Tuesday, October 13, 2009

CAMPFIRE + Rob Bell + the intersection of LGBTQA & Christianity + Theology Pub (not necessarily in that order)

Religion and politics are often a dividing issues: taboo topics that I was raised not to talk about in public because opinions on all sides can be strong, and discussions get heated and leave a sour taste in your mouth.  That's probably good advice for your average job interview, but there are times in life where *not* talking about things allows differences to be perceived as much bigger than they really are.  (You gotta talk about the elephant in the room before it becomes a dinosaur that eats us up!)  So, even though we know that all of you likely don't agree on all the politics or theology that might be involved, we hope that we can agree to all be open to hearing differing opinions.

You might have noticed on our website or other materials that LCMGMU is a "Reconciling in Christ" ministry, welcoming and affirming people regardless of societal boundaries such as sexual orientation, gender identity, economic background, political affiliation, or anything else.  We start by seeking to help heal our fractured world by sharing Christ's love with everyone, even if initially that makes us a feel a bit uncomfortable.  If you would like to learn more about the intersection between LGBTQA and Christianity, there are a couple opportunities this week to do just that this week...

From Fundamentalist to Freedom: *Tonight* in JC Meeting Room B at 8:00 PM with Marc Adams, who grew up as a fundamentalist and attended Jerry Falwell's Liberty University, but is now "out" as a gay man who runs Heartstrong to outreach to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and other persons adversely affected by the influence of religious educational institutions and educating the public about the persecution of GLBT's and others as those institutions.  We aren't a sponsor for this, but I'm planning to go to listen, learn, and represent Christianity that is open, loving, and affirming of the dignity of all people as God's beloved children.  You should come check it out!

OUT in Church?  747 Creative Christian Worship: Wednesday 10/7 at 7:47pm.  Rev. Phillip Gaines, pastor of Georgetown Lutheran Church, will be our special guest, sharing his experience of coming out as a gay man, and the adventures of being a gay ordained pastor.  This will be framed within our weekly worship, which will also include song, scripture, prayers, and time for some of your questions.  If you have friends who feel rejected by religious institutions, this would be a great time to bring them to worship, as we talk about struggles, healing, love, and inclusion, culminating in an invitation to the Lord's Supper -- open to ALL (no exceptions).

ROB BELL: You might know him as the guy in the NOOMA videos.  He'll be in DC *this* Saturday (10/10) at 8PM on his Drops Like Stars tour at GWU's Lisner Auditorium (near Foggy Bottom Metro Station), where he'll be exploring the relationship between suffering and creativity -- talking about how new life emerges when our lives seem to be unexpected falling apart.  If you would like to go, let me know by the end of worship on Wednesday and I'll try order tickets -- FREE to you! 

CAMPFIRE!  Meet Emma at the Cube by Southside at 7pm on Monday 10/12 to walk over to the Crosspoint House (4601 Roberts Rd; behind Jackson Hall) for a campfire, complete with songs, s'mores, and more!  

THEOLOGY PUB: We'll gather at the Rathskeller (lower level of SUB 1) to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  ALL are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself dinner, and join in the conversation!  5:15pm on these Tuesdays: 10/13/2009, 11/10, and 12/1.  Details HERE.

Urgent Volunteer Opportunity at Hope Lutheran: Watch kids (mostly under 3 years old) while their mothers attend ESL classes in the next room.  Pick one or more Tuesdays or Thursdays, and either 9am-11am or 7pm-9pm.  Let us know if you are interested and we'll put you in touch with the person at Hope who is coordinating this.  Start tomorrow morning if you want!  (One time or recurring.)

BIBLE STUDY: Coming soon on Monday nights!  Details TBA.

Loving Lord, please allow us to act as your hands and feet in every interaction we have with those in the world around us.  May be never shy from the opportunity to do justice, to love mercy, or to walk humbly with you.  In Jesus' name, AMEN.

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030