Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fall Retreat @ beautiful Meadowkirk camp Oct. 2-4 for $20 per student!! Save the date!

How is summer break going?  Our summer group has been busy playing game, bowling, making prayer flags, having picnics, and much more!  If you are in the area and would like to be in the loop, just email to let us know!  (This includes you even if you just graduated high school and will be headed to college out of state in the fall -- or if you are an undergraduate, graduate student, or faculty/staff person from any college who happens to be in northern Virginia during the summer for any reason!)

So on to the GREAT NEWS:
UCMNV and LCM will be offering a Fall Retreat the weekend of October 2-4.  This year we will go to the stunningly beautiful Meadowkirk Camp and Retreat Center which is about an hour or so from GMU -- though we expect it may feel like a different world...

Students pay $20 for the whole weekend and our ministries subsidize the rest, including very tasty meals (not your usual camp food) and comfortable accomodations.  And the retreat is accessible so all are welcome -- well, space is limited, but you know what I mean.

Please prayerfully consider giving yourself time for sabbath rest and re-creation and a chance to consider the big questions of life and not just get consumed by academic demands.  The tentative theme is "Community", though that may change.  

If you are interested, please us know -- and tell a friend.

Grace and peace,

PS - Let us know if you'd like to help plan the retreat -- we are always open to student input and leadership!

    "We are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it. The process is not yet finished, but it is going on. This is not the end, but it is the road." ~Martin Luther
    "The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace, and brotherhood." ~Martin Luther King Jr.