Monday, April 27, 2009

(4/27) DRUM CIRCLE, worship, THEOLOGY PUB, summer info, and MORE!

Do you ever feel like you are at your wits end?  Like the odds are stacked against you and you don't know how you'll ever accomplish something?  The Bible is full of people struggling with this.  Read the Psalms, and connect to people who lived long ago -- seeing that maybe we aren't so different from those who have walked this path of faith before us.  We even see Jesus struggling in the garden on Maundy Thursday, wrestling with the task set before him.  Everyone's experiences are different, but you are not alone!  We journey together...

Lord God, thank you for community, both past and present.  We need the stories of those who have lived faithfully throughout history.  We need those around us who support us on our journey.  Give us the strength to be there for those around us, and help us to faithfully act to share love, food, and a listening ear with our others, whoever they are.  For the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord, AMEN.

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DRUM CIRCLE: I'll have a bunch of drums on campus sometime Tuesday afternoon.  No experience necessary -- we'll make music together and hopefully burn off some end-of-the-semester stress.  Watch my Facebook status (or Twitter) for exactly when... (Feel free to message me or email if you have a vote on the time!)

747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  We gather each week to worship, discuss, sing, pray, and more!  Wed. 4/29 we'll be in the JC Bistro at 7:47pm.  Bring a friend!  Every week is a different experience.  

NOVALCM, Inc Annual Meeting:  Northern Virginia Lutheran Campus Ministry, Inc. will be holding it's annual meeting on Monday 5/4 at Emmanuel Lutheran in Vienna at 7pm.  This meeting is open to the public, and will include my report about what we've been doing this year, a report on campus ministry from the DC Synod, and time for PUBLIC COMMENT.  Students are welcome to attend!  Let me know if you want more information.

THEOLOGY PUB:  Gather at Brion's Grille in University Mall (across Braddock from GMU) to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  Bring your questions!  No one will imply they have the truth and you don't.  All are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself food & beverage, and join us for some great conversation!  5:15pm at Brion's Grille on Tuesday 5/5.  Rev. Amy Sevimli, assistant to the Bishop of the Metro DC Synod, will be joining us!  Rides leave from SUB I room 207 at 5pm.  For more info, email 

DC YOUNG ADULTS:  Check out the website ( ) or Facebook group:

SUMMER EMAIL LIST:  We'll probably gather once/week to do something fun, like mini-golf, watching a movie, eating dinner, playing games, disc golf, a bike ride, or whatever.  This is open to students from other schools who are living/working in northern Virginia in the summer, so ask your friends if they want on the list too!  If you'd like to be on our summer email list, please let me know: