Monday, February 23, 2009

(2/23) Ash Wednesday; Concert; Service; Theology Pub; Peter Rollins; Discussions; MORE!

In each season of the Church year, we focus on different aspects of God's continuing revelation.  This Wednesday we begin the season of Lent, which lasts forty days, not counting Sundays.  

Lent is a tradition many continue to follow, but without the focus of what it calls us to do and be.  Lent is not forty days where you just give up something, and it isn't about wallowing in guilt.  The Taize Book of Common Prayer describes these forty days as "a celebration of the joy of God's forgiveness."  Lent is a life changing re-alignment that reawakens faith and drives us into a deeper relationship.  This is our desire for Lent: not old habits perpetuated but new life instilled.  

We begin Lent with Ash Wednesday services (February 25th, information below).  We want this to be done in humility and honesty and so our services will be filled with contemplation, prayer, and times for confession and surrender.  We invite you to come to our service open to seeking a new way of walking with Christ.

When we journey in Lent, we journey together.  I invite you to consider Lent a time to focus on your spiritual disciplines, to attend church regularly this season, making the sacrifice of giving, and gifting your time in prayer and reflection.  Join us as we journey together. 

Make our hearts more like yours this season, Lord.  Give us a desire to follow you more closely and conform our will to yours.  AMEN.

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DISCUSSION GROUP ON FAITH: We're blessed to have Pastor Lisa Hufford with us for the semester. Come share an afternoon snack, and explore some of the challenges of our human hearts and the beliefs of the Christian faith. We will consider the ideas of various Christian thinkers, pertinent biblical passages, along with our own personal thoughts, experiences, and questions.  Next weekly meeting is Wed 2/25 at 4:30pm in SUB 1 Patriot's Lounge (2nd floor on the blue couches) 

747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  We gather each week to worship, discuss, sing, pray, and more!  Wednesday 2/23 in JC Bistro.  This week, we observe Ash Wednesday in a service of communal confession and personal introspection.  Bring a friend!  Every week is a different experience.  See for future locations and other information -- or check out the Facebook group . 

PETER ROLLINS "LESSONS IN EVANDALISM" TOUR:  Peter Rollins is a writer, public speaker, lecturer and coordinator of the experimental collective Ikon.  His most recent book is "How (Not) to Speak of God" and you can learn more about him at -- Through a mix of parables, philosophy and discussion Peter will be exploring post-modern Christianity and addressing its dangerous, revolutionary and transformative potential.  We'll meet Thursday 2/26 at 6pm outside SUB I room 207 (the Campus Ministry Office) to drive to Vienna and take the Metro to Clarendon. (FREE)  Email if you are interested in attending.

LOST AND FOUND CONCERT: We'll meet at the 20 minute parking behind SUB I at 4:30pm on Friday 2/27 to head to a Lost and Found concert.  If you've never seen Lost and Found in concert, their quirky music and great sense of humor make this a unique experience you won't want to miss!  Facebook event.  Admission is $10.

HELP SERVE A MEAL AT THE KATHERINE K. HANLEY FAMILY SHELTER: A safe, temporary home for homeless families needing assistance and helps families develop plans to locate permanent housing.  Please wear clean comfortable clothes, closed toed shoes, and no sleeveless shirts.  We'll meet in SUB I outside the Campus Ministry Office (by the couches).  We can only take 1-3 volunteers each trip, so please email or RSVP on Facebook if you can attend Saturday 2/28 meeting at 11:15am and returning around 1:45pm -- Facebook event .

THEOLOGY PUB:  Gather at Brion's Grille in University Mall (across Braddock from GMU) to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  Bring your questions!  No barriers to entry. No one will try to change your beliefs and no one will imply they somehow have the truth and you don't.  All are welcome, so come order yourself some food and a beverage and join us for some great conversation!  Tuesday 3/3 at 5:15pm at Brion's GrilleFacebook event . If you want a ride, email 

HARVEST OF HOPE (alternative spring break service mission trip): Spaces are currently full, but we do have a waitlist going.  See for information and applications.

You're probably thinking I can't be serious.  Summer Camp?  Isn't it a joke?  Nope -- I jest not.  Summer camp changes lives -- both for the campers and the counselors.  Being a camp counselor was certainly one of the most powerful summers of my life.  I would love it if we could send our dedicated faithful students into the daily lives of young people all summer long.  Have I wet your appetite?  Drop me a line and we can chat about great places to spend your summer!

AND MORE: There will be much more in the weeks ahead -- such as playing with kids, movie nights, Bible studies, Habitat for Humanity builds, game nights, and much more!  Let us know what you are interested in.