Monday, December 8, 2008

747 at the Mathy House & Playing with kids to make a more joyful Christmas

This week is the last 747 of the semester, and it will be at the Mathy House, home of President and Mrs. Merten.  It is looking to be a wonderful evening with good food, great music, and a celebratory Advent worship service.  There is still space for a some more people, so invite your friends, but please make sure you and they RSVP either on Facebook or at (we want to make sure we have enough space on the bus).  A few transportation details:
-- We'll load the bus starting at 6:30pm on Wednesday, December 10th, by the bus shelter in front of Parking Services (between the Sandy Creek Parking Deck and Enterprise Hall).
-- Look for a white bus with blue lettering saying "Lord of Life Lutheran Church" (they've been kind enough to volunteer to provide transportation for us!)
-- The bus will leave campus around 6:40pm, and we expect to be back on campus by 9:10pm so everyone can get back to studying for finals and such.

STUDY BREAK: Help make Christmas more JOYFUL for families in need:  We'll help out at shopping day at the Katherine K Hanley Shelter by playing with kids while parents shop, or maybe wrapping gifts and acting as personal shoppers.  Sunday, December 14th meeting at the 20 minute parking behind SUB I at 12:30pm.  We'll return by 3:30pm, so you can get back to studying.  Facebook event .

"ALTERNATIVE" SPRING BREAK TRIP: Spend your spring break helping families in the continuing disaster recovery efforts along the gulf coast.  No experience necessary, as we will learn how to do whatever is needed once there.  Please let us know if you are thinking of going.  Facebook event .

REFLECTIONS FOR THE JOURNEY -- Lutheran Campus Ministry and United College Ministries are providing a daily meditation guide for students, written by those involved with the University Lutheran Center at South Dakota State University.  Contact for your copy.  (You can subscribe a different email devotional here or view online here .)

Grace and peace,

"Now there is no godlessness, no hatred, no sin which God has not carried, suffered, and atoned. Now there is no reality, no world that is not reconciled and in peace with God. God did this in the beloved son Jesus Christ."  ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer