Wednesday, April 11, 2012

This Week: 747 and More

747 Creative Christian Worship: Tonight (Wednesday) at 7:47pm in JC meeting room F (3rd floor, ask the info desk or call 703-829-0220 for help finding us.  ALL are welcome!  (Co-sponsored with United College Ministries.)

Table Talk:  Weekly gathering at St. George United Methodist Church beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday evening.  Meet at 6:30 at Sandy Creek Circle if you need a ride from the GMU campus. (United College Ministries)


Saturday, April 14, Service Opportunity:  Potato Drop Service Day.  Meet at 8:00 a.m. at the Starbucks on campus to go to St. Matthew's United Methodist Church, Annandale.  We will be filling bags with thousands of pounds of potatoes that will be donated to area food banks to feed families.  Help us make a difference in the community and participate in the good work that God is doing in the world.  (United College Ministries)


Future Service Opportunity:  Lutheran Campus Ministries at GMU has received a grant to help us raise funds to treat and prevent malaria in Africa.  Let me know if you're interested in participating.  I'd love to have your help and your ideas!


What Ideas Do You Have?:  How can we serve you in sharing and strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ?  How can we support you?  Please let me know if you have ideas for service projects that you'd like to take part in (or plan), social events for drawing our community together, Bible study topics you'd like to learn more about, etc.

Please share these emails with a friend or two – more people will know that we exist with your help. 

If you don't want to receive these emails, just reply and let us know.


Easter blessings,

Pastor Terry Hannon
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University