Tuesday, October 28, 2008

(10/28) 747, thrift shop, playing games with kids, HHAW, spring break, LSM, and more!

Last week at 747, we had a great time discussing peacemaking and we ended worship with a drum circle.  What will happen this week?  Come to SUB1 room B (3rd floor) this Wednesday (10/29) at 7:47pm to find out!  We explore different issues of faith together each week.  There will be FREE FOOD at 747 this week if you come a bit early, say around 7:15pm.  And yes, we are in SUB1 room B.
How much of your time do you spend *NOT* putting yourself first?  As a student recently pointed out, college basically forces you to be self-centric.  Your time is limited and you need to figure out how to get your homework done so that you can get good grades so that you can get a good job making yourself good money.  In the midst of this, you want to hang out with your friends and have yourself some fun!  These are generally good things, but wow, with all that pressure to focus on you, it can be really hard to remember that God calls us to serve others -- and actually doing something about it -- whoa!
Maybe you do really well at giving of yourself for others, but we all know it's not easy to follow Jesus all the time.  Hunger and Homelessness Action Week is coming up in November -- if you haven't found opportunities to focus your thoughts on the plight of others, it is the perfect time to educate yourself and motivate yourself to action on behalf of people who are poor and/or homeless.  Join the HHAW Facebook group and help spread the word about Hunger and Homelessness Action Week: http://groups.to/hhaw
God, we admit that sometimes it is easy to focus on ourselves, on our needs.  It seems necessary.  Yet help us to focus on you -- to center our lives in you and try to live as you call us to live.  Help us to see the others around us as your children, and to expand our circle of friends to those who might not appear to be like ourselves at first glance.  In Jesus name we pray.  AMEN.
(In general, ALL students, faculty, or staff at GMU or any other college in northern Virginia are invited and welcomed at our events. Being "Lutheran" is never expected or required. All times, dates, and locations are subject to change. Check for updates at http://gmu.edu/org/lutheran or the "GMU Lutherans" Facebook group -- also, friend LCM here.) 
747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  Wednesdays at 7:47pm in the SUB1 room B (third floor) this week -- you can find the complete room schedule at http://GMU747.org -- We welcome everyone and assert that every person has have valuable insights and talents to share, so feel free to bring your friends along.  We're hosting this in cooperation with United College Ministries (UCM).  Also check out the Facebook group.  
VOLUNTEER AT THE CLOCKTOWER THRIFT SHOPMeet at the Campus Ministry Office (SUB1 room 207) at 11:45am on Sunday, November 2nd to head over to help out at a thrift shop that helps to fund over 30 worthwhile programs of Northern Virginia Family Service. Its programs include homelessness prevention, job training, transitional housing, family counseling, Early Head Start, Special Foster Care, Health Access and more. NVFS helps people learn skills to become more self-sufficient and lead quality, productive lives.  More info can be found in the Facebook event -- we'll be heading to the Falls Church location.  The event will be updated if anything changes.
PLAYING GAMES WITH KIDSHelp NOVACO provide a life skills class for mothers who are homeless victims of domestic abuse by playing games with their children!  This is always a ton of fun!  The next time we'll be going is Monday, Nov. 10th -- we'll meet at 6pm outside SUB1 room 207 (the Campus Ministry Office) to carpool.  We'll return to campus by 8:30pm.  Join the Facebook event.
HUNGER AND HOMELESSNESS ACTION WEEK:  Every year, the GMU Campus Ministry Association sponsors Hunger and Homelessness Action Week.  This year it is Nov. 16-22 --- and there is now a HHAW Facebook group: http://groups.to/hhaw !  Join the group to stay informed about HHAW events as the time draws nearer, such as the homeless speakers from the National Coalition for the Homeless, a Braeded Chord concert, a SLEEP OUT on the North Plaza, food drives, and more!  We're still recruiting student volunteers to help make this the best HHAW ever!  The primary job is for people to contact student orgs (we'll show you how) and get them involved in the following ways: (1) choose and event, promote it, and commit membership to participate; (2) sponsor a food drive drop-off location; (3) provide volunteers to staff HQ.  Let us know ASAP if you are interested.
LUTHERAN STUDENT MOVEMENT NATIONAL GATHERING:  Spend December 31st - January 4th at the Downtown Westin in Chicago at this gathering open to all college students across the country (you do not have to be Lutheran or attend a particular school).  These are a ton of fun and I highly recommend going.  The theme: "Transformed to Reach Out!" is about how we use our faith in the world, and it looks like they have a few great speakers lined up.  We'll be staying on "The Magnificent Mile" and will definitely have some free time to explore the Windy City.  Please talk to me ASAP if you are interested in going, so we can talk about registration, costs, and transportation.  I'm really looking forward to this event and hope that you can join me!
"ALTERNATIVE" SPRING BREAK TRIP: Spend your spring break helping families in the continuing disaster recovery efforts along the gulf coast.  No experience necessary, as we will learn how to do whatever is needed once there.  Please let us know if you are thinking of going.
TABLE TALK:  Joining our UCM friends for their weekly Table Talk every Thursday at 7pm at St. George's United Methodist Church (4910 Ox Rd, Fairfax -- just south of Braddock).  Free food and fellowship!  All are welcome. Email dmay@gmu.edu for more information.
There will be much more in the weeks ahead -- such as playing with Legos, meeting and feeding those living in shelters, Wii night in the JC, Habitat for Humanity builds, movie nights, Bible studies, discussions where we learn about other denominations and faiths, and much more!  Let us know what you are interested in.  

