Saturday, May 16, 2009

(5/16) Congrats! Transition -- UPCOMING

To those who have just graduated: CONGRATULATIONS *new* alumni!  If you've graduated from GMU, please let us know what's next for you, and what your postal address will be moving forward.  Even if you never made it to any activities, we'd like to keep you in the loop about what LCM is doing here at GMU.  

To those will be around this summer: Make sure to let us know so we keep you informed with weekly emails about fellowship activities.  The first couple weeks are listed below...THIS WILL BE THE LAST WEEKLY EMAIL FOR A COUPLE MONTHS. 

To those moving out of the area for the summer: Have a wonderful summer, and we look forward to seeing you in the fall!  We've started our fall planning, so let us know if you have ideas or want to help organize or lead anything.  (We'll have an open meeting for fall planning later in the summer.)

To those who will be back in classes on Monday: We hope you can relax this weekend.  Find a way to rest/recharge before heading back into the fray.

Lord God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.

If you wish to unsubscribe, respond to this e-mail with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject.

Wii / HANGOUT / HAIRCUTS?  We'll gather at my house in on Wednesday 5/20 in Burke to play MarioKart, have fun, and a few people will be drastically shortening their hair on the back patio (weather permitting).  Email to get the address.  Show up any portion of time between 6:30pm-10pm.  Rides can be arranged.

STAR TREK MOVIE: We're tentatively planning to go see the new Star Trek movie sometime May 26-30.  Let us know if you have a vote for when or where.

SUMMER IDEAS:  Those of you who are around for at least the next few weeks, let me know what you want to do next week through the end of the month.  It could be the Perils of the Lost Jungle Mini-Golf, going to see a band playing at Jammin' Java, spending some time at one of the Smithsonian museums, coming down to my place to grill out & play MarioCart, goof off in a park, a Theology Pub, or whatever strikes your fancy. 

SUMMER EMAIL LIST:  We'll probably gather once/week to do something fun, like mini-golf, watching a movie, eating dinner, playing games, disc golf, a bike ride, or whatever.  This is open to students from other schools who are living/working in northern Virginia in the summer, so ask your friends if they want on the list too!  If you'd like to be on our summer email list, please let me know: (Otherwise, you'll probably just get an email every few weeks to keep you in the loop.)