Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Worship + Study + Service Opportunities Abound!

Grace and peace to each of you in the name of Jesus, the Christ!


As of 12:00 noon on Wednesday, we still plan to hold 747 Creative Christian Worship this evening in Johnson Center Room C, on the 3rd floor, beginning at 7:47.  Worship is co-sponsored by Lutheran Campus Ministry and United Campus Ministries of Northern Virginia (UCMNV).


Our colleagues with UCMNLV will hold their weekly Table Talk at St. George United Methodist Church beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday evening.  Meet at 6:30 at Sandy Creek Circle if you need a ride from the GMU campus.



Plan ahead for these events:


Sunday, February 19 is the kickoff date for a new small group, God is Not One.  Based on the book by the same title by Stephen Prothero, this will be an opportunity to explore and contrast 8 of the world's religions.  Meet at 5:30 p.m. in the Campus Ministry Office – J.C. Room 239H.


Hypothermia Shelters:  Now in its 7th season, FACETS has been implementing its hypothermia prevention and response program in conjunction with the Fairfax County government.  The emergency shelters for homeless persons are hosted each week by various faith communities in Fairfax County.  The following congregations have invited us specifically to participate in their programs over the next few weeks:


+ St. Mark's Lutheran, Springfield (Feb. 12-19)
+ Bethlehem Lutheran, Fairfax (Feb. 19-26)
+ Holy Trinity Lutheran, Falls Church (Feb. 26-March 4)

They almost always need more people to help (especially on weeknights)!  If you are interested in taking part, even if it is only for a few hours or one night (i.e. cooking and serving food, talking to people, playing games, and providing hospitality, etc.), let me know and I'll work to connect you with the coordinator at the hosting congregation, as well as arrange transportation if necessary.



May you know God's peace this week in your comings and goings.  Hope to see you soon!


In Christ,

Pastor Terry Hannon

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University