Monday, October 19, 2009

LOVE FEAST WORSHIP + Service Overnight + KIDS + Bible Study + Theology Pub + Hunger and Homelessness Action Week

Ever hear of a LOVE FEAST?  It's is a loose worship service including a social meal.  Intrigued?  Join us at worship this week in the Bistro!  (We'll have plenty of food, so you don't have to bring anything -- but it will be a potluck, so feel free to bring something to share if you'd like.)  It's all about Christian love, shared food, and welcoming everyone -- so it is a great time to bring a friend or two.  It will be tasty!

747 CREATIVE CHRISTIAN WORSHIP:  In the ***JC Bistro*** this week.  We'll be having a potluck worship (so don't eat a big dinner beforehand) -- what could be called an "Agape Meal" or a "Love Feast".  You don't have to bring food, but if feel free to bring whatever you are inclined to bring.  EVERYONE is welcome -- so bring a friend.  We'll intermix eating and worship.  Co-sponsored with United College Ministries.  Every Wedndesday at 7:47pm.  This week, we are in the ***JC Bistro***.  Complete room schedule at -- Facebook group: GMU747.

SERVICE OVERNIGHT: ALL students studying in the D.C. metro area are invited to participate in an overnight service retreat at Mar-Lu-Ridge in Jefferson, Maryland on October 23-24.  It's a great chance to meet other students form the area, have some fun, spend some time outdoors, and to serve the world beyond your door.  Let us know ASAP if you are interested in going! 

PLANNING MEETING:  Yup, it's about that time again.  All who are interested in helping us brainstorm and/or plan events are welcome -- Bible studies, service events, game nights, movie nights, or anything else.  I'm thinking it will be this Sunday afternoon. Let me know if you are interested and I'll be sure to keep you in the loop!  :-)

FUN WITH KIDS: Playing sports/games & tutoring elementary-aged kids a short walk from campus at the Main Street Child Development Center. 2-3:30pm on Monday 10/26.  We'll walk over from campus -- exact meeting time TBA soon.

BIBLE STUDY: Starting Monday 10/26.  Details TBA soon!  Let us know if you are interested.

THEOLOGY PUB:  We'll gather at the RATHSKELLER in the lower level of SUB1 to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  ALL are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself dinner, and join in the conversation!  5:15pm on these Tuesdays: 11/10/2009 and 12/1/2009. 

HUNGER AND HOMELESSNESS ACTION WEEK:  Each year, the GMU Campus Ministry Association sponsors HHAW to bring the campus community together to learn about hunger and homelessness and what can be done to alleviate these issues.  This year, it will be November 15-21 and I'm directing the efforts -- and if any of you have ideas of how you think we can make the week better than ever, I'd love to hear them.  If you want to help plan an event, I can probably put you in touch with some ideas.  More opportunities for how you can help during the week soon!  Facebook group.

Lord God, we want to know you.  We admit that sometimes we struggle, or find that we don't set aside the time necessary to listen for your still small voice.  Yet we know you love us, and we want to live our lives such that your love emanates from us toward everyone we meet.  In Jesus' name, AMEN.

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030