Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Theoloy Pub + Win a $25 gift certificate + Worship + Game night + Summer opportunities + MORE!

Regardless of whether you have attended any of our events, please take a few minutes to fill out our SURVEY if you haven't already.  This ministry exists for students, faculty, and staf, so YOUR input is vital, so let us know why you come, why you don't come, what you like, what you don't like, what you would like to see more of, etc.  You can win a $25 gift certificate for your time!  More details below...
I am bubbling over with thoughts and ideas from the conference I attended over the weekend.  It was one of those "mountaintop" experiences, when the sense of God's presence is palatable in the room and hope and excitement wash across the community.  It was also challenging, presenting more questions than it attempted to answer.  This will probably add to the liveliness of the discussion at the Theology Pub this afternoon, so drop in to chat about how faith intersects our lives, how we deal with the fact our ancestors in the faith apparently had no problem putting contradictory stuff side by side for us to deal with, and much more!
Oh, and I just got info on a student scholarship to the International AIDS Conference in Austria this summer.  More info under "Summer Opportunities" below.
Lord God, guide us, and help us to follow you on adventures for you even when we aren't sure where we'll end up.  Help us to support each other through this journey.  In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Upcoming Events:
Fill out our SURVEY for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate (to your choice of Target or Starbucks) -- *please* fill it out regardless of whether you have attended any of our events.  This is really important for us to help us look back at the year and to plan ahead for next year.  Thanks so much!  Here is the link to the survey: www.gmu.edu/org/lutheran/survey.html
THEOLOGY PUB - 5:15-7:15pm on Tuesday 5/4/2010 in the Mason Rathskeller (lower level of SUB1)!  Order yourself food and drink of choice and we'll have a non-judgemental chat about life, God, faith, and the intersection of all these things.  This will be the last one for the school year, and we'll have a seminary student from Gettysburg visiting with us -- don't miss it!  Facebook event.
747 Creative Christian Worship - Wednesdays at 7:47pm in SUB1 room B.  May 5th will be the last one until fall. Join us and center yourself before finals begin.  ALL are welcome! Facebook event.
GAME NIGHT - 6pm-10pm on Friday 5/7/2010 -- Burn some stress before the weekend of studying for finals.  ALL are welcome!  (Location TBA, but it will be the 3rd floor of the JC in or near the meeting rooms.) Facebook event.
NOVALCM Annual Meeting - You are invited to attend the annual public meeting for Northern Virginia Lutheran Campus Ministries, who sponsors this ministry at GMU, on Monday, May 10, 2010 at 7pm at Lord of Life Lutheran Church (5114 Twinbrook Road; Fairfax, VA 22032 -- MAP).  Come and let our Board of Directors know how much you appreciate their making this ministry at GMU possible!  (Let us know if you need a ride from campus.)  Facebook event.
Summer Opportunities

SUMMER ACTIVITIES:  I'm starting to try to figure out how many students will be around this summer.  Last year, we started having fellowship events each week during the summer, and if people are going to be around this summer, we can do that again.  Let me know if you'll be around so I know what to expect -- and if you want to help plan activities.
INTERNATIONAL AIDS CONFERENCE:  I just received informaiotn on applying for a student scholarship to attend the International Aids Conference as part of the Young Adult Delegation on July 18-23, 2010 in Vienna, Austria.  It is a wonderful opportunity.  The scholarship includes pre-arranged housing, transportation, and a stipend for meals.  Application deadline: 5/21/2010.  Let us know ASAP if you'd like the application.  
Community Lutheran Church in Sterling, VA seeks a creative and energetic part-time summer intern to coordinate children's programming, June 28th – August 8th.  Primary responsibilities will include overseeing VBS with our volunteers and creating/implementing children's programming during Sunday Morning worship services. Qualified applicants may be considered for a continuing position in Youth Ministry commencing in the fall. Stipend commensurate with experience.  Interested applicants please contact Sarah Shangraw at ChristianEd@CommunityLutheran.org.

Lutheran Student Movement - Sharing the Gospel in a 2.0 World - August 11-14, 2010: What does it mean to be disciples of Jesus in a world with social media?  Join college students and others from across the country as we gather in downtown Chicago to explore this issue with phenomonal speakers including: 
  • Mark S. Hanson, ELCA Presiding Bishop
  • Eboo Patel, Executive Director, Interfaith Youth Core
  • Nadia Bolz-Weber, Pastor, House for All Saints and Sinners 
  • Let me know if you want to go, and we'll help you afford it.  $100 discount for the first 200 student registrations!  More info HERE. 

    Grace and peace,
    Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University

    MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030