"Now there is no godlessness, no hatred, no sin which God has not carried, suffered, and atoned. Now there is no reality, no world that is not reconciled and in peace with God. God did this in the beloved son Jesus Christ."  ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
Not just for Lutherans -- our events are open to the entire GMU community, as well as others attending other colleges in the region! For more information on our ministry, see http://gmu.edu/org/lutheran

"Now there is no godlessness, no hatred, no sin which God has not carried, suffered, and atoned. Now there is no reality, no world that is not reconciled and in peace with God. God did this in the beloved son Jesus Christ."  ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Re: 747, thrift shop, playing games with kids, HHAW, spring break, LSM, and more!

Sorry that you are receiving this a second time.  I forgot to mention that there will be FREE FOOD at 747 this week if you come a bit early, say around 7:15pm.  And yes, we are in SUB1 room B.  I had conflicting info in the first version.  Ooops!
Last week at 747, we had a great time discussing peacemaking and we ended worship with a drum circle.  What will happen this week?  Come to SUB1 room B (3rd floor) this Wednesday (10/29) at 7:47pm to find out!  We explore different issues of faith together each week.
How much of your time do you spend *NOT* putting yourself first?  As a student recently pointed out, college basically forces you to be self-centric.  Your time is limited and you need to figure out how to get your homework done so that you can get good grades so that you can get a good job making yourself good money.  In the midst of this, you want to hang out with your friends and have yourself some fun!  These are generally good things, but wow, with all that pressure to focus on you, it can be really hard to remember that God calls us to serve others -- and actually doing something about it -- whoa!
Maybe you do really well at giving of yourself for others, but we all know it's not easy to follow Jesus all the time.  Hunger and Homelessness Action Week is coming up in November -- if you haven't found opportunities to focus your thoughts on the plight of others, it is the perfect time to educate yourself and motivate yourself to action on behalf of people who are poor and/or homeless.  Join the HHAW Facebook group and help spread the word about Hunger and Homelessness Action Week: http://groups.to/hhaw
God, we admit that sometimes it is easy to focus on ourselves, on our needs.  It seems necessary.  Yet help us to focus on you -- to center our lives in you and try to live as you call us to live.  Help us to see the others around us as your children, and to expand our circle of friends to those who might not appear to be like ourselves at first glance.  In Jesus name we pray.  AMEN.
(In general, ALL students, faculty, or staff at GMU or any other college in northern Virginia are invited and welcomed at our events. Being "Lutheran" is never expected or required. All times, dates, and locations are subject to change. Check for updates at http://gmu.edu/org/lutheran or the "GMU Lutherans" Facebook group -- also, friend LCM here.) 
747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  Wednesdays at 7:47pm in the SUB1 room B (third floor) this week -- you can find the complete room schedule at http://GMU747.org -- We welcome everyone and assert that every person has have valuable insights and talents to share, so feel free to bring your friends along.  We're hosting this in cooperation with United College Ministries (UCM).  Also check out the Facebook group.  
VOLUNTEER AT THE CLOCKTOWER THRIFT SHOPMeet at the Campus Ministry Office (SUB1 room 207) at 11:45am on Sunday, November 2nd to head over to help out at a thrift shop that helps to fund over 30 worthwhile programs of Northern Virginia Family Service. Its programs include homelessness prevention, job training, transitional housing, family counseling, Early Head Start, Special Foster Care, Health Access and more. NVFS helps people learn skills to become more self-sufficient and lead quality, productive lives.  More info can be found in the Facebook event -- we'll be heading to the Falls Church location.  The event will be updated if anything changes.
PLAYING GAMES WITH KIDSHelp NOVACO provide a life skills class for mothers who are homeless victims of domestic abuse by playing games with their children!  This is always a ton of fun!  The next time we'll be going is Monday, Nov. 10th -- we'll meet at 6pm outside SUB1 room 207 (the Campus Ministry Office) to carpool.  We'll return to campus by 8:30pm.  Join the Facebook event.
HUNGER AND HOMELESSNESS ACTION WEEK:  Every year, the GMU Campus Ministry Association sponsors Hunger and Homelessness Action Week.  This year it is Nov. 16-22 --- and there is now a HHAW Facebook group: http://groups.to/hhaw !  Join the group to stay informed about HHAW events as the time draws nearer, such as the homeless speakers from the National Coalition for the Homeless, a Braeded Chord concert, a SLEEP OUT on the North Plaza, food drives, and more!  We're still recruiting student volunteers to help make this the best HHAW ever!  The primary job is for people to contact student orgs (we'll show you how) and get them involved in the following ways: (1) choose and event, promote it, and commit membership to participate; (2) sponsor a food drive drop-off location; (3) provide volunteers to staff HQ.  Let us know ASAP if you are interested.
LUTHERAN STUDENT MOVEMENT NATIONAL GATHERING:  Spend December 31st - January 4th at the Downtown Westin in Chicago at this gathering open to all college students across the country (you do not have to be Lutheran or attend a particular school).  These are a ton of fun and I highly recommend going.  The theme: "Transformed to Reach Out!" is about how we use our faith in the world, and it looks like they have a few great speakers lined up.  We'll be staying on "The Magnificent Mile" and will definitely have some free time to explore the Windy City.  Please talk to me ASAP if you are interested in going, so we can talk about registration, costs, and transportation.  I'm really looking forward to this event and hope that you can join me!
"ALTERNATIVE" SPRING BREAK TRIP: Spend your spring break helping families in the continuing disaster recovery efforts along the gulf coast.  No experience necessary, as we will learn how to do whatever is needed once there.  Please let us know if you are thinking of going.
TABLE TALK:  Joining our UCM friends for their weekly Table Talk every Thursday at 7pm at St. George's United Methodist Church (4910 Ox Rd, Fairfax -- just south of Braddock).  Free food and fellowship!  All are welcome. Email dmay@gmu.edu for more information.
There will be much more in the weeks ahead -- such as playing with Legos, meeting and feeding those living in shelters, Wii night in the JC, Habitat for Humanity builds, movie nights, Bible studies, discussions where we learn about other denominations and faiths, and much more!  Let us know what you are interested in.  

