Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fwd: ActionWeek + 747 + Family Time + Thanksgiving Potluck + more!

Welcome to Hunger and Homelessness Action Week -- which starts TODAY with LOTS of exciting events  that will be happening. In Luke 3:11, Jesus tells us that the one who has two shirts must share with someone who has none, and the one who has food must do the same.  In Matthew 25:40, Jesus says that whatever we do for the least of these, we do for him.  The Bible also tells us that if faith lives within us, it will produce action (James 2:15-17).  These are just a few of many scriptural references to our calling to share God's love with people who are hungry or homeless.  Take some time this week to learn about these issues and what you can do to help.  I hope you are inspired to take action!

HUNGER AND HOMELESSNESS ACTION WEEK:  November 15-21  is the GMU Campus Ministry Association's annual Action Week to bring the campus community together to learn about hunger and homelessness and what can be done to alleviate these issues.
Let me know if you can take a shift on the North Plaza anytime during the week, handing out fliers, etc.  We especially need people for Tuesday and Wednesday, anytime between 10 AM-3 PM (you don't need to be there the whole time -- just let me know when works for you!) -- THANK YOU!
For details on events, visit -- Invite your friends to join the Facebook group.  Events include:
+ Brown Bag Sunday - preparing lunches and delivering them to DC - Sunday Noon-6pm at Bellarmine Chapel
+ HEADQUARTERS - get information on the North Plaza & make prepare food in the Salvation Army "canteen" vehicle by Southside, Monday-Friday 10am-3pm (volunteers needed to help!)
+ Faces of Homelessness Speakers' Bureau - hear people who have been homeless share their experiences, Monday 5pm-6:30pm in SUB1 Patriots' Lounge
+ Interactive Program - experience the difficulty families have in paying off bills and the priorities they raise (RSVP to is required, limited to 30 people), Monday 7:30pm-9pm in JC mtg rm B
+ Social Innovators' Panel - discussing innovation entrepreneurship as a form of poverty alleviation, Tuesday 10am-Noon in the JC Cinema
+ Student Leadership Social Entrepreneurship Panel - hear student leaders at mason discussing strategies for mobilizing action/commitment with regional experts followed by break-out sessions, Tuesday Noon-3pm in the JC Cinema
+ The Homeless Home Movie - watch the film followed by a short discussion, Tuesday 4pm-6pm in JC mtg rm C
+ Social Innovation Simulation - try your hand at coming up with innovative solutions to social problems, Wednesday 4:30pm-6pm in JC mtg rm G
+ Social Justice U - learn about hunger & homelessness in Virginia and how you can effectively advocate our representatives in Richmond for change, Wednesday 6pm-8pm in the JC Bistro
+ 747 Creative Christian Worship - interactive stations related to hunger and homelessness, a short discussion, and a couple songs, and Communion, Wednesday 8pm-9pm in the JC Bistro (immediately after Social Justice U) (Facebook event.)
+ Hopping for Haiti - raising money for latrines in Haiti, Wednesday 6pm-Thursday 6pm (location TBA)
+ Thursday Night Supper - A simple PG&J dinner followed by speakers from the Lamb Center speaking about their experiences, Thursday 4:30pm-7pm at Bellarmine Chapel
+ Sleep Out - spend the night sleeping on cold concrete to get a mere glimpse of what many people who are homeless endure night after night, Thursday 10pm-Friday 7am on the North Plaza
+ Help the Homeless Walk - walk 3 miles on the National Mall in brisk morning air to raise money for a local agency dedicated to affordable housing, Saturday 7am-Noon (meet at SUB1, work out carpool details on the wall of the Facebook event)
+ Food sorting - sort food donated to the Salvation Army for distribution during Thanksgiving week, Saturday 9am-2pm at the Salvation Army-Fairfax on Ox Rd just south of University Mall
+ Thanksgiving dinner handout - see - shifts available throughout the day, in Lincoln Heights, DC 
+ Staged theatrical reading with food drive - The Rivers and Ravines will be read, followed by a discussion with the writer, Saturday 8pm at theSPACE in Old Town Fairfax

747 CREATIVE CHRISTIAN WORSHIP:  This week we'll be in JC ***BISTRO*** immediately after Social Justice U.  Come and experience several interactive prayer stations related to hunger and homelessness, share your thoughts, sing a couple songs, and share in Communion!  EVERYONE is welcome, and everyone's voice matters -- so bring a friend.  Co-sponsored with United College Ministries.  Every Wedndesday at 7:47pm (we won't start until a bit after 8pm tonight due to Social Justice U.  Don't forget that this week we'll be in the JC ***BISTRO***.  Complete room schedule at -- Facebook group: GMU747.  (Facebook event.)

BIBLE STUDY: "Family Time" exploring what it means to be a community in Christ: relationships, struggles, etc. from the one-on-one level to the global level.  **Monday November 23rd, 6pm-7pm**  at Emma's dorm in Eastern Shore (the new dorms at the northeast corner of Patriot Circle by the new parking garage).  Call Emma at 443-621-7387 with questions.  (Facebook event.)

THEOLOGY PUB:  We'll gather at the RATHSKELLER in the lower level of SUB1 to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  ALL are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself dinner, and join in the conversation!  5:15pm on Tuesday 12/1/2009

THANKSGIVING POTLUCK:  If you, or a friend, aren't going home to be with family for Thanksgiving, we invite you to spend it with us!  Kriss and Ben will host a Thanksgiving potluck dinner at their home a couple miles south of campus.  (Facebook event.)

Urgent Volunteer Opportunity at Hope Lutheran:  Watch kids (mostly under 3 years old) while their mothers attend ESL classes in the next room.  They really need someone on Tuesday evenings 7-9pm.  Let us know if you are interested and we'll put you in touch with the person at Hope who is coordinating this.  Start tomorrow morning if you want!  (One time or recurring.)

Almighty God, you show mercy and compassion to those who are homeless, hungry, and oppressed.  Enable us to stand with your marginalized children, to share your love with them, and to be open to ourselves being changed in the process.  In Jesus name, AMEN.

Grace and peace,
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030