Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Vote + THEOLOGY PUB + Worship + Hunger and Homelessness Action Week + T-SHIRTS + much more!

We're past half-way into the semester, and many of you are probably stressed.  Stress may comes from trying to keep your grades up, from relationships with others, from family (whether we live with them or worry about them while we are away), lack of sleep, overcommitments, or any number of other things.  Regardless of all of that -- we want you to know that YOU ARE A LOVED CHILD OF GOD. 

Start there, and take some time to catch your breath and relax -- time when you can let this gift and promise of God's love sink in.  Maybe schedule some time in your day to pray, or to read the Bible. (NOTE: If you don't have a Bible, just let us know and we'll give you one.)  Make sure you find time to do something you love to do in celebration of God's love. 

God Almighty, creation dances for you and with you.  Help us to embrace our identity as your beloved children, and to find ways to joyfully serve you in all that we do.  In Jesus name we pray, AMEN.

Please feel free to share these emails with a friend -- many people won't know that we exist without your help. If you don't want to receive these emails, just reply and let us know.  We don't want to spam anyone.

VOTE TODAY: Today (11/2) is election day -- let your voice be counted!

Theology Pub: Tue. 11/2, 5pm-7pm in the Mason Rathskeller (lower level of SUB1) -- join us to discuss God, theology, faith, life, and how they intersect over food and drink.  We welcome questions, doubts, and differences of opinion.  :-) 

747 Creative Christian Worship: Wed. 11/3 at 7:47pm in SUB2 room VIP2 (3rd floor, ask the info desk or call/TXT 703-829-0220 for help finding us).  We'll be doing a bit more with Midrash ALL are welcome!  Co-sponsored with United College Ministries <http://www.gmu.edu/org/ucm/>.  Check out the facebook Fan Page for this worship gathering <http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fairfax-VA/747-Creative-Christian-Worship-at-George-Mason-University-gmu747/120575701329248>.  You can always find our location listed at  http://GMU747.org

"Religions Brunch" on tolerance & unity: Sun. 11/7, 12:22pm-2:30pm: SUB2 Ballroom.  Come eat FREE food and hear myself and others speak and take questions about religious tolerance and unity at this brunch hosted by Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority.

Prayer LabyrinthTue. 11/9, Noon-4pm: JC meeting room D. Take a break from your busy schedule to seek some peace through prayerful meditation.

Hunger and Homelessness Action Week (an annual week of activities sponsored by the campus ministry association to educate about these issues and inspire people to action) is drawing nearer.  it will be November 14th-20th, and there are several ways that you can get involved now to help make this week possible and meaningful:
+ Helping to staff HQ on the north plaza (our shift is Wed 11/17, 12:30pm-2:30pm);
+ Helping to plan and facilitate the 4th annual Sleep-Out on the North Plaza (which will occur Thurs. 11/18);
+ Signing up to walk in the CROP Walk to raise awareness and money to stop hunger (walk will be Sun. 11/21);
+ and there will be more ways to participate as November progresses.  Please let me know if you are interested -- and ASAP for the two student groups forming within the week!

New LCM T-shirts have arrived!  Let us know if you'd like one, and in what size. Student cost = $5 (or $15 for non-students).  See what they look like at http://is.gd/fXXOz

There is a lot more coming -- and don't forget to join the Facebook group & invite your friends:

Grace and peace,
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030