"Now there is no godlessness, no hatred, no sin which God has not carried, suffered, and atoned. Now there is no reality, no world that is not reconciled and in peace with God. God did this in the beloved son Jesus Christ."  ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

747, thrift shop, playing games with kids, HHAW, spring break, LSM, and more!

Last week at 747, we had a great time discussing peacemaking and we ended worship with a drum circle.  What will happen this week?  Come to SUB1 room B (3rd floor) this Wednesday (10/29) at 7:47pm to find out!  We explore different issues of faith together each week.
How much of your time do you spend *NOT* putting yourself first?  As a student recently pointed out, college basically forces you to be self-centric.  Your time is limited and you need to figure out how to get your homework done so that you can get good grades so that you can get a good job making yourself good money.  In the midst of this, you want to hang out with your friends and have yourself some fun!  These are generally good things, but wow, with all that pressure to focus on you, it can be really hard to remember that God calls us to serve others -- and actually doing something about it -- whoa!
Maybe you do really well at giving of yourself for others, but we all know it's not easy to follow Jesus all the time.  Hunger and Homelessness Action Week is coming up in November -- if you haven't found opportunities to focus your thoughts on the plight of others, it is the perfect time to educate yourself and motivate yourself to action on behalf of people who are poor and/or homeless.  Join the HHAW Facebook group and help spread the word about Hunger and Homelessness Action Week: http://groups.to/hhaw
God, we admit that sometimes it is easy to focus on ourselves, on our needs.  It seems necessary.  Yet help us to focus on you -- to center our lives in you and try to live as you call us to live.  Help us to see the others around us as your children, and to expand our circle of friends to those who might not appear to be like ourselves at first glance.  In Jesus name we pray.  AMEN.
(In general, ALL students, faculty, or staff at GMU or any other college in northern Virginia are invited and welcomed at our events. Being "Lutheran" is never expected or required. All times, dates, and locations are subject to change. Check for updates at http://gmu.edu/org/lutheran or the "GMU Lutherans" Facebook group -- also, friend LCM here.) 
747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  Wednesdays at 7:47pm in the JC BISTRO this week -- you can find the complete room schedule at http://GMU747.org -- We welcome everyone and assert that every person has have valuable insights and talents to share, so feel free to bring your friends along.  We're hosting this in cooperation with United College Ministries (UCM).  Also check out the Facebook group.  (Next week, we'll be talking about hunger and poverty related issues.)
VOLUNTEER AT THE CLOCKTOWER THRIFT SHOPMeet at the Campus Ministry Office (SUB1 room 207) at 11:45am on Sunday, November 2nd to head over to help out at a thrift shop that helps to fund over 30 worthwhile programs of Northern Virginia Family Service. Its programs include homelessness prevention, job training, transitional housing, family counseling, Early Head Start, Special Foster Care, Health Access and more. NVFS helps people learn skills to become more self-sufficient and lead quality, productive lives.  More info can be found in the Facebook event -- we'll be heading to the Falls Church location.  The event will be updated if anything changes.
PLAYING GAMES WITH KIDSHelp NOVACO provide a life skills class for mothers who are homeless victims of domestic abuse by playing games with their children!  This is always a ton of fun!  The next time we'll be going is Monday, Nov. 10th -- we'll meet at 6pm outside SUB1 room 207 (the Campus Ministry Office) to carpool.  We'll return to campus by 8:30pm.  Join the Facebook event.
HUNGER AND HOMELESSNESS ACTION WEEK:  Every year, the GMU Campus Ministry Association sponsors Hunger and Homelessness Action Week.  This year it is Nov. 16-22 --- and there is now a HHAW Facebook group: http://groups.to/hhaw !  Join the group to stay informed about HHAW events as the time draws nearer, such as the homeless speakers from the National Coalition for the Homeless, a Braeded Chord concert, a SLEEP OUT on the North Plaza, food drives, and more!  We're still recruiting student volunteers to help make this the best HHAW ever!  The primary job is for people to contact student orgs (we'll show you how) and get them involved in the following ways: (1) choose and event, promote it, and commit membership to participate; (2) sponsor a food drive drop-off location; (3) provide volunteers to staff HQ.  Let us know ASAP if you are interested.
LUTHERAN STUDENT MOVEMENT NATIONAL GATHERING:  Spend December 31st - January 4th at the Downtown Westin in Chicago at this gathering open to all college students across the country (you do not have to be Lutheran or attend a particular school).  These are a ton of fun and I highly recommend going.  The theme: "Transformed to Reach Out!" is about how we use our faith in the world, and it looks like they have a few great speakers lined up.  We'll be staying on "The Magnificent Mile" and will definitely have some free time to explore the Windy City.  Please talk to me ASAP if you are interested in going, so we can talk about registration, costs, and transportation.  I'm really looking forward to this event and hope that you can join me!
"ALTERNATIVE" SPRING BREAK TRIP: Spend your spring break helping families in the continuing disaster recovery efforts along the gulf coast.  No experience necessary, as we will learn how to do whatever is needed once there.  Please let us know if you are thinking of going.
TABLE TALK:  Joining our UCM friends for their weekly Table Talk every Thursday at 7pm at St. George's United Methodist Church (4910 Ox Rd, Fairfax -- just south of Braddock).  Free food and fellowship!  All are welcome. Email dmay@gmu.edu for more information.
There will be much more in the weeks ahead -- such as playing with Legos, meeting and feeding those living in shelters, Wii night in the JC, Habitat for Humanity builds, movie nights, Bible studies, discussions where we learn about other denominations and faiths, and much more!  Let us know what you are interested in.  

"Now there is no godlessness, no hatred, no sin which God has not carried, suffered, and atoned. Now there is no reality, no world that is not reconciled and in peace with God. God did this in the beloved son Jesus Christ."  ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Monday, October 20, 2008

(10/20) Painting with kids, peacemaking, pumpkin carving, and more!

