Tuesday, February 22, 2011

SPRING BREAK + worship + THEOLOGY PUB + more!

I'm pleased to announce that Northern Virginia Lutheran Campus Ministry has identified the next  Campus Minister / Director of Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University: Jeanne Larsen.  Here is a brief introduction that she wrote:

I come to you after having finished my Master of Divinity degree at Lutheran Theological
Seminary at Gettysburg, PA, and while waiting for ordination. Yah—no more exams. I like
Classical studies, animals, coffee and mystery books but will probably need help with finding my way around campus and with computers. I look forward to being on campus and working with you. God blessings to each of you.

Jeane will be taking over most of what I (Ben) have been doing -- and I'll still be around some this semester to help with the transition.  Look forward to Jeanne announcing some new opportunities and activities soon!

Dear Lord, thank you for your faithfulness.  Each day, help us to focus not on asking you to bless what we are doing, but to discern what you are doing in the world around it, and to be open to whatever roles you would have us fill.  May your realm be revealed around us.  In Jesus we pray, AMEN.

Please feel free to share these emails with a friend -- many people won't know that we exist without your help. If you don't want to receive these emails, just reply and let us know.  We don't want to spam anyone.
(In case of inclement weather, check http://twitter.com/LCMGMU and/or http://facebook.com/LCMGMU for updates.)

747 Creative Christian Worship: Wed. 2/23 at 7:47pm in JC meeting room B (3rd floor, ask the info desk or call/TXT 703-829-0220 for help finding us).  ALL are welcome!  (Co-sponsored with United College Ministries.)  http://GMU747.org
Stay in the loop at: http://www.facebook.com/pages/747-Creative-Christian-Worship-at-George-Mason-University-gmu747/120575701329248
Hypothermia Shelters: Winter is a particularly hard time to be homeless.  To help, Facets implements a hypothermia shelter program, hosted each week by various faith communities in Fairfax County.   They almost always need more people to help (especially on weeknights)!  Some example host weeks:
+ Bethlehem Lutheran, Fairfax (Feb. 20-26) -- Contact the church office at 703-978-3131.
+ Holy Trinity Lutheran, Falls Church (Feb. 27 - March 6) --> they've asked for our help, especially with evening hospitality, overnight supervision, morning cleanup, or entertainment.  Interested volunteers can contact Deb Haynes at 703-560-0263 or ladybogus@cox.net or go directly to the sign up form on the HTLC homepage: www.htluther.org.  Simply enter the password: homeless.
Theology Pub: Mon. 3/1, 5-7pm in the SUB1 Rathskeller (lower level).  Feel free to bring questions or topics for discussion.  Join fellow students and Pastor Meredith to discuss God, life, theology, and how they intersect.  ALL are welcome for safe, open conversation. Facebook event. (Please invite your friends and let us know if you want this event to continue!)

March 11-13, we'll head to Baltimore again for a weekend helping out at Helping Up Mission -- an absolutely amazing recovery community which is incredibly successful at helping people break addictions and become healthy, educated, responsible, and employed -- and also provides food, hot showers, clean clothes, and overnight shelter for people living on the streets.  We'll have the opportunity to meet people whose lives have been saved by this mission, and to serve alongside them in helping to keep their community running!  It is one of the most rewarding places that I've ever volunteered -- and I highly recommend joining us for this rewarding experience!  (Co-sponsored with United College Ministries).  We went there last year, and here is what one student said:
"Helping Up Mission was really, truly wonderful. The people working there and the men going through the program are friendly and enthusiastic and very happy. A lot of the men working there had gone through the program themselves and decided to stay as staff members. I can't tell you how inspiring it was to be there...."

YOUR IDEAS:  Please let us know if you have ideas for service projects that you'd like to take part in (or plan), social events for drawing our community together, Bible study topics you'd like to learn more about, etc.

Join the Facebook group & invite your friends: http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=19907586200
Grace and peace,
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University