Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pumpkin Carving/Game night + new Bible study + worship + MORE!

I just read that more people are living alone than ever before.  Sharing living space with others can be inconvenient, but we were made to live in community.  We need other people -- even if they do leave their mess on the floor.  It got me thinking.  If we have enough interested people to pull it off, I would love it if we took over one (or two!) of the student apartments next year as dedicated to intentional Christian community.  Let me know if you are interested.

VERITAS FORUM:  (*TODAY*) Some other Christian communities on campus are sponsoring a dialogue about how we face evil in an age of genocide and terror, led by Os Guiness.  Two sessions on Thursday 10/29:
+ Noon-1pm in the JC Cinema, Facebook event.
+ 7:30pm-10:30pm in the JC Dewberry Hall, Facebook event.
(I hope to make it to the later one, where the extra time is for round-table discussion.)

PUMPKIN CARVING & GAME NIGHT: We'll carve some pumpkins and then play some games.  Friday 10/30, 5pm-whenever, at my house, 10627 Lakeside Oak Ct, 22015, click for directions.  Rides available from campus (pick-up anytime after 4:45pm) -- just call 703-829-0220.

SUNDAY WORSHIP: This Sunday, I'll be going to the 10AM service at the Church of the Common Table, which meets at Jammin' Java in Vienna.  3 people attended a recent conference will each have 21 minutes to share their thoughts on Christianity in the 21st century, and why this conference really got them thinking.  Then there will be communion.  If you'd like a ride, just email or call/text 703-829-0220 (by 8pm Saturday).  Leave a phone number so I can reach you. (--Ben)

BIBLE STUDY: "Family Time" exploring what it means to be a community in Christ: relationships, struggles, etc. from the one-on-one level to the global level.  Mondays 7pm-8pm at Emma's dorm in Chesapeake starting 11/2 (that's this Monday!).  Call Emma at 443-621-7387 with questions.  ***If you are interested in this, but need it to be shifted an hour earlier/later, just let us know & we just might move it for next week!***

747 CREATIVE CHRISTIAN WORSHIP:  EVERYONE is welcome, and everyone's voice matters -- so bring a friend.  Co-sponsored with United College Ministries.  Every Wedndesday at 7:47pm.  We're in ***SUB1 room B*** again this week.  Complete room schedule at -- Facebook group: GMU747.

THEOLOGY PUB:  We'll gather at the RATHSKELLER in the lower level of SUB1 to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  ALL are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself dinner, and join in the conversation!  5:15pm on these Tuesdays: 11/10/2009 and 12/1/2009. 

HUNGER AND HOMELESSNESS ACTION WEEK:  November 15-21 is the GMU Campus Ministry Association's annual Action Week to bring the campus community together to learn about hunger and homelessness and what can be done to alleviate these issues.  Let me know if you'd like to help. -- Facebook group.

God almighty, you made us to live in community, to care for each other.  Help us to live out that intention.  May we take the opportunity to support those around us who are grieving, to laugh with those who celebrate, and to lend a loving hand whenever we can.  All this we pray in the name of Jesus, our Lord.  AMEN.

Grace and peace,
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fwd: Worship + KIDS + GAME NIGHT + BIBLE Study + Action Week + more!

Do you miss traditional Lutheran worship - or want to check it out for the first time?
Looking for worship that is more creative, experimental, and experiential?
Want to play with kids or to to help move the GMU community to help people who are hungry and/or homeless
Interested in digging deeper into scripture and faith?  Just want fun and community? 
Opportunities for all this and more below.  In the meantime -- have a great weekend!

SUNDAY WORSHIP: This Sunday, I'll be going to the 11AM service at King of Kings Lutheran -- if you'd like a ride, just email (by 8pm Saturday) or call 703-829-0220 (by 9:30am Sunday).  Leave a phone number so I can reach you. (--Ben)

FUN WITH KIDS: Playing sports/games, helping with art projects, or tutoring elementary-aged kids a short walk from campus at the Main Street Child Development Center. 2-3:30pm on Monday 10/26.  Meet Katie at 1:40pm by SUB 1 room 207 (the Campus Ministry Office) to walk over together.

747 CREATIVE CHRISTIAN WORSHIP:  Back in ***SUB1 room B*** this week.  EVERYONE is welcome -- so bring a friend.  Co-sponsored with United College Ministries.  Every Wedndesday at 7:47pm.  Complete room schedule at -- Facebook group: GMU747.

VERITAS FORUM: Some other Christian communities on campus are sponsoring a dialogue about how we face evil in an age of genocide and terror, led by Os Guiness.  Two sessions on Thursday 10/29:
+ Noon-1pm in the JC Cinema, Facebook event.
+ 7:30pm-10:30pm in the JC Dewberry Hall, Facebook event.
(I hope to make it to the later one, where the extra time is for round-table discussion.)

GAME NIGHT: Friday 10/30 (tentatively).  Time/place TBA soon. (Respond with input.)