I'm thinking today about community.  Lutheran Campus Ministry exists, in part, to help provide you with a community where you can ask questions, struggle with issues, find joy and laughter, meet people, learn about God, allow your creative passions to flow, find a shoulder to cry on, and where you can find (and create) opportunities to help the world around you.  How this looks each week varies...and we're always open to your input.
This week, our community comes together on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday:
+ In a few hours, we'll gather to help kids paint shirts as they get ready to do a mini-walk to help fight homelessness in our backyard.  Feel free to bring your own shirt to paint too!  
+ On Wednesday, we'll be talking about peacemaking at 747 -- and everyone will get an opportunity to play drums too!  How do these fit together?  Show up at the JC Bistro at 7:47pm on Wednesday to find out! 
+ Saturday, we'll be carving pumpkins for charity.  (Contact Rachael ASAP if you are interested, as volunteer waivers are due on Tuesday and I'm not sure how flexible they are.) 
*** More details on all of these things can be found below... ***
Lord, we want to know you more.  Help us to see your presence in the world around us, and in the faces of the people we meet.  Help us to be your hands and feet serving and sacrificing here in the world.  Your kingdom come, now and always.  AMEN.
(In general, ALL students, faculty, or staff at GMU or any other college in northern Virginia are invited and welcomed at our events. Being "Lutheran" is never expected or required. All times, dates, and locations are subject to change. Check for updates at http://gmu.edu/org/lutheran or the "GMU Lutherans" Facebook group -- also, friend LCM here.) 
KIDS, T-SHIRTS, AND HOMELESSNESS:  On Monday, Oct. 20th, we'll gather at SUB1 room 207 at 6:00PM to depart to help kids paint T-shirts for a mini-walk to help the homeless.  Rides are provided and we'll return to campus around 8:30pm.  This is part of our ongoing partnership with NOVACO, an organization that helps homeless victims of domestic abuse become self-sufficient.
747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  Wednesdays at 7:47pm in the JC BISTRO this week -- you can find the complete room schedule at http://GMU747.org -- We welcome everyone and assert that every person has have valuable insights and talents to share, so feel free to bring your friends along.  We're hosting this in cooperation with United College Ministries (UCM).  Also check out the Facebook group.  (Next week, we'll be talking about hunger and poverty related issues.)
CHARITY PUMPKIN FESTIVAL:  We'll be going out to Clarksburg, Maryland on Oct. 25 to carve pumpkins! The festival supports two charities- HomeAid (which provides shelter for temporarily homeless children and families) and Project Joy (which uses the healing power of play to help children who've been personally traumatized). It's sponsored by Life is Good.  See the Facebook event or contact Rachael for more information.  NOTE: Please try to get Rachael the volunteer release forms by Tuesday 10/21/2008.
VOLUNTEER AT THE CLOCKTOWER THRIFT SHOP:  We're still ironing out the details on this one, but it looks like we'll probably meet at the Campus Ministry Office (SUB1 room 207) at 11:45am on Sunday, November 2nd.  The thrift shop proceeds help to fund over 30 worthwhile programs of Northern Virginia Family Service. Its programs include homelessness prevention, job training, transitional housing, family counseling, Early Head Start, Special Foster Care, Health Access and more. NVFS helps people learn skills to become more self-sufficient and lead quality, productive lives.  More info can be found in the Facebook event.  The event will be updated if anything changes.
HUNGER AND HOMELESSNESS ACTION WEEK:  We're recruiting student volunteers to help make this the best HHAW ever!  First meeting is this Thursday at 9pm (if you can make it).  The primary job is for people to contact student orgs (we'll show you how) and get them involved in the following ways: (1) choose and event, promote it, and commit membership to participate; (2) sponsor a food drive drop-off location; (3) provide volunteers to staff HQ.  Let us know ASAP if you are interested.
LUTHERAN STUDENT MOVEMENT NATIONAL GATHERING:  Spend December 31st - January 4th at the Downtown Westin in Chicago at this gathering open to all college students across the country (you do not have to be Lutheran or attend a particular school).  These are a ton of fun and I highly recommend going.  The theme: "Transformed to Reach Out!" is about how we use our faith in the world, and it looks like they have a few great speakers lined up.  We'll be staying on "The Magnificent Mile" and will definitely have some free time to explore the Windy City.  Please talk to me ASAP if you are interested in going, so we can talk about registration, costs, and transportation.  I'm really looking forward to this event and hope that you can join me!
"ALTERNATIVE" SPRING BREAK TRIP: Spend your spring break helping families in the continuing disaster recovery efforts along the gulf coast.  No experience necessary, as we will learn how to do whatever is needed once there.  Please let us know if you are thinking of going.
TABLE TALK:  Joining our UCM friends for their weekly Table Talk every Thursday at 7pm at St. George's United Methodist Church (4910 Ox Rd, Fairfax -- just south of Braddock).  Free food and fellowship!  All are welcome. Email dmay@gmu.edu for more information.
There will be much more in the weeks ahead -- such as helping out at a thrift store, meeting and feeding those living in shelters, fixing up and painting a transitional shelter, Wii night in the JC, Habitat for Humanity builds, movie nights, Bible studies, discussions where we learn about other denominations and faiths, and much more!  Let us know what you are interested in.  

"Now there is no godlessness, no hatred, no sin which God has not carried, suffered, and atoned. Now there is no reality, no world that is not reconciled and in peace with God. God did this in the beloved son Jesus Christ."  ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Poverty meal, KIDS, and national gathering!

