Wednesday, October 27, 2010

[UPDATED]: Worship + Hunger and Homelessness Action Week + T-SHIRTS + much more!

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted 95 Theses (theological disputes, mainly against clerical abuses occurring at that time) on the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany -- and it was this event that kicked off the Protestant Reformation.  It was a movement which resulted in the church no longer selling forgiveness for sins, in Christ being restored to the center of faith, in the Bible being translated to the everyday language of common people, and much more! 

At this time, I am reminded that (although the Protestant Reformation is recognized as an event that occurred at a specific time) -- that the church is always reforming.  God is loose in the world, and the Spirit blows creatively in our midst, calling us to continually re-contextualize for our time and place the Good News of God's saving grace that is known through Christ Jesus. 

It is a special time in the church year within the Lutheran Church, so it is a great time to join a local congregation for worship.  You can find a list of local congregations (arranged by distance from GMU) at -- and you can let me know if you have any questions or are seeking rides from campus.

Lord God, we thank you for our ancestors in the faith, who stood up and followed where you led, reforming the church and passing the story of your grace down through the ages.  Help us to be open to following wherever you call us to lead.  In Jesus name we pray, AMEN.

Please feel free to share these emails with a friend -- many people won't know that we exist without your help. If you don't want to receive these emails, just reply and let us know.  We don't want to spam anyone.

747 Creative Christian Worship: Wed. 10/27 at 7:47pm in SUB2 room VIP2 (3rd floor, ask the info desk or call/TXT 703-829-0220 for help finding us).  We'll be exploring Sacramental Living and are also expecting guests from Virginia International University.  ALL are welcome!  Co-sponsored with
United College Ministries <>.  Check out the facebook Fan Page for this worship gathering <>.  You can always find our location listed at

Pumpkin Carving: Let's meet in the JC near Kiosk G at 7:45pm to go together to the Program Board event carving pumpkins & decorating cookies from 8pm-9pm (down at the Cinema/South Plaza).  It should be fun!  Give me a call if you have any trouble finding me: 703-829-0220.

Hunger and Homelessness Action Week (an annual week of activities sponsored by the campus ministry association to educate about these issues and inspire people to action) is drawing nearer.  it will be November 14th-20th, and there are several ways that you can get involved now to help make this week possible and meaningful:
+ Student planning committee which will plan an activity for HQ on the north plaza, among other things (forming by 11/1);
+ Helping to staff HQ on the north plaza (our shift is Wed 11/17, 12:30pm-2:30pm --- and if you are willing to be the person who organizes our shift, please let me know by 11/1);
+ Student advertising team which will be in charge of chalking, fliering, etc. (forming by 11/1);
+ Helping to plan and facilitate the 4th annual Sleep-Out on the North Plaza (which will occur Thurs. 11/18);
+ Signing up to walk in the CROP Walk to raise awareness and money to stop hunger (walk will be Sun. 11/21);
+ and there will be more ways to participate as November progresses.  Please let me know if you are interested -- and ASAP for the two student groups forming within the week!

Theology Pub: Tue 11/2, 5pm-7pm in the Mason Rathskeller (lower level of SUB1) -- join us to discuss God, theology, faith, life, and how they intersect over food and drink.  We welcome questions, doubts, and differences of opinion.  :-) 

Prayer LabyrinthTue 11/9, Noon-4pm: JC meeting room D. Take a break from your busy schedule to seek some peace through prayerful meditation.

New LCM T-shirts have arrived!  Let us know if you'd like one, and in what size. Student cost = $5 (or $15 for non-students).  See what they look like at

There is a lot more coming -- and don't forget to join the Facebook group & invite your friends:!/group.php?gid=19907586200

Grace and peace,
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030