Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Labyrinth + Craft night + Habitat ReStore + New T-SHIRTS + much more!

Scroll down for info on:
10/12: Labyrinth
10/13: Worship: Chosen & Inclusive (JC Bistro)
10/15: Craft Night
10/16: Habitat ReStore

and much more!

We seek to provide a warm and welcoming environment for ALL persons.
As a community of the people of God, we are called to minister to all
people in our world, knowing that the world is often an unloving
place. Our world is a place of alienation and brokenness. Christ calls
us to reconciliation and wholeness. We are challenged by the Gospel to
be agents of healing within our society.

Today is National Coming Out Day, and Coming Out Week will be observed
all week long here at GMU.  Coming "out" can be a particular challenge
for Christians in the LGBTQ community, who may be concerned about
whether faith communities will still be welcoming and affirming.
Lutheran Campus Ministry at GMU have taken a stand on this issue:

We affirm with the apostle Paul that in Christ "there is neither Jew
nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor
female" (Galatians 3:28). Christ has made us one. We acknowledge this
reconciliation extends to all people regardless of societal barriers,
such as denomination, religious identity, race, color, national
origin, sex, age, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation,
gender identity or expression, veteran status, political affiliation,
and income bracket. Therefore, we follow the example set by Jesus in
welcoming all people. As members of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians
12), we work together to build up the community. We recognize that we
may not always agree on every issue and we affirm the right of each
person to exercise freedom of conscience and engage in faithful
discussion on any topic.

Because gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons are often
scorned by society and alienated from the Church, we wish to make
known our caring and concern. It is forthis purpose that we affirm the
following: that people of all sexual orientations and gender
identities share with all others the worth that comes from being
unique individuals created by God; that people of all sexual
orientations and gender identities are welcomed into this community
along with all people; and that people of all sexual orientations and
gender identities are encouraged to participate fully and share in the
general life of Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University.

This affirmation of welcome has been posted on our website since we
adopted it over 2 years ago, and we mean it.  YOU are welcome in this

Lord God, help us to share the amazing hospitality that you have
shared with us.  Guide us and we seek to understand and love each
individual who approaches  us, both as a community and as individuals.
We do this in following the example set by your son, Jesus the
Christ. Amen.

Please feel free to share these emails with a friend -- many people
won't know that we exist without your help.
If you don't want to receive these emails, just reply and let us know.
 We don't want to spam anyone.

Prayer Labyrinth: Tue 10/12, Noon-4pm: JC meeting room D. Take a break
from your busy schedule to seek some peace through prayerful
meditation.  Facebook event

747 Creative Christian Worship: Wed. 10/6 at 7:47pm in Johnson Center
BISTRO (lowest level).  Worship with your whole self -- where your
voice matters.  We'll be digging deeper into our exploration of
hospitality.  ALL are welcome!  Note the room change!  Call/TXT
703-829-0220 if you have any trouble finding us.  Co-sponsored with
United College Ministries <>.  ALL are
welcome!  Check out the *new* facebook Fan Page for this worship
gathering <>.

Craft Night: Friday 10/15, 6-9pm: JC meeting room D -- We'll gather to
hang out and make crafts!  More details soon!  ALL are welcome!
Facebook event.

Habitat Re-Store: Sat. 10/16, 1PM-5:30PM -- Meet Pete at the Sandy
Creek Circle at 1PM for a ride to the Habitat Re-Store in Chantilly to
help out in whatever ways they need help.  Co-sponsored with United
College Ministries <>.  Leave a message @
703-993-3324--or just show up.

New LCM T-shirts will be arriving by the end of the week!  Let us know
ASAP if you'd like one, and in what size. Cost = $5.  See what they
look like at


Book club: Are you interested in reading & discussing "Mere
Christianity" by C.S. Lewis?  If so, please contact us and we'll try
to arrange a time that works for everyone who is interested.

Running group: Our bodies are God's wonderful creations -- we should
take care of them.  If you are interested in being part of a group
that will go running once/week (probably on Saturday mornings), let us
know and we'll figure out the best time.

"Faith Chat" -- Pastor Darcy Percy will be having a lunchtime faith
conversation group in the JC on Wednesdays (lasting approx. 5 weeks).
We're taking suggestions for the time, so that those who are
interested aren't stuck in class, if possible.  Let us know ASAP what
works best for you between 10:30am-3:30pm. (Assume it will end up
being roughly an hour/week.)

Winner of a one of our new LCMGMU T-shirts: Ashley Rivera.
Email/call/TXT us within one week to claim your
prize. (Subscribers to our email list will periodically be chosen to win
a prize, with the grand prize being an iPod Touch!)

There is a lot more coming -- and don't forget to join the Facebook
group & invite your friends:!/group.php?gid=19907586200


Grace and peace,
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030