You might notice that the event list below includes a lot about things like hunger, homelessness, and putting our faith into action.  This week, 747 will also be dealing with related themes.  Why is this important?
Christianity isn't just about an individual relationship with God.  The Bible tells us repeatedly that we are the body of Christ -- that God works through our hands and feet.  Caring for the poor and oppressed is a major theme in scripture.  Think about this over the course of the week: how are your hands doing God's work? 
As you explore this further, I hope that all of you join us this Thursday at 7pm for a poverty meal on the SUB1 Quad (or Patiot's Lounge, if weather drives us in).  I also hope that you consider joining the group heading to the LSM National Gathering in Chicago over New Years, where we will explore how we are "Transformed to Reach Out!"  More details on all of these things is below...
Oh God, how can we hope to do your work in the world?  Help us to help those who suffer, those who hunger, those who are lonely, and to spread your loving grace to all we encouter.  Help us to follow where you lead us.  AMEN.
(In general, ALL students, faculty, or staff at GMU or any other college in northern Virginia are invited and welcomed at our events. Being "Lutheran" is never expected or required. All times, dates, and locations are subject to change. Check for updates at http://gmu.edu/org/lutheran or the "GMU Lutherans" Facebook group -- also, friend LCM here.) 
747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  Wednesdays at 7:47pm in the JC BISTRO this week -- you can find the complete room schedule at http://GMU747.org -- We welcome everyone and assert that every person has have valuable insights and talents to share, so feel free to bring your friends along.  We're hosting this in cooperation with United College Ministries (UCM).  Also check out the Facebook group.  (Next week, we'll be talking about hunger and poverty related issues.)
HUNGER AND HOMELESSNESS ACTION WEEK:  We're recruiting student volunteers to help make this the best HHAW ever!  First meeting is this Thursday at 9pm (if you can make it).  The primary job is for people to contact student orgs (we'll show you how) and get them involved in the following ways: (1) choose and event, promote it, and commit membership to participate; (2) sponsor a food drive drop-off location; (3) provide volunteers to staff HQ.  Let us know ASAP if you are interested.
BROKEN BREAD POVERTY MEAL:  On the Quad on Thursday, October 16th at 7PM, we'll help host a poverty meal of a simple porridge on campus, and we'll discuss the everyday problems encountered by those confronted with AIDS and extreme poverty.  More information will be coming soon...
KIDS, T-SHIRTS, AND HOMELESSNESS:  On Monday, Oct. 20th, we'll gather at SUB1 room 207 at 6:00PM to depart to help kids paint T-shirts for a mini-walk to help the homeless.  Rides are provided and we'll return to campus around 8:30pm.  This is part of our ongoing partnership with NOVACO, an organization that helps homeless victims of domestic abuse become self-sufficient.
LUTHERAN STUDENT MOVEMENT NATIONAL GATHERING:  Spend December 31st - January 4th at the Downtown Westin in Chicago at this gathering open to all college students across the country (you do not have to be Lutheran or attend a particular school).  These are a ton of fun and I highly recommend going.  The theme: "Transformed to Reach Out!" is about how we use our faith in the world, and it looks like they have a few great speakers lined up.  We'll be staying on "The Magnificent Mile" and will definately have some free time to explore the Windy City.  The total cost is $350 (programming & quad room) + transportation to Chicago, but we're working to offset the cost so money isn't what keeps you from going -- so please talk to me ASAP if you are interested in going, but are worried about the money.  I'm really looking forward to this event and hope that you can join me!
TABLE TALK:  Joining our UCM friends for their weekly Table Talk every Thursday at 7pm at St. George's United Methodist Church (4910 Ox Rd, Fairfax -- just south of Braddock).  Free food and fellowship!  All are welcome. Email dmay@gmu.edu for more information.
There will be much more in the weeks ahead -- such as helping out at a thrift store, meeting and feeding those living in shelters, fixing up and painting a transitional shelter, Wii night in the JC, Habitat for Humanity builds, movie nights, Bible studies, discussions where we learn about other denominations and faiths, and much more!  Let us know what you are interested in.  

"Now there is no godlessness, no hatred, no sin which God has not carried, suffered, and atoned. Now there is no reality, no world that is not reconciled and in peace with God. God did this in the beloved son Jesus Christ."  ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

(10/8) IMMIGRATION, Animals, Hunger/Homelessness, etc.

