Sunday, April 12, 2009

(4/12) HAPPY EASTER + Bake Sale + Theology Pub + Sacred/Erotic Worship + Movie night + Relay for Life + MORE!

Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!

Happy Easter everyone!  May you live into the promise of new life found in the resurrection of Jesus!

See below for:
+ Bake Sale
+ Theology Pub
+ 747 worship on reclaiming our bodies planned as a project for a class on "the Sacred and the Erotic"
+ Movie Night
+ and more!

Lord God, now that we are washed clean of our Sin, help us to share your love with our whole lives.  In Jesus name we pray, AMEN.

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BAKE SALE:  Monday 4/13 from Noon-2pm on the JC East Plaza sidewalk.  Come support our Relay for Life team!  Feel free to contribute baked goodies, or to fill your belly by buying some fabulous treats to help us fight cancer!  Details on joining our team below...

THEOLOGY PUB:  Gather at Brion's Grille in University Mall (across Braddock from GMU) to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  Bring your questions!  No one will imply they have the truth and you don't.  All are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself food & beverage, and join us for some great conversation!  5:15pm at Brion's Grille on Tuesday 4/14 and 5/5.  Facebook it -- Pastor Lisa Hufford will be joining us!  Rides leave from SUB I room 207 at 5pm.  For more info, email 

747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  We gather each week to worship, discuss, sing, pray, and more!  This week will be super exciting as students are planning and leading worship as a project for their class on "The Sacred and the Erotic".  Join us, and reclaim your body in light of the resurrection of Christ.  7:47pm in the JC Bistro on Wed 4/15.  We affirm the dignity of all people and encourage you to participate however you are most comfortable.  Bring a friend!  Every week is a different experience.

MOVIE NIGHT:  Friday 4/17 we'll have a movie night.  Bring a snack and a friend.  We'll watch a movie & maybe chat a bit afterwards.  Details in a special update email later in the week...

RELAY FOR LIFE:  Lutheran Campus Ministry is joining the fight against cancer by participating in Relay for Life here at GMU.  The relay will begin on Saturday 4/18 at 5pm (ending Saturday at 7am).  We'll walk, play games, and camp out!  It'll be a blast!  Being Lutheran is never a requirement - everyone is welcome to join our team by following this link and clicking the "Join our Team" button: 

PEER MINISTRY:  Interested in working to make Lutheran Campus Ministry at GMU better?  Help plan service events, worship services, and more!  Find the full job description and the application at  ---  Applications can be accepted up through April 17th if you contact me by Wed 4/15 to let me know at  ---  Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions!

Being a camp counselor was one of the most powerful summers of my life.  Summer camp changes lives -- both for the campers and the counselors.  Have I wet your appetite?  Drop me a line and we can chat about great places to spend your summer!