BIBLE STUDY: "Family Time" exploring what it means to be a community in Christ: relationships, struggles, etc. from the one-on-one level to the global level.  Mondays 7pm-8pm at Emma's dorm starting 11/2.  Call Emma at 443-621-7387 with questions.

THEOLOGY PUB:  We'll gather at the RATHSKELLER in the lower level of SUB1 to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  ALL are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself dinner, and join in the conversation!  5:15pm on these Tuesdays: 11/10/2009 and 12/1/2009. 

HUNGER AND HOMELESSNESS ACTION WEEK:  November 15-21 is the GMU Campus Ministry Association's annual Action Week to bring the campus community together to learn about hunger and homelessness and what can be done to alleviate these issues.  Let me know if you'd like to help. -- Facebook group.

Lord God, thank you for each breath we take.  Allow us to always remember that life is a gift, and to find ways to dance as we find ways to share your love with all we meet.  In Jesus' name, AMEN.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Grace and peace,
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030

Monday, October 19, 2009

LOVE FEAST WORSHIP + Service Overnight + KIDS + Bible Study + Theology Pub + Hunger and Homelessness Action Week

Ever hear of a LOVE FEAST?  It's is a loose worship service including a social meal.  Intrigued?  Join us at worship this week in the Bistro!  (We'll have plenty of food, so you don't have to bring anything -- but it will be a potluck, so feel free to bring something to share if you'd like.)  It's all about Christian love, shared food, and welcoming everyone -- so it is a great time to bring a friend or two.  It will be tasty!

747 CREATIVE CHRISTIAN WORSHIP:  In the ***JC Bistro*** this week.  We'll be having a potluck worship (so don't eat a big dinner beforehand) -- what could be called an "Agape Meal" or a "Love Feast".  You don't have to bring food, but if feel free to bring whatever you are inclined to bring.  EVERYONE is welcome -- so bring a friend.  We'll intermix eating and worship.  Co-sponsored with United College Ministries.  Every Wedndesday at 7:47pm.  This week, we are in the ***JC Bistro***.  Complete room schedule at -- Facebook group: GMU747.

SERVICE OVERNIGHT: ALL students studying in the D.C. metro area are invited to participate in an overnight service retreat at Mar-Lu-Ridge in Jefferson, Maryland on October 23-24.  It's a great chance to meet other students form the area, have some fun, spend some time outdoors, and to serve the world beyond your door.  Let us know ASAP if you are interested in going! 

PLANNING MEETING:  Yup, it's about that time again.  All who are interested in helping us brainstorm and/or plan events are welcome -- Bible studies, service events, game nights, movie nights, or anything else.  I'm thinking it will be this Sunday afternoon. Let me know if you are interested and I'll be sure to keep you in the loop!  :-)

FUN WITH KIDS: Playing sports/games & tutoring elementary-aged kids a short walk from campus at the Main Street Child Development Center. 2-3:30pm on Monday 10/26.  We'll walk over from campus -- exact meeting time TBA soon.

BIBLE STUDY: Starting Monday 10/26.  Details TBA soon!  Let us know if you are interested.

THEOLOGY PUB:  We'll gather at the RATHSKELLER in the lower level of SUB1 to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  ALL are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself dinner, and join in the conversation!  5:15pm on these Tuesdays: 11/10/2009 and 12/1/2009. 

HUNGER AND HOMELESSNESS ACTION WEEK:  Each year, the GMU Campus Ministry Association sponsors HHAW to bring the campus community together to learn about hunger and homelessness and what can be done to alleviate these issues.  This year, it will be November 15-21 and I'm directing the efforts -- and if any of you have ideas of how you think we can make the week better than ever, I'd love to hear them.  If you want to help plan an event, I can probably put you in touch with some ideas.  More opportunities for how you can help during the week soon!  Facebook group.

Lord God, we want to know you.  We admit that sometimes we struggle, or find that we don't set aside the time necessary to listen for your still small voice.  Yet we know you love us, and we want to live our lives such that your love emanates from us toward everyone we meet.  In Jesus' name, AMEN.

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Re: THEOLOGY PUB + Worship + Overnight service retreat + MORE!

Can you have faith without doubt?  Is Christianity more about what you believe, what you do, or something else?  What is the nature of God?

We want you to know that we honor doubt and see faith as being more about the journey than the destination.  This is why we live our questions together as we talk at our theology pubs, serve various agencies to do God's work on earth, and worship even amidst our struggles.  Let's meet each other where we are...

THEOLOGY PUB:  *new location* We'll gather *tonight* at the RATHSKELLER in the lower level of SUB1 to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  ALL are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself dinner, and join in the conversation!  5:15pm on these Tuesdays: 10/13/2009, 11/10, and 12/1.  

747 CREATIVE CHRISTIAN WORSHIP:  We gather to worship including interactive discussion, song, prayer, and much more!  EVERYONE is welcome and we think everyone has valuable insights and things to offer.  Co-sponsored with United College Ministries.  Every Wedndesday at 7:47pm.  We're in SUB1 room B (3rd floor) this week, as usual.  Complete schedules at -- Facebook group: GMU747.

SERVICE RETREAT: ALL students studying in the D.C. metro area are invited to participate in an overnight service retreat at Mar-Lu-Ridge in Jefferson, Maryland on October 23-24.  It's a great chance to meet other students form the area, have some fun, spend some time outdoors, and to serve the world beyond your door.  Let us know if you are interested in going! 

FUN WITH KIDS: Playing games & tutoring elementary-aged kids a short walk from campus at the Main Street Child Development Center. 2-3:30pm on Monday 10/26.  Details TBA.

BIBLE STUDY: Starting Monday 10/26.  Details TBA.

Lord God, you know our doubts, and you meet us in our struggles.  Thank you.  Please continue to grow in us and inspire and lead us to work so that your realm is realized in our daily lives.  In Jesus' name, AMEN.

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030

CAMPFIRE + Rob Bell + the intersection of LGBTQA & Christianity + Theology Pub (not necessarily in that order)

Religion and politics are often a dividing issues: taboo topics that I was raised not to talk about in public because opinions on all sides can be strong, and discussions get heated and leave a sour taste in your mouth.  That's probably good advice for your average job interview, but there are times in life where *not* talking about things allows differences to be perceived as much bigger than they really are.  (You gotta talk about the elephant in the room before it becomes a dinosaur that eats us up!)  So, even though we know that all of you likely don't agree on all the politics or theology that might be involved, we hope that we can agree to all be open to hearing differing opinions.

You might have noticed on our website or other materials that LCMGMU is a "Reconciling in Christ" ministry, welcoming and affirming people regardless of societal boundaries such as sexual orientation, gender identity, economic background, political affiliation, or anything else.  We start by seeking to help heal our fractured world by sharing Christ's love with everyone, even if initially that makes us a feel a bit uncomfortable.  If you would like to learn more about the intersection between LGBTQA and Christianity, there are a couple opportunities this week to do just that this week...

From Fundamentalist to Freedom: *Tonight* in JC Meeting Room B at 8:00 PM with Marc Adams, who grew up as a fundamentalist and attended Jerry Falwell's Liberty University, but is now "out" as a gay man who runs Heartstrong to outreach to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and other persons adversely affected by the influence of religious educational institutions and educating the public about the persecution of GLBT's and others as those institutions.  We aren't a sponsor for this, but I'm planning to go to listen, learn, and represent Christianity that is open, loving, and affirming of the dignity of all people as God's beloved children.  You should come check it out!

OUT in Church?  747 Creative Christian Worship: Wednesday 10/7 at 7:47pm.  Rev. Phillip Gaines, pastor of Georgetown Lutheran Church, will be our special guest, sharing his experience of coming out as a gay man, and the adventures of being a gay ordained pastor.  This will be framed within our weekly worship, which will also include song, scripture, prayers, and time for some of your questions.  If you have friends who feel rejected by religious institutions, this would be a great time to bring them to worship, as we talk about struggles, healing, love, and inclusion, culminating in an invitation to the Lord's Supper -- open to ALL (no exceptions).

ROB BELL: You might know him as the guy in the NOOMA videos.  He'll be in DC *this* Saturday (10/10) at 8PM on his Drops Like Stars tour at GWU's Lisner Auditorium (near Foggy Bottom Metro Station), where he'll be exploring the relationship between suffering and creativity -- talking about how new life emerges when our lives seem to be unexpected falling apart.  If you would like to go, let me know by the end of worship on Wednesday and I'll try order tickets -- FREE to you! 

CAMPFIRE!  Meet Emma at the Cube by Southside at 7pm on Monday 10/12 to walk over to the Crosspoint House (4601 Roberts Rd; behind Jackson Hall) for a campfire, complete with songs, s'mores, and more!  

THEOLOGY PUB: We'll gather at the Rathskeller (lower level of SUB 1) to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  ALL are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself dinner, and join in the conversation!  5:15pm on these Tuesdays: 10/13/2009, 11/10, and 12/1.  Details HERE.

Urgent Volunteer Opportunity at Hope Lutheran: Watch kids (mostly under 3 years old) while their mothers attend ESL classes in the next room.  Pick one or more Tuesdays or Thursdays, and either 9am-11am or 7pm-9pm.  Let us know if you are interested and we'll put you in touch with the person at Hope who is coordinating this.  Start tomorrow morning if you want!  (One time or recurring.)

BIBLE STUDY: Coming soon on Monday nights!  Details TBA.

Loving Lord, please allow us to act as your hands and feet in every interaction we have with those in the world around us.  May be never shy from the opportunity to do justice, to love mercy, or to walk humbly with you.  In Jesus' name, AMEN.

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030