Wow!  What a great retreat!  We spent the weekend thinking and talking about hunger, as well as having a ton of fun playing games and hanging out. 
Politics has been all over the news for months now, and we will elect a new President in less than a month.  How does your faith intersect with politics?  Did you know that Christians take wide-ranging positions on many of the topics that drive our politics?  Christians do *not* all agree on immigration, poverty, sexuality, abortion, global warming, economics, etc.  Christians don't even agree on which of these issues should be the most important!  Christians don't all vote for the same candidates, party, or issues.  Yet, we are all part of ONE body.  We believe and follow in the same God.  Therefore, we'll be taking a non-partisan look at some of the issues that occur most in our scriptures over the next few weeks...
TONIGHT:  What does the Bible say about immigrationRather a lot, actually.  At 747 tonight, we'll be talking about it.  There will be some food shared around 7pm in the Bistro, followed by worship at 7:47pm.  Bring your friends -- all are welcome.
Dear Lord, help us to support each other, to be open to new ideas, to reexamine our assumptions, and to care for all people.  In Jesus name we pray, AMEN.
(In general, ALL students, faculty, or staff at GMU or any other college in northern Virginia are invited and welcomed at our events. Being "Lutheran" is never expected or required. All times, dates, and locations are subject to change. Check for updates at http://gmu.edu/org/lutheran or the "GMU Lutherans" Facebook group -- also, friend LCM here.) 
747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  Wednesdays at 7:47pm.  Today (10/8/2008), we'll be exploring IMMIGRATION in the JC BISTRO -- you can find the complete room schedule at http://GMU747.org -- We welcome everyone and assert that every person has have valuable insights and talents to share, so feel free to bring your friends along.  We're hosting this in cooperation with United College Ministries (UCM).  Also check out the Facebook group.  (Next week, we'll be talking about hunger and poverty related issues.)
HUNGER AND HOMELESSNESS ACTION WEEK:  We're recruiting student volunteers to help make this the best HHAW ever!  The primary job is for people to contact student orgs (we'll show you how) and get them involved in the following ways: (1) choose and event, promote it, and commit membership to participate; (2) sponsor a food drive drop-off location; (3) provide volunteers to staff HQ.  Let us know ASAP if you are interested.
BROKEN BREAD POVERTY MEAL:  On the Quad on Thursday, October 16th at 7PM, we'll help host a poverty meal of a simple porridge on campus, and we'll discuss the everyday problems encountered by those confronted with AIDS and extreme poverty.  More information will be coming soon...
KIDS, T-SHIRTS, AND HOMELESSNESS:  On Monday, Oct. 20th, we'll gather at SUB1 room 207 at 6:00PM to depart to help kids paint T-shirts for a mini-walk to help the homeless.  Rides are provided and we'll return to campus around 8:30pm.  This is part of our ongoing partnership with NOVACO, an organization that helps homeless victims of domestic abuse become self-sufficient.
TABLE TALK:  Joining our UCM friends for their weekly Table Talk every Thursday at 7pm at St. George's United Methodist Church (4910 Ox Rd, Fairfax -- just south of Braddock).  Free food and fellowship!  All are welcome. Email dmay@gmu.edu for more information.
There will be much more in the weeks ahead -- such as helping out at a thrift store, meeting and feeding those living in shelters, fixing up and painting a transitional shelter, Wii night in the JC, Habitat for Humanity builds, movie nights, Bible studies, discussions where we learn about other denominations and faiths, and much more!  Let us know what you are interested in.  

"Now there is no godlessness, no hatred, no sin which God has not carried, suffered, and atoned. Now there is no reality, no world that is not reconciled and in peace with God. God did this in the beloved son Jesus Christ."  ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

