Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bake sale for HAITI + GAME NIGHT + Theology Pub + Worship + Spring break TRIP + MORE!

Tonight at 747, we explore how God is revealed in the midst of the devastation, brokenness, and suffering in Haiti and the rest of the world.  Where is God in all of this?  What is our responsibility as Christians?  Join us tonight at 7:47pm in SUB1 room B (3rd floor) and add your voice to the conversation!  We also have some bake sales to help those in Haiti, game nights when we can hang out and get to know each other better, theology pubs where we can eat and discuss your big questions about God, faith, and life -- and much more!  Take a look at our website to see pictures and our calendar which looks farther into the semester: 

747 Creative Christian Worship - Wednesday 1/20 - Our mid-week worship gathering resumes *today* in SUB 1 room B (3rd floor) at 7:47pm.  We'll worship at this time every week classes are in session -- and in the same room most weeks (see for exceptions). ALL are welcome, so bring a friend!

BAKE SALE FOR HAITI By Rachael Dickson: Hi y'all!  I'm organizing a bake sale with all profits going to Lutheran World Relief to help those suffering in Haiti.
     I'll be making cupcakes for this and maybe cookies as well. I would LOVE to have anyone else donate baked goods for this event as well. There has also been discussion of a cupcake baking party if y'all would be interested in that. You can either bring the baked goodies to the Kiosk at the time I'll be there, or you can give me an e-mail or a call and we'll set up a time I can grab it from you.
     I've set up kiosk times on Friday, Monday and Wednesday.  I can run the kiosks no problem, but I'd love to have company if you'd like to stop by.  Thanks y'all!
1/22 - 11am-2pm JC Kiosk F
1/25 - 11am-12pm JC Kiosk A
1/27 - 11am-12pm JC Kiosk B
GAME NIGHT - Friday 1/22 - 6pm-11:30pm in JC meeting room B (3rd floor).  Come for all or part of the time.  This is a great chance to have some fun and get to know those in our community.  We'll have a variety of games, and these are always a great time - so bring some friends and join in the fun!

Rock Show for CHO - Saturday 1/23 - 7pm at The Soundry (316 Dominion Rd, Vienna).  $7 cover to benefit CHO (Committee for Helping Others), an all-volunteer ecumenical aid ministry that provides food, clothing, transportation, furniture, and emergency services to families in Vienna.  I don't know anything about the bands, but I plan to go and have a good time.  Call or TXT me at 703-829-0220 for a ride from campus (at 6:40pm).

Worship Carpool - Sunday 1/24 - Call or TXT me at 703-829-0220 if you'd like a ride from campus to worship at King of Kings - worship starts at 11am so pick-up from GMU would be at 10:40am at the Cue bus stop near the Starbucks.  

Arts & Crafts nightSaturday 1/30 - 6pm-9pm in SUB1 Patriot's Lounge.  ALL are welcome to come use your creative energy.

THEOLOGY PUB - 5:15-7:15pm the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month in the Mason Rathskeller (lower level of SUB1)!  Order yourself food and drink of choice and we'll have a non-judgemental chat about life, God, faith, and the intersection of all these things.  The next one is 2/2/2010.

Baking King Cakes - It's a New Orleans tradition that we are going to share in, baking King Cakes!  You'll get to take some home to share with your friends, and we'll take some of the others to local congregations to help build visibility and support for our activities!  Friday 2/5, 6:30-10pm (meet at the Sandy Creek Shuttle Stop at 6pm for a ride). Questions?  Call or TXT 703-829-0220.

SPRING BREAK SERVICE TRIP - Join us on a trip to Baltimore to leaving the evening of Friday 3/5 and returning late on Tuesday 3/9.  We'll be helping 3 different charities and will have an afternoon to spend exploring the inner harbor area and such!  We're trying to keep costs as low as possible!  More details coming very soon, but let us know if you are interested so we can plan accordingly.

LOTS MORE COMING!  We're looking to focus on more regular service opportunities, baking King Cakes, game nights and other time to just hang out -- and much more!  Let us know what you'd like to do -- and when!

Lord God, grant us peace as the new semester begins, and lead us into deeper relationship with you each and every day.  Enable us to share your light and love with all the world!  In Jesus name, AMEN.

Grace and peace,
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030