Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Re: RETREAT + Stand up for peace + Worship + more!

Where do we find God?  That is the question we'll tackle tonight at worship.  Do you have an answer?  Bring it!  We'd love to hear it.  Hopefully, we can help show each other the many places that God is revealed in our own lives.  

Worship tonight is also the last chance for entering your name in the hat to win a FREE U2 TICKET and ride to the U2 CONCERT next Tuesday evening (9/29). Raffle info at the bottom of this message.

We are also getting close to when we need to tell the camp how many people are attending the FALL RETREAT, so don't delay -- register TODAY!  Bring a friend along!  Open to ALL students at GMU or NOVA!  Details below.

Almighty God, reveal yourself to us each day.  May we see you in the world around us, in other people, and in our lives.  May we grow closer together as a community through you.  In Jesus we pray, AMEN.

Feel free to forward this email to a friend.  If you would like to unsubscribe, just respond and let us know.

FALL RETREAT:  We know that it's hard to take a weekend away, but we think you'll be glad you did. It will be a time to gather our community, getting to know one another, integrating new friends, celebrating the goodness of God, relaxing, a campfire with s'mores, and having fun!  The retreat is Oct 2 at 6pm - Oct 4 at 1pm, at the beautiful Meadowkirk Retreat Center.  Cost is $20/student including everything (meals, lodging, etc.), but we can help if money is an issue.  
     There will be free time to chill, read, walk the meadows, woods, or labyrinth, or take a nap. You can even do some school work (if you want/need that).  Join us for rest, for real community and for spiritual renewal. We think you'll be glad you did!  Please try to let us know ASAP if you are thinking of attending!  Registration info HERE.

747 CREATIVE CHRISTIAN WORSHIP:  We gather to worship including interactive discussion, song, prayer, and much more!  EVERYONE is welcome and we think everyone has valuable insights and things to offer.  Co-sponsored with United College Ministries.  Every  Wedndesday at 7:47pm.  We're in SUB1 room B (3rd floor) except 9/30, 10/21, 11/11, 11/18 11/25, & 12/9.  Complete schedules at -- Facebook group: GMU747.  

YOUNG ADULT HAPPY HOUR:  YOU are invited to mingle with Lutheran Campus Ministry students from other schools around DC, as well as some recent graduates and folks from Lutheran Volunteer Corps.  5-7pm on Saturday 9/26/2009 at Fontina Grille (in Rockville near Shady Grove Metro Station).  Facebook event. Carpool from Sandy Creek shuttle stop at 4pm.

STAND UP FOR PEACE:  Comedians Scott Blakeman (Comedy Central) & Dean Obeidallah (SNL) will make us laugh and encourage a dialogue in support of a peaceful, political resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  Wed 9/30/09 at 8PM in the JC Cinema.  Sponsored by LCM and many other groups.  Facebook event.

FUN WITH KIDS: Playing games & tutoring elementary-aged kids near campus at Main Street Child Development Center. 2-3:30pm on 9/28 & 10/26  (Mondays).  Details TBA.

HELP OUT: It would be awesome if some of you would help out with KIOSKS (11am-3pm on Mon 9/21, and Wed 9/23) in the JC.  Feel free to put together a group to  PAINT A CUBE by Southside, CHALK campus, etc.

Ideas?  If there is something happening that you think we should attend as a group, or an activity that you'd like to help plan, or you just need to talk, let us know.  Contact info below.

U2 Raffle Information: My wife Kriss and I have a couple extra tickets for the U2 concert on Tues. 9/29/2009 at 7pm at FedEx Field.  We've decided to raffle them off for FREE to students who come to LCM events, so you can submit your name (and contact info if I don't already have it) at once per each of our event (see above) through Wed 9/23/2009.  (BONUS: Talk to me if you are planning on going to the FALL RETREAT and would like that to count too...)
1. To enter your name, you have to stick around a while and participate in the event.
2. Winners of each ticket will be drawn separately.  
3. If your name is drawn and you can't go, then we'll draw another name.  (You can't sell the tickets.)
4. Tickets include a free ride with us, leaving GMU between 4pm-4:30pm on 9/29/2009.
5. These are tickets on the field -- which I believe is standing room only.
6. Questions can be directed to or 703-829-0220.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Grace and peace,

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
Facebook: Mason Lutherans
Twitter: LCMGMU
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone/TXT: 703-829-022