(10/8) IMMIGRATION, Animals, Hunger/Homelessness, etc.

Wow!  What a great retreat!  We spent the weekend thinking and talking about hunger, as well as having a ton of fun playing games and hanging out. 
Politics has been all over the news for months now, and we will elect a new President in less than a month.  How does your faith intersect with politics?  Did you know that Christians take wide-ranging positions on many of the topics that drive our politics?  Christians do *not* all agree on immigration, poverty, sexuality, abortion, global warming, economics, etc.  Christians don't even agree on which of these issues should be the most important!  Christians don't all vote for the same candidates, party, or issues.  Yet, we are all part of ONE body.  We believe and follow in the same God.  Therefore, we'll be taking a non-partisan look at some of the issues that occur most in our scriptures over the next few weeks...
TONIGHT:  What does the Bible say about immigrationRather a lot, actually.  At 747 tonight, we'll be talking about it.  There will be some food shared around 7pm in the Bistro, followed by worship at 7:47pm.  Bring your friends -- all are welcome.
Dear Lord, help us to support each other, to be open to new ideas, to reexamine our assumptions, and to care for all people.  In Jesus name we pray, AMEN.
(In general, ALL students, faculty, or staff at GMU or any other college in northern Virginia are invited and welcomed at our events. Being "Lutheran" is never expected or required. All times, dates, and locations are subject to change. Check for updates at http://gmu.edu/org/lutheran or the "GMU Lutherans" Facebook group -- also, friend LCM here.) 
747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  Wednesdays at 7:47pm.  Today (10/8/2008), we'll be exploring IMMIGRATION in the JC BISTRO -- you can find the complete room schedule at http://GMU747.org -- We welcome everyone and assert that every person has have valuable insights and talents to share, so feel free to bring your friends along.  We're hosting this in cooperation with United College Ministries (UCM).  Also check out the Facebook group.  (Next week, we'll be talking about hunger and poverty related issues.)
HUNGER AND HOMELESSNESS ACTION WEEK:  We're recruiting student volunteers to help make this the best HHAW ever!  The primary job is for people to contact student orgs (we'll show you how) and get them involved in the following ways: (1) choose and event, promote it, and commit membership to participate; (2) sponsor a food drive drop-off location; (3) provide volunteers to staff HQ.  Let us know ASAP if you are interested.
BROKEN BREAD POVERTY MEAL:  On the Quad on Thursday, October 16th at 7PM, we'll help host a poverty meal of a simple porridge on campus, and we'll discuss the everyday problems encountered by those confronted with AIDS and extreme poverty.  More information will be coming soon...
KIDS, T-SHIRTS, AND HOMELESSNESS:  On Monday, Oct. 20th, we'll gather at SUB1 room 207 at 6:00PM to depart to help kids paint T-shirts for a mini-walk to help the homeless.  Rides are provided and we'll return to campus around 8:30pm.  This is part of our ongoing partnership with NOVACO, an organization that helps homeless victims of domestic abuse become self-sufficient.
TABLE TALK:  Joining our UCM friends for their weekly Table Talk every Thursday at 7pm at St. George's United Methodist Church (4910 Ox Rd, Fairfax -- just south of Braddock).  Free food and fellowship!  All are welcome. Email dmay@gmu.edu for more information.
There will be much more in the weeks ahead -- such as helping out at a thrift store, meeting and feeding those living in shelters, fixing up and painting a transitional shelter, Wii night in the JC, Habitat for Humanity builds, movie nights, Bible studies, discussions where we learn about other denominations and faiths, and much more!  Let us know what you are interested in.  

