Tuesday, March 30, 2010

HOLY WEEK + EASTER + Theology Pub + HELP NEEDED FOR FUNDRAISER + Lenten devotions + much more!

This week is considered the holiest in the Church year.  It is the week we focus on the crucifixion of Jesus, and the events that led up to it.  Think about it, we worship a God who surrendered to weakness, put on human skin and moved into the neighborhood as one of us, and suffers every bit of being human.  We don't know, but I'm guessing Jesus had headaches and congestion, felt the pain of banging his thumb with a hammer and getting splinters, and the rollercoaster of emotions we deal with.  Jesus was fully human.  As a human, he shows us how to love, serve, and seek community.  We believe God surrendered to the cross: humility, death, and defeat.  Parodoxically, this apparent foolishness is exactly how Jesus claimed victory over death.  Maybe that is why so often we experience God in times of weakness, humility, and defeat.  We meet Jesus at the foot of the cross.

God of all, help us to notice that in times when we struggle, you are here beside us.  Use us as vessels to serve others, that we may join you alongside them as they suffer. In the holy name of Jesus the Christ we pray. AMEN. 

Upcoming Events:
747 Creative Christian Worship - Wednesdays at 7:47pm in SUB1 room B (3rd floor).  This week, we observe HOLY WEEK, the holiest time in the Church year when we focus on the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus.  Facebook event.  You don't want to miss this! See http://GMU747.org
EASTER WORSHIP - Sunday 4/4 - Bethlehem Lutheran Church would like to invite you to Easter brunch (with the world's BEST quiches) and Easter Services! Church services are 8:30am & 11:00am. The brunch is around 9:30-10:55am. We would love to have you and your physical and spiritual appetites be our guest. If you need a ride, feel free to call the church at 703 978-3131 and they can contact Cyndi or one of our other church members, and I am sure we can find someone happpy to pick you up and take you back. GOD's peace and blessings on you.
EASTER POTLUCK - Sunday 4/4 starting at 2PM, eating around 2:30PM - We'll be having a potluck dinner at my house (10627 Lakeside Oak Ct, Burke, VA).  *ALL* are welcome and rides will be provided if you call me at 703-829-0220.  After dinner, feel free to stick around to hang out and play games if you have time.  Facebook event.
THEOLOGY PUB - 5:15-7:15pm the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month in the Mason Rathskeller (lower level of SUB1)!  Order yourself food and drink of choice and we'll have a non-judgemental chat about life, God, faith, and the intersection of all these things.  Facebook event for the next one is Tuesday 4/6/2010.  
Interfaith panel on God & Suffering - Wed. 4/7, 4-6:30pm - in Enterprise room 80.  Rev. Denise May of UCMNV will be one of the panelists.  There will be a time for questions.
PANCAKE DINNER FUNDRAISER - ***We need your HELP*** - Saturday 4/10 at 5:30-7:30pm - Help us serve pancakes to supporters of Lutheran Campus Ministry, answer their questions about what LCM means to you, etc.  Please let me know if you can come, as this is a very important event for our ministry and we want to ensure it is succesful.  (There is also a need for set-up prior & clean up after.)  Also, RSVP for the Facebook event.
Lenten devotions - To subscribe to receive these daily devotions during Lent, either join the "Lenten Devotions" facebook group or subscribe via email or RSS at http://lentendevotions.blogspot.com
LOTS MORE COMING!  We're looking to focus on more regular service opportunities, Bible studies, game nights and other time to just hang out -- and much more!  Let us know what you'd like to do -- and when!
Summer Opportunities
"BUILD" Summer Service Trip - Registration due by May 15.  Rebuild homes/cabins and lives in Neon, Kentucky, and share God's love while having fun and learning more about Christian servanthood and compassionate justice.  Open to university students and young adults in the Metro DC area.  June 6-12, 2010. Full cost is $400.  Documents: Trip Info - Program Description - Registration Forms - Also Facebook event.
Ever consider being a counselor at SUMMER CAMP?  I still can't believe I actually got paid for all the fun I had the year I was a camp counselor!  Ask me for more info.

Sharing the Gospel in a 2.0 World - August 11-14, 2010: What does it mean to be disciples of Jesus in a world with social media?  Join college students and others from across the country as we gather in downtown Chicago to explore this issue with phenomonal speakers including: 
  • Mark S. Hanson, ELCA Presiding Bishop
  • Eboo Patel, Executive Director, Interfaith Youth Core
  • Nadia Bolz-Weber, Pastor, House for All Saints and Sinners 
  • Let me know if you want to go, and we'll help you afford it.  More info HERE
    Peer Ministers WANTED:  Get paid to help plan & run service events, retreats, game nights, worship, & more!  (Don't worry, you'll have support.)  LCMGMU is looking for creative student leaders interested in stepping things up with us during the 2010-2011 school year (pending funding).  Please contact us by March 31st if you are interested.

    Grace and peace,
    Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
    MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030

    Tuesday, March 23, 2010


    Are you tapped in to the love of God that can fill you up, supporting you in times of need and enabling you to give more than you ever thought possible?  I hope that you find yourself swimming in God's love, and that it is taking you places you never dreamed of going!  As we approach the end of Lent, there is a lot of special opportunities for worship, drawing near to God who first drew near to us, and much more!  So dive into deeper faith with us!

    Lord God almighty, thank you for your love.  Help us to find it and tap into it through our community, especially in times when we feel unloved or far from you. In the name of Jesus the Christ we pray. AMEN. 
    Upcoming Events:
    747 Creative Christian Worship - Wednesdays at 7:47pm in SUB1 room B (3rd floor).  This week, Emma shares the Bible story that she is most passionate about with us: JONAHYou don't want to miss this! See http://GMU747.org
    PALM SUNDAY DRAMA - This Sunday (3/28) at 8:15am and 11am, there will be a holy week drama at King of Kings Lutheran (4025 Kings Way, Fairfax, VA) in which I'm playing Jesus.  Support me as I get crucified in this moving retelling of this central story in our understanding of Jesus and of redemption.  I can try to arrange rides to either service.
    EASTER WORSHIP - Sunday 4/4 - Bethlehem Lutheran Church would like to invite you to Easter brunch (with the world's BEST quiches) and Easter Services! Church services are 8:30am & 11:00am. The brunch is around 9:30-10:55am. We would love to have you and your physical and spiritual appetites be our guest. If you need a ride, feel free to call the church at 703 978-3131 and they can contact Cyndi or one of our other church members, and I am sure we can find someone happpy to pick you up and take you back. GOD's peace and blessings on you.
    EASTER POTLUCK - Sunday 4/4 (exact time TBD) - We'll be having a potluck dinner at my house (10627 Lakeside Oak Ct, Burke, VA).  *ALL* are welcome and rides will be provided.  I'll be creating a FB event for this soon with more info -- but mark your calendars!
    THEOLOGY PUB - 5:15-7:15pm the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month in the Mason Rathskeller (lower level of SUB1)!  Order yourself food and drink of choice and we'll have a non-judgemental chat about life, God, faith, and the intersection of all these things.  The next one is Tuesday 4/6/2010.  
    PANCAKE DINNER FUNDRAISER - ***We need your HELP*** - Saturday 4/10 at 5:30-7:30pm - Help us serve pancakes to supporters of Lutheran Campus Ministry, answer their questions about what LCM means to you, etc.  Please let me know if you can come, as this is a very important event for our ministry and we want to ensure it is succesful.  (There is also a need for set-up prior & clean up after.)  Also, RSVP for the Facebook event.
    Lenten devotions - To subscribe to receive these daily devotions during Lent, either join the "Lenten Devotions" facebook group or subscribe via email or RSS at http://lentendevotions.blogspot.com 
    LOTS MORE COMING!  We're looking to focus on more regular service opportunities, Bible studies, game nights and other time to just hang out -- and much more!  Let us know what you'd like to do -- and when!
    Summer Opportunities
    "BUILD" Summer Service Trip - Registration due by May 15.  Rebuild homes/cabins and lives in Neon, Kentucky, and share God's love while having fun and learning more about Christian servanthood and compassionate justice.  Open to university students and young adults in the Metro DC area.  June 6-12, 2010. Full cost is $400.  Documents: Trip Info - Program Description - Registration Forms - Also Facebook event.
    Ever consider being a counselor at SUMMER CAMP?  I still can't believe I actually got paid for all the fun I had the year I was a camp counselor!  Ask me for more info.

