Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Worship With Lutheran Campus Ministry

It's a light schedule week for Lutheran Campus Ministry at GMU, which makes it a good week to explore ecumenical relationships!!  Having said that, however,  don't forget about

747 Creative Christian Worship
Tonight!   (Wednesday) at 7:47 in the Hub, Meeting Room 1!
All are welcome to join us then!

I've noticed that many of you are encountering big projects, tests, exams, etc, and that can certainly be a stressful time.  Praying for you all, regardless of your need.  Remember to take time for yourself and for nurturing your relationship with God this week.

Vicar Josh and I are in the Campus Ministry office today and every Wednesday from 1-3 pm.  Stop by and see us!  As always, know that if this time doesn't suit you, feel free to call, text, or e-mail us and set up a different time.

"What a God!  His road stretches straight and smooth....Everyone who runs toward Him makes it."
  - Psalm 18:30, The Message Bible

Grace and peace,
Pastor Terry
Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University