Friday, September 4, 2009

Food Drive + Planning Mtg + Drum Circle + Worship + Theology Pub + RETREAT + MORE!

I hope your first week of classes was great!  We had a great time getting to know each other, drumming on the Quad, meeting new people, worshiping and talking about who are are as loved children of God who find our worth in Jesus Christ.  God loves you because that's who God is! 
    Read below for info on events this weekend and beyond.  Don't forget to register for our FALL RETREAT, which promises to be a spectacular time!  Oh, and you can also follow us on Twitter or join our Facebook Group.  :-)

Oh God, you are so beyond our understanding that Your love overflows from us into the world around us.  Thank you!  AMEN.


FOOD DRIVE: Our Daily Bread food drive. Saturday, 9/6/2009, 2pm-6:30pm, at Safeway (12200 Fairfax Towne Ctr, near Fair Oaks Mall).  Meet at SUB1 room 207 (Campus Ministry Office) at 1:30pm for a ride.  Let us know if you are coming so we have enough cars.    ;-)
PLANNING MEETING: YOU are invited to meet with us on Sunday 9/7 at 4pm in SUB I Patriot's Lounge (on the blue couches by the Info Desk) to talk about what we would like to do together this semester.  Have ideas about service events?  Want to help plan a game night or bike ride?  I'll provide the pizza and we'll put our hearts and minds together on this.  Ideas and leadership from Freshmen and Sophomores are encouraged!  ALL are welcome!

DRUM CIRCLE: No experience necessary – we'll provide a bunch of hand drums and shakers and make music together.  ALL are welcome!  Monday 9/7 in President's Park 3pm-4pm. Come and go as you please, so feel free to stop by even if you only have a few minutes.  We'll be in some place shady relatively near Eisenhower.

747 CREATIVE CHRISTIAN WORSHIP:  We gather to worship including interactive discussion, song, prayer, and much more!  EVERYONE is welcome and we think everyone has valuable insights and things to offer.  Co-sponsored with United College Ministries.  Every Wedndesday at 7:47pm.  We're in SUB1 room B (3rd floor) for the first few weeks.  Complete schedules at -- Facebook group: GMU747.

THEOLOGY PUB:  We'll gather at Brion's Grille to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  ALL are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself dinner, and join in the conversation!  5:15pm on these Tuesdays: 9/15/2009, 10/13, 11/10, and 12/1.  Let us know if you want a ride from campus.  Details HERE.

FALL RETREAT: You can register online HERE -- the retreat will be October 2-4, at the beautiful Meadowkirk Retreat Center.  Cost is $20/student including everything (meals, lodging, etc.), but we can help if money is an issue.  Space is limited, so consider registering soon!

HELP OUT: It would be awesome if some of you would help out with KIOSKS (Wed 9/9, 2-6pm and Tues 9/15, 11am-3pm) in the JC.  Feel free to put together a group to PAINT A CUBE by Southside, CHALK campus, etc.

Ideas?  If there is something happening that you think we should attend as a group, or an activity that you'd like to help plan, or you just need to talk, let us know.  Contact info below.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Grace and peace,

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
Facebook: Mason Lutherans
Twitter: LCMGMU
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone/TXT: 703-829-0220