Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Haiti + Worship + Crafts + Theology Pub + King Cakes + Lenten devotions + TRIPS + SUMMER opportunities + MORE!

A huge THANK YOU to all of you who have participated in our bake sales, which have raised roughly $450 so far towards the relief efforts in Haiti. The last currently scheduled bake sale will be Wed. 1/27, 11am-Noon. Let's try to push the total up over $520 -- which is the average annual income in Haiti.
In planning worship for this Wednesday, Sarah and I have been looking forward to exploring some of the tension we face as Christians, and our motivations as we work to help others. I'd love to hear what you have to share in this conversation...

747 Creative Christian Worship - Wednesdays at 7:47pm in SUB1 room B (3rd floor). We gather to worship including interactive discussion, song, prayer, and much more! EVERYONE is welcome and we think everyone has valuable insights and things to offer. Co-sponsored by Lutheran Campus Ministry and United College Ministries (representing our brothers and sisters in Christ from the Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Disciples of Christ, and UCC traditions). See http://GMU747.org

BAKE SALE FOR HAITI - 1/27 - 11am-12pm JC Kiosk B - By Rachael Dickson: Hi y'all! I'm organizing a bake sale with all profits going to Lutheran World Relief to help those suffering in Haiti. I'll be making cupcakes for this and maybe cookies as well. I would LOVE to have anyone else donate baked goods for this event as well. There has also been discussion of a cupcake baking party if y'all would be interested in that. You can either bring the baked goodies to the Kiosk at the time I'll be there, or you can give me an e-mail or a call and we'll set up a time I can grab it from you. I can run the kiosks no problem, but I'd love to have company if you'd like to stop by. Thanks y'all!

Arts & Crafts night - Saturday 1/30 - 6pm-9pm in SUB1 Patriot's Lounge. ALL are welcome to come use your creative energy. We'll be focusing on crafts that are eco-friendly -- on ways to re-purpose items for new uses. We have some ideas, but please let us know if you have ideas as well, so we can try to have supplies for things.

Worship Carpool - Sunday 1/31 - Call or TXT me at 703-829-0220 if you'd like a ride from campus to worship at King of Kings - worship starts at 11am so pick-up from GMU would be at 10:40am at the Sandy Creek Shuttle .

THEOLOGY PUB - 5:15-7:15pm the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month in the Mason Rathskeller (lower level of SUB1)! Order yourself food and drink of choice and we'll have a non-judgemental chat about life, God, faith, and the intersection of all these things. The next one is 2/2/2010.

Baking King Cakes - It's a New Orleans tradition that we are going to share in, baking King Cakes! You'll get to take some home to share with your friends, and we'll take some of the others to local congregations to help build visibility and support for our activities! Friday 2/5, 6:30-10pm at Lord of Life (meet at the Sandy Creek Shuttle Stop at 6pm for a ride). Questions? Call or TXT 703-829-0220.

Lenten devotions - For the last two years, I've sent out daily devotions (via Facebook, blog, RSS, and email) during Lent. This year, I'm hoping to get your help in writing some of the devotions. If you are intersted, pick a day/scripture from the list HERE and let me know, then write a 150-400 word reflection and a 1-2 line prayer. It's really not hard - let me know if you are willing to write 1-2 of them!

SPRING BREAK SERVICE TRIP - Join us on a trip to Baltimore to leaving the evening of Friday 3/5 and returning late on Tuesday 3/9. We'll be helping 3 different charities and will have an afternoon to spend exploring the inner harbor area and such! We're trying to keep costs as low as possible! More details coming very soon, but let us know if you are interested so we can plan accordingly.

LOTS MORE COMING! We're looking to focus on more regular service opportunities, Bible studies, game nights and other time to just hang out -- and much more! Let us know what you'd like to do -- and when!

Lord God, be with us amidst our struggles and tension, call us deeper into relationship with you, guide us as your servants, and grant us peace. AMEN.

Summer Opportunities
"BUILD" Summer Service Trip - Rebuild homes/cabins and lives in Neon, Kentucky, and share God's love while having fun and learning more about Christian servanthood and compassionate justice. For College and Graduate School Students in the Metro DC Synod Area. It is an opportunity for young adults to serve as God's hands in the midst of a community in need. We will enjoy the fellowship of working toward a comm on goal while discovering that faith de ands action beyond the confines of our immediate experience. June 6-12, 2010. Let us know if you would like more information.

Ignighting leaders - Bread for the World is looking for the best and brightest 20- to 30-year-old advocates to join our next class of Hunger Justice Leaders. Selected participants will attend an advocacy training workshop—all expenses paid—in Washington, D.C., June 12-15, 2010. Do you have what it takes to be a Bread for the World Hunger Justice Leader? Or do you know someone who does? Visit http://www.bread.org/get-involved/hunger-justice-leaders-training/2010/

Ever consider being a counselor at SUMMER CAMP? I would love to see some of you spend your summers changing the lives of children, and probably finding that your life is changed as well. I still can't believe I actually got paid for all the fun I had the year I was a camp counselor! There are great camps all across the country -- let me know if you are interested in some suggestions.

Grace and peace,
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030