Sunday, November 29, 2009


HAPPY NEW YEAR!  Nope, I'm not early - the new Church year started as we began the season of Advent, which is a time of waiting when we sit in the tension of waiting for Christ's birth on Christmas even as we know that Christ was born some 2000 years ago, and for Jesus to return to complete the restoration of all things, even though we have no way of predicting when this will occur.  Though the world around us is spinning up into the frenzy of consumerism and getting things done, we are called to slow down and patiently prepare ourselves for what is to come.  There is a movement of Christians trying to re-claim this truth -- an Advent Conspiracy urging people to forgo gifts and give the presence of ourselves and our time to the ones we love.  Will you?

We have some big events as we wrap up the semester -- starting MONDAY with a holiday concert, the Theology Pub on Tuesday, worship this Wednesday in SUB1 room B, and then worship next week at the Mathy House (home of President and Mrs. Merten).  We are also working on scheduling an evening of caroling at a local retirement home during finals week, so stay tuned.

BIBLE STUDY: "Family Time" will be on hiatus until next semester due to some scheduling conflicts.  Let Emma (443-621-7387) or Ben (703-829-0220) know if you are interested and we'll try to find a time that will work for you next semester.

DECK THE HALLS - HOLIDAY CONCERT AND TOY DRIVE: Rock the Halls with Holiday music and collect toys for children associated with Fairfax's Katherine K. Hanley Family Shelter at the same time.  6-9pm on Monday 11/30.  Let Rachael <> know if you'd be interested in playing one or many songs fitting in with the holiday/Christmas/winter theme. Facebook event.

THEOLOGY PUB:  We'll gather at the RATHSKELLER in the lower level of SUB1 to eat, drink, and talk about God, faith, religion, and how they intersect life in our world.  This is a safe, open conversation.  We want to hear *your* perspectives.  ALL are welcome, so bring a friend, order yourself dinner, and join in the conversation!  5:15pm on Tuesday 12/1/2009

AIDS Quilt on WORLD AIDS DAY: World AIDS Day is Dec. 1 and 500 volunteers are needed that day, and the days before and after to set up and take down and guard the 100+ memorial AIDS quilts.  Let me know if you are interested in helping between Nov. 30th - Dec. 2nd.

KIOSKS: Rachael has scheduled a number of kiosks in the JC over the next couple few weeks to advertise the holiday concert (see below) we are co-sporing, to sell holiday cookies to raise money toward toys for children at the Katherine K Hanley Family Shelter, and to advertise other LCM events.  If you'd like to help out, contact Rachael <> or show up at any of these times:  11/30 (1-4pm, especially from 3pm-4pm) Kiosk C;   12/1 (2-5pm) Kiosk C;   12/2 (8-11am) Kiosk B;   12/3 (2-4:30pm) Kiosk B;   12/4 (1-5pm) Kiosk C.

747 CREATIVE CHRISTIAN WORSHIP:  We're back in SUB1 room B this Wednesday (12/2), as we begin to celebrate the season of advent together. EVERYONE is welcome, and everyone's voice matters -- so bring a friend.  Co-sponsored with United College Ministries.  Wedndesdays at 7:47pm  Complete room schedule at -- Facebook group: GMU747.  (Facebook event.)

747 at the MATHY HOUSE (home of President & Mrs. Merten): On Wednesday 12/9 we'll worship at the MATHY HOUSE with President and Mrs. Merten.  Mark your calendars now!  Also, let us know if you'd like to help plan worship for that evening.  Look for more information later this week!

God Almighty, we wait as patiently as we can, doing what we can to do our part in helping to restore all things.  Yet is it only in you that this will come to completion.  We pray, come Lord Jesus, come.  AMEN. 

Grace and peace,
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University
MSN 2C7; SUB 1 room 207; Fairfax, VA 22030