Today I'm looking at 1 Corinthians 12. It talks about how the body of Christ is made up of many different types of people -- each possessing different gifts. We all have different strengths and weaknesses.
I don't really like exams. It's not just that they are stressful. They are such an arbitrary way to measure success. Sometimes are are tested under timed circumstances more stringent than future use of the knowledge will require. Other times we have to memorize massive quantities of facts or equations that will be sitting in a reference book beside our desk in our future career. Exams often don't take into account the fact that cold medicine or lack of sleep dulls our focus. Some people seem wired to knock the socks off the standard types of exams. Other people would do much better with large projects that take all semester to complete. Some would rather take their exams as discussions with the professor. We are all different.
I don't mean this to be a rant on the educational system. It is what it is. I guess I'm just encouraging each of us to prayerfully discern our strengths and weaknesses -- to consider what role we have in the body -- and how we might play to our strengths...or improve upon (or compensate for) our weaknesses. Working together as a team allows us to accomplish so much more than we can alone, because a team has the combined strengths of all of the team members.
In the meantime, best wishes for your Final Exams -- I'll be praying for you!
Dear Lord, we know we can't accomplish everything by ourselves. Help us and guide us so that we may find our role and do our part in your world. In Jesus name, Amen.
While there are no more events this semester, I'm starting to look ahead to 2008. Here's what's on the calendar, or in the works, so far:
Gospel According to the Simpsons: We'll meet each Wednesday from Noon-1pm in Johnson Center room 243 to watch an episode of the Simpsons (20 minutes without the commercials) and then discuss it -- so bring your lunch, your laughter, and your friends. If we don't fit in the room, I'll find a bigger room for the next week! All are welcome!
747 Tuesdays: We've been meeting for a free home-cooked dinner and devotions at the Crosspoint Ministry House on Roberts Rd across from President's Park each Tuesday at 7:47pm. We'll probably continue this trend, though I'm open to votes for changes to the time, location, or format. Just let me know if you have ideas & I'll see what I can do.
Service: We'll probably have a volunteer opportunity on the calendar every other week or so. Some probable events: Habitat for Humanity build, helping out with the Hypothermia Shelter at a local church, serving food or playing with children at the Katherine K. Hanley Family Shelter, kids activities for NOVACO, etc. The possibilities are endless. Please let me know if a specific type of event or organization is close to your heart -- or if you'd like to help plan an event!
Fellowship: The options are wide open here too -- movie nights, ice skating, game nights, a ski trip, visiting a museum in DC, etc. What sounds good to you?
"Alternative" Spring Break Trip: Who would be interested in taking a trip to help make the world better for people in need. Last year, I went with a group to Mobile, Alabama to help Lutheran Disaster Response fix up houses damaged by hurricane Katrina. Would you be interested in a trip like this?
Leadership: We have many ways that you can get involved. From planning events to helping lead a worship service or devotion -- from one time gigs to possible part-time employment -- if you have time & energy you'd like to use in this way, just let me know & we'll try to work it out.
If you ever need someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to call or email me. If I'm not available, I'll do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.
In Christ's peace, love, and joy,
"God waits for you, for you to act." ~Desmond Tutu
"Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." ~ Margaret Mead