,  contact, call 540-933-6266, or visit


Planning Ahead:  Planning to be around GMU or the local area this summer or fall?  Want to get involved in next year's planning?  Contact me to share your ideas and needs; none are too small!


Grace and peace,

Pastor Terry

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

747 + Dr. Merten's Last Lecture and More

747 Creative Christian Worship: Wednesday at 7:47pm in JC meeting room F (3rd floor, ask the info desk or call 703-829-0220 for help finding us.  ALL are welcome!  Co-sponsored with United College Ministries.

President Merten's "Last Lecture":  Answering the question, "What wisdom would you try to impart to the world if you knew it was your last chance?" President Alan Merten will address students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends on Thursday, April 19 from 5:00 - 6:00 pm. at the Bellarmine (Catholic) Chapel (corner of Roberts Road and Shenandoah Lane by Presidents Park). Sponsored by Campus Ministry Association and University Life.


Table Talk:  Weekly gathering at St. George United Methodist Church beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday evening.  Meet at 6:30 at Sandy Creek Circle if you need a ride from the GMU campus.  Sponsored by United College Ministries.


World Malaria Day, Wednesday, April 25:   Did you know that a child dies from malaria every 45 seconds?  Instituted by the World Health Organization, World Malaria Day is a time for recognizing the global effort to provide effective control of malaria.  In 2010, about 3.3 billion people - almost half of the world's population - were at risk of malaria.  Every year, this leads to about 216 million malaria cases and an estimated 655,000 deaths.  Help Lutheran Campus Ministries raise awareness and funds to prevent malaria through the ELCA Malaria Campaign.  Contact me for more information.


Summer Jobs:  Haven't decided how you'll be spending the summer?  Consider a rewarding job at one of our camp and conference centers.  Mar-Lu-Ridge is located in Jefferson, MD, in the Catoctin Mountains near Frederick.  Caroline Furnace  is located in Fort Valley, VA, on the Massanutten Mountain in the Shenandoah Valley.

For Mar-Lu-Ridge, contact, call 301-874-5544, or visit  For Caroline Furnace,  contact, call 540-933-6266, or visit

As the semester winds down, know that I'm holding you in my thoughts and prayers.

In Christ,

Pastor Terry

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

This Week: 747 and More

747 Creative Christian Worship: Tonight (Wednesday) at 7:47pm in JC meeting room F (3rd floor, ask the info desk or call 703-829-0220 for help finding us.  ALL are welcome!  (Co-sponsored with United College Ministries.)

Table Talk:  Weekly gathering at St. George United Methodist Church beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday evening.  Meet at 6:30 at Sandy Creek Circle if you need a ride from the GMU campus. (United College Ministries)


Saturday, April 14, Service Opportunity:  Potato Drop Service Day.  Meet at 8:00 a.m. at the Starbucks on campus to go to St. Matthew's United Methodist Church, Annandale.  We will be filling bags with thousands of pounds of potatoes that will be donated to area food banks to feed families.  Help us make a difference in the community and participate in the good work that God is doing in the world.  (United College Ministries)


Future Service Opportunity:  Lutheran Campus Ministries at GMU has received a grant to help us raise funds to treat and prevent malaria in Africa.  Let me know if you're interested in participating.  I'd love to have your help and your ideas!


What Ideas Do You Have?:  How can we serve you in sharing and strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ?  How can we support you?  Please let me know if you have ideas for service projects that you'd like to take part in (or plan), social events for drawing our community together, Bible study topics you'd like to learn more about, etc.

Please share these emails with a friend or two – more people will know that we exist with your help. 

If you don't want to receive these emails, just reply and let us know.


Easter blessings,

Pastor Terry Hannon
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University