Tuesday, May 5, 2009


You don't want to miss the Theology Pub today at Brion's Grille as we chat with Rev. Amy Sevimly -- 5:15pm for half price burgers and other Cinco de Mayo specials!  More details below!

One of our Board members was telling us last night that whenever you are down in the dumps, think of Job.  It isn't a matter of rejoicing in the suffering of others, but rather resting in the knowledge that others have been through things we can scarcely imagine.  Yet, God is with us...usually in mysterious ways we can hardly comprehend.  So as you finish classes and begin exams, remember that God is with you.  May you feel peace amidst the stress.

God, sometimes we feel alone, and that our load is to heavy to bear.  Yet, we trust that somehow, you are with us.  Please help us carry our burdens, and give us the strength to go on.  Thank you for all the blessings and opportunities we've been given.  In the name of Jesus the Christ we pray, AMEN.

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THEOLOGY PUB:  Gather at Brion's Grille in University Mall (across Braddock from GMU) to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  Bring your questions!  No one will imply they have the truth and you don't.  All are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself food & beverage, and join us for some great conversation!  5:15pm at Brion's Grille on Tuesday 5/5.  Rev. Amy Sevimli, assistant to the Bishop of the Metro DC Synod, will be joining us!  Rides leave from SUB I room 207 at 5pm.  For more info, email lutheran@gmu.edu 

747 -- WEEKLY CREATIVE WORSHIP:  The last 747 of the semester will be Wed. 5/6 -- we're still trying to iron out the location.  Tentatively, we'll meet at 7:30pm at the Campus Ministry Office (SUB I room 207) to head to the location (either St. George's UMC or a classroom).  In the midst of finals, we'll gather to worship, discuss, sing, pray, and more!  Take a break from the stress of the week to re-center on God.  See students talk about worship at http://GMU747.org  

CALL FOR PICTURES:  If you've taken any pictures at LCM events (including co-sponsored events like the Retreat, 747 Worship, Hunger and Homeless Action Week, or the spring break trip), I would love it if you would please burn me a CD or let me pull them off a thumb drive.  Thank you!

METRO DC SYNOD ASSEMBLY:  I'm looking into what possibility there is for students to hang out at the campus ministry booth at synod assembly to tell those representing congregations what has been happening on campus this year.  Friday 5/8 at Noon - Saturday 5/9 at 5pm at Gallaudet in DC.  Email lutheran@gmu.edu if you are interested.

SUMMER EMAIL LIST:  We'll probably gather once/week to do something fun, like mini-golf, watching a movie, eating dinner, playing games, disc golf, a bike ride, or whatever.  This is open to students from other schools who are living/working in northern Virginia in the summer, so ask your friends if they want on the list too!  If you'd like to be on our summer email list, please let me know:  lutheran@gmu.edu 

DC YOUNG ADULTS:  Check out the website ( http://www.dcyoungadults.org/ ) or Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/pages/DC-Young-Adults/150317230456