    Sharing the Gospel in a 2.0 World - August 11-14, 2010: What does it mean to be disciples of Jesus in a world with social media?  Join college students and others from across the country as we gather in downtown Chicago to explore this issue with phenomonal speakers including: 
  • Mark S. Hanson, ELCA Presiding Bishop
  • Eboo Patel, Executive Director, Interfaith Youth Core
  • Nadia Bolz-Weber, Pastor, House for All Saints and Sinners 
  • Let me know if you want to go, and we'll help you afford it.  More info HERE. 
    Peer Ministers WANTED:  Get paid to help plan & run service events, retreats, game nights, worship, & more!  (Don't worry, you'll have support.)  LCMGMU is looking for creative student leaders interested in stepping things up with us during the 2010-2011 school year (pending funding).  Please contact us by March 31st if you are interested.

    Grace and peace,
    Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

    MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030

    Tuesday, March 2, 2010

    Retreat *last call* + Worship + more!

    What are you doing for spring break?  If you are looking for something meaningful to do, join us for a half-week in Baltimore as we volunteer at the women & children's shelter at Christ Lutheran, at Augsburg Lutheran Home, and at Helping Up Mission.  We've done everything we can to keep the cost down, and you'll be home by Tuesday evening, leaving the rest of spring break for relaxing, getting caught up with school work, or spending time with family.  It's not too late to sign up to join us!
    Lord God, guide our feet, turn them toward you, and give us the strength to take each step. AMEN.
    Upcoming Events:
    747 Creative Christian Worship - Wednesdays at 7:47pm in SUB1 room B (3rd floor).  We continue to look at how we grow closer to God both as individuals and as a community. (Join the Facebook group!)  See http://GMU747.org
    SPRING BREAK SERVICE TRIP - Join us on a trip to Baltimore to leaving the evening of Friday 3/5 and returning late on Tuesday 3/9.  We'll be helping at least 3 different charities and will have an afternoon to spend exploring the inner harbor area and such!  Cost = $30 (talk to us if the money would keep you from going!)  More details coming very soon.  Facebook event HERE.  If you plan to go, email or call me ASAP so I can get you info!
    Lenten devotions - To subscribe to receive these daily devotions during Lent, either join the "Lenten Devotions" facebook group or subscribe via email or RSS at http://lentendevotions.blogspot.com
    If you are intersted in writing 1-2 devotions (75-300 word reflection and a 1-2 line prayer), just let me know.
    THEOLOGY PUB - 5:15-7:15pm the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month in the Mason Rathskeller (lower level of SUB1)!  Order yourself food and drink of choice and we'll have a non-judgemental chat about life, God, faith, and the intersection of all these things.  The next one is Tuesday 3/16/2010.  Facebook event HERE.
    LOTS MORE COMING!  We're looking to focus on more regular service opportunities, Bible studies, game nights and other time to just hang out -- and much more!  Let us know what you'd like to do -- and when!
    Summer Opportunities
    "BUILD" Summer Service Trip - Registration now open and is due by May 15.  Rebuild homes/cabins and lives in Neon, Kentucky, and share God's love while having fun and learning more about Christian servanthood and compassionate justice.  For College and Graduate School Students and young adults (post-high school to age 27) in the Metro DC Synod Area. It is an opportunity for young adults to serve as God's hands in the midst of a community in need. We will enjoy the fellowship of working toward a common goal while discovering that faith de ands action beyond the confines of our immediate experience. June 6-12, 2010. Full cost is $400.  Let us know if you would like more information.  Documents: BUILD Trip Introductory Letter - HOMES Program Description - Registration Forms - Also Facebook event.
    Ignighting leaders - Bread for the World is looking for bright young adult advocates to join our next class of Hunger Justice Leaders.  Selected participants will attend an advocacy training workshop (expenses paid) in D.C., June 12-15, 2010. Do you have what it takes -- or know someone who does?  Info HERE.
    Ever consider being a counselor at SUMMER CAMP?  I would love to see some of you spend your summers changing the lives of children, and probably finding that your life is changed as well.  I still can't believe I actually got paid for all the fun I had the year I was a camp counselor!  There are great camps all across the country -- let me know if you are interested in some suggestions.
    PEER MINISTERS WANTED for LCMGMU:  Would you like to get paid to do things like planning & running service events, retreats, game nights, worship, & more?  We are looking for creative student leaders interested in stepping things up with us during the 2010-2011 school year (pending funding).  If you are interested, please contact us ASAP to get more information.

    Grace and peace,
    Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
    MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030