Friday, September 11, 2009


I wanted to send a quick update to let you know that my wife Kriss and I have a couple extra tickets for the U2 concert on Tues. 9/29/2009 at 7pm at FedEx Field.  We've decided to raffle them off for FREE to students who come to LCM events, so you can submit your name (and contact info if I don't already have it) at once per each of these SIX events (details below):
+ Fri 9/11 - Game Night in Piedmont (7pm-?)
+ Tues 9/15 - Theology Pub at Brion's Grille (5:15pm-7:15pm)
+ Wed 9/16 - 747 Creative Christian Worship in SUB1 room B (7:47pm-9:30pm)
+ Fri 9/18 - Movie Night (and MarioKart) at the Ben's house (7pm-?)
+ Sun 9/20 - Putt Putt, details TBA
+ Wed 9/23 - 747 Creative Christian Worship in SUB1 room B (7:47pm-9:30pm)
(BONUS: Talk to me if you are planning on going to the FALL RETREAT and would like that to count too...)

1. To enter your name, you have to stick around a while and participate in the event.
2. Winners of each ticket will be drawn separately. 
3. If your name is drawn and you can't go, then we'll draw another name.  (You can't sell the tickets.)
4. Tickets include a free ride with us, leaving GMU between 4pm-4:30pm on 9/29/2009.
5. These are tickets on the field -- which I believe is standing room only.
6. Questions can be directed to or 703-829-0220.

Holy Lord, we thank you for each breath we take on each day.  It's all a gift.  Allow us to use our days to bless others, as we ourselves have been blessed.  In Jesus name, AMEN.

Feel free to forward this email to a friend.  If you would like to unsubscribe, just respond and let us know.

GAME NIGHT:  This Friday 9/11/2009, 7pm-???, at Piedmont Dorm Building (Walking towards south side from the J.C., turn right as if you were walking to the Starbucks. Its the second half of the first building. There is a lovely little sign in the front.) 
     How (do I get in???): We'll be hosting game night in either the front lounge, so someone will be there, or we will be on the third floor, in which case we will station someone at the door to let you in. If you are coming late, you can call Emma at 443.621.7387
     Why: cause its crazy awesome...  ;-)  Facebook event

747 CREATIVE CHRISTIAN WORSHIP:  We gather to worship including interactive discussion, song, prayer, and much more!  EVERYONE is welcome and we think everyone has valuable insights and things to offer.  Co-sponsored with United College Ministries.  Every Wedndesday at 7:47pm.  We're in SUB1 room B (3rd floor) for the first few weeks.  Complete schedules at -- Facebook group: GMU747.

SUNDAY WORSHIP CARPOOL: Sarah will be picking people up from the shuttle stop by the Sandy Creek Parking Deck at 9:30AM on Sunday morning to visit Christ Lutheran (3810 Meredith Dr, Fairfax, VA, 703-273-4094), which is having RALLY DAY worship at 10AM followed by a picnic, and you are invited! 

THEOLOGY PUB:  We'll gather at Brion's Grille to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  ALL are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself dinner, and join in the conversation!  5:15pm on these Tuesdays: 9/15/2009, 10/13, 11/10, and 12/1.  Let us know if you want a ride from campus.  Details HERE.

MOVIE NIGHT: Friday 9/18/2009 at Ben's house (3 miles south of GMU in Burke Centre -- contact or 703-829-0220 for directions).  Bring a favorite movie or two & we'll decide together what to watch, then probably play some MarioKart on the Wii.  7pm-???

PUTT PUTT: Sunday 9/20/2009, time and details TBA soon!

FALL RETREAT: You can register online HERE -- the retreat will be October 2-4, at the beautiful Meadowkirk Retreat Center.  Cost is $20/student including everything (meals, lodging, etc.), but we can help if money is an issue.  Space is limited, so consider registering soon!

HELP OUT: It would be awesome if some of you would help out with KIOSKS (11am-3pm on Tues 9/15, Mon 9/21, and Wed 9/23) in the JC.  Feel free to put together a group to PAINT A CUBE by Southside, CHALK campus, etc.

Ideas?  If there is something happening that you think we should attend as a group, or an activity that you'd like to help plan, or you just need to talk, let us know.  Contact info below.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Grace and peace,

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
Facebook: Mason Lutherans
Twitter: LCMGMU
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone/TXT: 703-829-022