"Now there is no godlessness, no hatred, no sin which God has not carried, suffered, and atoned. Now there is no reality, no world that is not reconciled and in peace with God. God did this in the beloved son Jesus Christ."  ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

(10/1) How big is your God? Games. RETREAT! and more!

The time I'm so hungry for is almost here -- our fall RETREAT is this weekend -- please let me know ASAP if you'd like to come so I can get you more details.
Do you feel like God is far away?  Do you feel like God can't help you or doesn't care about you?  At 747 tonight I hear we're talking about how God is bigger than all that stuff that gets us down...and more than we can really even imagine too!  Also, how God is here with us even in the midst of all the messiness of life.  How cool is that?
If you like games, we'll be playing some this Thursday afternoon.  See below for more details.
Oh God, help calm our fears when we stand at the brink of the unknown.  Give us patience to wait until it is time for us to know what is next.  Give us hope and joy in each new day.  Allow us to see how free you want us to be.  In Jesus' name.  AMEN.
(In general, ALL students, faculty, or staff at GMU or any other college in northern Virginia are invited and welcomed at our events. Being "Lutheran" is never expected or required. All times, dates, and locations are subject to change. Check for updates at http://gmu.edu/org/lutheran or the "GMU Lutherans" Facebook group -- also, friend LCM here.) 
747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  Wednesdays at 7:47pm.  This week, our community is going to explore how we view God.   Today (10/1/2008), we'll be back in the JC BISTRO -- you can find the complete room schedule at http://GMU747.org -- We welcome everyone and assert that every person has have valuable insights and talents to share, so feel free to bring your friends along.  We're hosting this in cooperation with United College Ministries (UCM).  Also check out the Facebook group
STUDENT ACTIVITIES FAIR:  If you haven't met us in person yet, here's another chance!  We'll be at the Student Organization Fair in the North Plaza (by the clock) on Thurs Oct 2nd from 11am-2pm.  Come help us meet people -- or come to meet us.  :-)
SCRABBLE & GAMES AFTERNOON:  On Thursday, October 2, some of us are going to gather in Patriot's Lounge (SUB 1) at 4:30pm to play Scrabble and other games -- I'll have a whole bin of them!  Join us for some fun!  (We'll probably be around until at least 6:30pm.)
FALL RETREAT:  It's not too late yet -- but please sign up now for this great opportunity to spend this weekend in a cabin by the woods.  There will be lots of freedom and time for hiking in the woods and playing games.  We're going to talk about various aspects of HUNGER -- spiritual and physical -- personal and global. Are you hungry for more community, knowledge, insight, meaning, and fulfillment?  I know I am!  Are you hungry for a weekend away from the 'burbs?  We'll head off together to the retreat house at Caroline Furnace Camp on October 3-5, 2008.  Mark your calendars -- we'll rest and recharge, have fun and play in nature, grow together in community, and talk about hunger, and much more!  (Cost for students is only $20.)  You don't want to miss it.  Email bbuss@gmu.edu or RSVP on Facebook to sign up now!  :-)
BROKEN BREAD POVERTY MEAL:  On the Quad on Thursday, October 16th at 7PM, we'll help host a poverty meal of a simple porridge on campus, and we'll discuss the everyday problems encountered by those confronted with AIDS and extreme poverty.  More information will be coming soon...
TABLE TALK:  Joining our UCM friends for their weekly Table Talk every Thursday at 7pm at St. George's United Methodist Church (4910 Ox Rd, Fairfax -- just south of Braddock).  Free food and fellowship!  All are welcome. Email dmay@gmu.edu for more information.
There will be much more in the weeks ahead -- such as meeting and feeding those living in shelters, fixing up a transitional shelter, Wii night in the JC, Habitat for Humanity builds, movie nights, Bible studies, discussions where we learn about other denominations and faiths, and much more!  Let us know what you are interested in. 

"Now there is no godlessness, no hatred, no sin which God has not carried, suffered, and atoned. Now there is no reality, no world that is not reconciled and in peace with God. God did this in the beloved son Jesus Christ." ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer