Monday, December 13, 2010

Labyrinth + Worship + Good luck on final exams!

In the midst of this busy week of deadlines and exams, remember that God is with you -- and you are loved for who you are no matter what your grades are.  Also, please remember to take time to breathe, eat well, and get some sleep!  If you are looking for a study break, check out one of the events below -- specifically planned as a time for you to recharge during this stressful week.

God Almighty, thank you for your loving presence in our lives, and for the gift of your son into the world.  Each day, help us to follow in the way of Jesus, in whose name we pray. AMEN.

Please feel free to share these emails with a friend -- many people won't know that we exist without your help. If you don't want to receive these emails, just reply and let us know.  We don't want to spam anyone.

Prayer Labyrinth: Tue. 12/13, 2pm-6pm: JC mtg rm D. Drop in for 15 minutes or more to spend some time seeking peace and centering yourself in prayerful meditation during the reading day before final exams.
747 Creative Christian Worship: Join us for a celebration of Advent on Wednesday 12/15 at 7:47pm in JC mtg rm ***C*** (3rd floor, ask the info desk or call/TXT 703-829-0220 for help finding us).  This will be a special time!  ALL are welcome!

Winner of a Starbucks gift card: Yuri Lopez.  Email/call/TXT us within one week to claim your prize. (Subscribers to our email list will periodically be chosen to win a prize -- so watch this space!)
We are starting to look ahead to lots of exciting opportunities next semester.
Join the Facebook group & invite your friends:!/group.php?gid=19907586200
Grace and peace,
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030