Sunday, October 30, 2011

This week--Halloween, Worship and Fall Festival

Blessings to you on All Hallows Eve and All Souls' Eve and All Saints'  Day,
On Oct. 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed a long document with 95 Theses or debate points to the doors of Cathedral Church, Wittenberg, Germany.
 Although he wanted to bring about academic debate on these points,
he brought about a major reformation of the church resulting in many of our Protestant denominations.
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing, it is a gift of God.  Ephesians 2:8
+Monday 31st--"O God, O God, O God--Open Discussion on Sex" 8-9pm SUB 2 vip2--Bring your any and all questions and concerns!
+Wednesday 2nd--"In Community at 747 Creative Worship" 7:47-9pm Johnson Center Room D
+Thursday 3rd--"Table Talk" with Food at St George Methodist Braddock and 123) with UCM-6pm-Rides from  Sandy Creek
+Friday 4th--Big Night with our Fall Festival--7-10pm Christ Lutheran (Lee Highway and Meredith St in Fairfax City)  Rides from Sandy Creek at 6:45pm
                     Food, Costume Contest, Games, and those old Halloween and All Saints Customs and lots more!!!!!!!!
#######Come one, come all--you are welcome!!
God be with you, Jeanne Larsen, chaplain

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University