Monday, May 11, 2009


So most of you are either done or on the home stretch...  Take some time to relax when you finish.  Breath deep and catch up on sleep.  While you are at it, consider hanging out in community.  It'll be fun!

Lord God, thank you so much for life -- for each new day -- for each new breath.  Help us to cherish each moment, and to take the opportunity to live life fully.  Help keep us from becoming so immersed in our TO DO list that we never get a chance to enjoy the splendor of the world you created.  In Jesus name we pray, AMEN.

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GAMES (MOVIES?) in the JC Bistro, Wed. 5/13, 6:30pm-10pm. Celebrate the end of finals by relaxing in community! I'll bring games -- Bring your dinner along if you'd like! Bring your friends! All are welcome!  If you haven't yet met us in person, all your school work should be done -- so hopefully this is a great time to come have fun!

SUMMER EMAIL LIST:  We'll probably gather once/week to do something fun, like mini-golf, watching a movie, eating dinner, playing games, disc golf, a bike ride, or whatever.  This is open to students from other schools who are living/working in northern Virginia in the summer, so ask your friends if they want on the list too!  If you'd like to be on our summer email list, please let me know: (Otherwise, you'll probably just get an email every few weeks to keep you in the loop.)

SUMMER IDEAS:  Those of you who are around for at least the next few weeks, let me know what you want to do next week through the end of the month.  It could be the Perils of the Lost Jungle Mini-Golf, going to see a band playing at Jammin' Java, spending some time at one of the Smithsonian museums, coming down to my place to grill out & play MarioCart, goof off in a park, a Theology Pub, or whatever strikes your fancy. 

CALL & CANOE:  The Virginia Synod of the ELCA has a Young Adult retreat THIS WEEKEND (May 15-17) and they still have spaces left. The "Call and Canoe" retreat is at Caroline Furnace. The cost is only $25 and it is a small and relaxed event which gives you a chance to discuss with your peers what it means to respond to the call of God in your life, no matter what you may be doing! It starts on Friday evening with dinner and ends on Sunday at noon. Anyone of college age or just past that age can attend (even if you are from outside Virginia, etc.). Registration form/info at (I can't provide rides, but contact the event organizers if you need one, because someone might be driving through this area on the way out.)

VIRGINIA SYNOD YOUNG ADULTS: For those of you who come from congregations in the Virginia Synod, please consider attending this year's Young Adult Convocation at the Virginia Synod Assembly - June 5-7, 2009. Here's the form for that:

LIVING THE QUESTIONS: Dream. Think. Be. Do. -- check out this video promo & let me know if you think you might be interested in discussions based on these videos next year.

YOU ARE A LEADER: Flex your leadership skills, or develop them!  If you are interested in helping line up service events for next year (Katherine K Hanley Family Shelter, Habitat for Humanity, NOVACO, or whatever is close to your heart), let me know.  I'd love to help you gather people to do God's work in our region.  :-)

DC YOUNG ADULTS:  Check out the website ( ) or Facebook group: