Monday, June 22, 2009

Orientations + FIREWORKS + Camping + Retreat + MORE!

Hey everyone!  We hope you are having a super summer so far.  This week we won't be having any explicit social activities, such as the bowling, game nights, picnics, or other such fun we've been having.  There are two summer orientation sessions this week and I'll be out of town at a conference for most of the week, so we hope you understand and we look forward to seeing you next week.  Here's what's on the horizon:

Freshman Orientations:  Monday 6/22 and Thursday 6/25 (both this week) in SUB I.  The schedule for each orientation: 4:30pm - we'll meet in Patriot's Lounge (the area outside the Campus Ministry office) to hang out, snack, maybe play some cards, etc.  At 5:30pm we'll find out which table is ours and set-up.  Then we'll talk to incoming freshmen from 6pm-8pm & tear down.  Come for part or all of the time.  Email with any questions -- or to tell us what size LCM t-shirt you would wear if you don't have one already.  Additional orientation sessions will be July 6, 9, & 13 with the (same schedule unless we post otherwise).

Fireworks!  Interested in heading down to the National Mall to catch the fireworks and the National Symphony Orchestra concert on the 4th of July?  We knew you would be!  Better details coming out next week, but transportation options will be:
(A) Meet us GMU, at the loading dock behind SUB 1 at 4:30pm to carpool
(B) Meet us Vienna Metro Station at 5pm
(C) Meet us in DC -- make sure you email for a couple cell phone numbers if you want to try this!
More details next week...

Camping?  Email if you are interested in a weekend camping trip sometime this summer.  Those interested will brainstorm a date & details. 

FALL RETREAT: Mark your calendar now for this great event the weekend of October 2-4, the cost will be $20/student and we'll spend a fabulous weekend together at Meadowkirk Retreat Center.

Mission Trip Planning Meeting for Summer 2010:  Some Metro DC college-age young adults have initiated a conversation regarding a summer 2010 mission trip for college/grad students (or anyone 18-25). We will gather Sunday, July 12, 2PM at First Trinity Lutheran Church  (free parking across the street) to find out who is interested and how participants envision such a trip.  If you are interested but can't attend, leave a note on the events page of the face book page. If you would like to learn more information, check out the facebook page!  at DC Young Adults. You can also access the web page for this at

Ideas? If there's something happening in the area that you think we should attend as a group, or an activity you'd like to help us plan, email or Facebook Mason Lutherans or find us on Twitter as LCMGMU.  We'd love to hear from you!

Grace and peace,