Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October 17, 2012

Greetings, All!


First order of business is to offer a big thank you to Vicar Josh for carrying the Lutheran Campus Ministry at GMU banner for the last 2 weeks.  I'm feeling much better now and feel I am well on the road to recovery.  Doctors and others have advised me to take it easy for a few weeks, so…


As I indicated last week, Wednesday night 747 Creative Christian Worship has been cancelled for the rest of October.  Stay tuned for future developments.  Please join one of the other campus ministries for on-campus worship during this time.  I'd also be happy to refer you to a local Lutheran congregation for Sunday worship; there are several nearby, and some offer transportation!


Vicar Josh and I will be in the Campus Ministry Office today, Wednesday, from 1-3 pm or so.  Stop in to say hi, bring any questions, or let one of us know if you want or need counseling.

Tomorrow night, Thursday, there will be the Exodus Bible Study in JC 239 at 7:30 pm with free cookies! Hope to see you all there! If you have not come yet, or have missed a few, you can still get plugged back in! You don't need to have come every time.

Oktoberfest Saturday, October 20!  Vicar Josh and the members at Living Savior Lutheran Church invite all students 21 or over to Living Savior
Lutheran Church's Oktoberfest this Saturday from 6-10 pm! There will be lots of authentic German food.  Alcohol will also be served, requiring the age restriction. So, as long as you are 21 or over, come on out to Living Savior Lutheran Church (just down Ox Road from GMU), and enjoy some German food and fun!
 Contact Vicar Josh in advance if you need transportation or further directions.


Blessings on your week.  Keep in touch!


In Christ,

Pastor Terry Hannon

Lutheran Campus Minister

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University