Wednesday, February 20, 2013

This Week with Lutheran Campus Ministry

One of the first Gospel stories we encounter during the season of Lent is that of Jesus' temptation by Satan in the wilderness.  You can read it in Luke 4:1-13.  We, too, are tempted by needs and desires for physical fulfillment, for power and control, for taking the easy way out.  This is a good time to ask yourself:  "What is it that takes me away from being present for God's loving presence?  Hint:  It isn't always chocolate!!


Today—Wednesday— Vicar Josh and I will be in the campus ministry office (JC Room 239) from 1:30-3:00pm.  Stop by and see us then if you are interested.  From 3:00-4:15pm, Vicar Joh will be at Kiosk A in the Johnson Center atrium promoting Lutheran Campus Ministry. Come visit him then and stay for a while!


Ecclesiastes Bible Study continues:  Come and gain some insights into one of the lesser familiar books of the Old Testament.  The group meets Thursday night, February 21, at 8:00 p.m. in the CMA Office (JC Room 239).


Friday night, February 21, is movie night!  Vicar Josh has invited us to his home, next to Living Savior Lutheran Church just down Ox Road from GMU, to kick-off a series of occasional movie nights. We will start with watching "Gran Torino," starring Clint Eastwood. This is a wonderful movie about an old man, played by Eastwood, who lives next to a group of immigrants from Southeast Asia, and how he must defend them from a local gang.
Meet outside the Starbuck's at Northern Neck on the GMU campus Friday night at 6:45pm, and we will head to Vicar Josh's for the movie by 7pm. Free pizza and soda will be provided, along with rides back to GMU after the movie.

This movie contains a lot of Christology, as other Clint Eastwood movies do. We can watch it and discuss how Eastwood portrays a Jesus-like figure in this movie. Although it is rated R for language and violence, "Gran Torino" provides excellent discussion material about living our faith in the 21st century.  (And there's even a reference to Lutherans!) So come on out, bring your friends, and enjoy a great movie with free pizza!

Looking ahead to next week:


Prayer Labyrinth:  Our prayer labyrinth will be available to the Mason community on Monday, February 25, from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm in Johnson Center, Room D.  The labyrinth is a tool for a walking meditation.  It can provide an active means of reflecting upon one's life and one's spiritual journey.  It is also an excellent way to spend some quiet time in prayer as part of your Lenten pilgrimage.  We're also taking volunteers for people who can help with setting up and taking down the labyrinth.  Contact me if you can help.

Kiosk:  We'll have another kiosk next Wednesday, February 27, again from 3:00 – 4:15 p.m. at Kiosk A in the Johnson Center atrium.  You're invited to come for a visit or to help "person" the kiosk.

Finally, it's time to let you know that next week is officially my last week at GMU as campus minister.  I've enjoyed my time here, but I must move on.  You'll see me around some the first week in March for sure, as I've promised Vicar Josh that I'll help him with his internship project.  For now, please keep me, and Lutheran Campus Ministry at GMU, in your prayers during this time of transition.

In Christ,

Pastor Terry Hannon

Lutheran Campus Minister

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University