Thursday, September 20, 2012

Exodus Bible Study

The Exodus Bible Study is in its second week! We will go over key points in Exodus
1-5 Thursday Night (that's tonight!) at 7:30 in the Campus Ministry Office, JC 239. And this time
there will be FREE PIZZA! So come along, bring a drink and a pen or pencil, and
enjoy some FREE PIZZA! You can also bring a bible, but there are bibles there for
you to use as well.

We went over key points throughout the book of Exodus last week. If you want that
material to help catch up, let me know and I can email it to you. However, don't feel
like you cannot join this study if you missed week one. Join anytime!

Hope to see you all tonight at 7:30 pm!

-Vicar Josh

Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University