Wednesday, April 15, 2009

(4/18) Sacred/Erotic Worship + Movie Night + RELAY FOR LIFE + more!

UPDATE: MOVIE NIGHT will be in JC meeting room G (3rd floor) on Friday 4/17 starting at 7pm.  Hopefully, someone can bring "Saved", which is hilarious.  Otherwise, I'll have my diverse collection of DVDs...

Reminder: Reclaim your body in light of the resurrection of Christ TONIGHT as we explore the sacred and the erotic during worship, 7:47pm in the JC Bistro.

Also, let me know if you are going to be around this summer and interested in possibly gathering once/week to do something fun, like mini-golf, watching a movie, eating dinner, playing games, disc golf, a bike ride, or whatever: 

If you wish to unsubscribe, respond to this e-mail with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject.

747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  We gather each week to worship, discuss, sing, pray, and more!  This week will be super exciting as students are planning and leading worship as a project for their class on "The Sacred and the Erotic".  Join us, and reclaim your body in light of the resurrection of Christ.  7:47pm in the JC Bistro on Wed 4/15 (TONIGHT).  Bring a friend!  Every week is a different experience.  (PS -- we still have some cookies from our BAKE SALE, so bring a couple dollars if you are interested in supporting cancer research by eating cookies!)

MOVIE NIGHT:  Friday 4/17 at 7pm in Johnson Center meeting room G (3rd floor).  Bring a snack and/or a friend and/or just yourself.  We'll watch a movie & maybe chat a bit afterwards.

RELAY FOR LIFE:  It's not too late to join us in the fight against cancer by participating in Relay for Life here at GMU.  The relay will begin on Saturday 4/18 at 5pm (ending Saturday at 7am) by the field house.  We'll walk, play games, and camp out!  It'll be a blast!  Being Lutheran is never a requirement - everyone is welcome to join our team by following this link and clicking the "Join our Team" button: 

PEER MINISTRY:  LAST CALL!  Interested in working to make Lutheran Campus Ministry at GMU better?  Help plan service events, worship services, and more!  Find the full job description and the application at  ---  Applications can be accepted up through April 17th if you contact me by Wed 4/15 to let me know at  ---  Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions!

THEOLOGY PUB:  Gather at Brion's Grille in University Mall (across Braddock from GMU) to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  Bring your questions!  No one will imply they have the truth and you don't.  All are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself food & beverage, and join us for some great conversation!  5:15pm at Brion's Grille on Tuesday 5/5.  Rides leave from SUB I room 207 at 5pm.  For more info, email