Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Upcoming Events -- April 14, 2008

The headlines (details down below)
Wednesday 4/16: KIOSK (also a small drum circle)
Thursday 4/17: TABLE TALK - United College Ministries
Friday 4/18:  WHERE DO I GO NOW GOD - United College Ministries
Saturday 4/19: RETREAT INTO GRACE with Episcopal/Lutheran Ministry at Howard University
Sunday 4/20:  READING ROMANS with the Church of the Common Table 

The weather is getting warmer in fits and starts.  I'll be on campus most of the day tomorrow -- in and out of meetings.  Between meetings, you might find me playing some handdrums in the grass -- feel free to come join me (more info below)  There is something powerful about drumming in community - or making music of any kind for that matter.  The creative energies of each person intertwine, and we connect to each other and to something beyond us -- sometimes in unexpected ways.  Sometimes, a drum circle seems to be a time of communal prayer...
...I don't have a good transition here.  Sometimes that's the way life is.  I wanted to share that there are many exciting things afoot.  We'll be partnering with United College Ministries next year on several things: weekly worship on/near campus, a fall retreat, an alternative spring breat trip, and more!  If you would like to be part of this exciting planning, please let me know.

Dear God, thanks for opportunities, friends, and all the other wonderful blessings you pour over us.  May we always be open to noticing that you are walking beside us.  AMEN.

(In general, ALL students, faculty, or staff at GMU or any other college in northern Virginia are invited and welcomed at our events. Being "Lutheran" is never expected or required. All times, dates, and locations are subject to change. Check for updates at http://gmu.edu/org/lutheran or the " GMU Lutherans" Facebook group.) 
DRUM CIRCLE:  I'll spend some time on Wednesday, April 16th handdrumming in the grassy area between SUB1 and the library -- feel free to come join me -- I'll have extras!  I don't know exactly what time yet because I'm still scheduling meetings, but check our calendar at http://gmu.edu/org/lutheran/calendar.html in the morning to find out. 
KIOSK: On Wednesday April 16th I'll be at Kiosk H in the Johnson Center, 4pm-8pm.  Please drop by to chat -- I've love to spend some time with you.  A Facebook event to help you remember: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=11361536157
KARAOKE NIGHT AT THE LAMB CENTER:  Serving others is more than just essential needs (food, clothing, shelter).  It's also important to share in comraderie with those on the fringes of society.  On Thursday, April 17th from 6:30pm-8pm, we'll be joining with others for a night of listening, singing, laughing, and friendship with the poor and homeless at the Lamb Center.  It's located at 3220 Old Lee Highway (off of Fairfax Circle, next to the 7-11), Fairfax, VA 22030.  See http://thelambcenter.org/
GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THE SIMPSONS: We'll watch an episode of the Simpsons and discuss -- see the article in Connect Mason: http://www.connect2mason.com/gospel_simpsons08          Friday, April 18th at 3pm-4pm on the 3rd floor of the Johnson Center (meeting room C -- EVERYONE is welcome -- we mean that!  RSVP on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=37012225216 (or just show up).
RETREAT INTO GRACE:  The The Anglican/Episcopal Chaplaincy and Lutheran Student Ministry at Howard University is hosting this silent retreat at First Trinity Lutheran Church in DC ( http://www.firsttrinitydc.org ) -- roughly a block from the Judiciary Square Metro stop.  It's this Saturday, April 19th fom 10am-4pm.  I think it's free, and lunch is provided.  Silence might sound scary, but it can be quite rewarding -- try it!  RSVP at gmuLutherans@bbuss.com  and I'll let them know, plus I can give you a ride from GMU (we might use Metro part of the way).  The official flyer is on the "GMU Lutherans" Facebook group (as a photo) and posted to my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=12465405
DIFFERENT WORSHIP:  Do you ever wonder what it might have been like when the early Christians received one of Paul's letters.  We understand that the letters were read to the community.  Can you imagine it?  Join me at the Church of the Common Table as they continue a dramatic reading of Romans (the middle third of the letter this week).  There will be some singing, the reading, and communion.  No sermon.  Afterward, you are welcome to join the community as they discuss the reading over the feast of your choice at a Chipotle next door.  Sunday, April 20th at 10am at Jammin' Java (231 Maple Avenue E., Vienna, VA 22180  -- From campus, take VA-123 North 6.2 miles -- Jammin' Java will be on your right in Glyndon Shopping Center just after the Safeway.)  Let me know if you need a ride picking you up around 9:40am -- gmuLutherans@bbuss.com
MASON DAY:   Thursday, April 24th (and most of the week it looks like).  Let me know if you come up with something for us to do on campus during that time...

SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP CARPOOL: Katie Kane leads the worship carpool.  If you want to go to worship on a Sunday morning, email her at kkane [at] gmu.edu to work out the details.


TABLE TALK - sponsored by United College Ministries: Free food and fellowship. All are welcome. Email dmay@gmu.edu for more information. Thursdays, 7:00pm-9:00pm at St. George's United Methodist Church (4910 Ox Rd, Fairfax).

"WHERE DO I GO NOW GOD" SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION - sponsored by United College Ministries: Explore life-direction / vocation with Pastor Herb. Email dmay@gmu.edu for more information. Fridays at 11:45am in SUB I outside the Campus Ministry office Fridays Noon. All are welcome.

God is loose in the world!
Love is loose in the world!