Monday, September 10, 2012

This Week With Lutheran Campus Ministry at GMU

I pray that everyone fared Saturday's storm well.  I'm spending part of the day cleaning up some tree branches and pine cones blown down by the wind.  It's amazing how the lack of electricity for 18 hours can play havoc with a person's routine!  I'm grateful to God that I have only endured inconvenience.

We had a lot of fun bowling on Friday night; just wish more of you could have been there!  We hope to get together at least one Friday a month for fun, fellowship, and community-building.


Arise Campus Ministry invites us to a free concert in the HUB Ballroom on Monday, September 10, at 8:00 p.m.  The concert features the Mark Swayze Band, a Christian recording group.  They will feature music off of their current album "This Album Feeds Children".  To date they have provided 15,000 meals for children and their families through album sales and their partnership with Children's Hunger Fund ( through Lauren's Table (
For more info about the Mark Swayze band and to hear some of their songs check out their website

On Wednesday afternoon, from 1-3 p.m., Vicar Josh and I will be in the Campus Ministry office.  We'd love to see you and talk about your hopes and dreams--for school and for campus ministry.  Stop by JC Room 239 and chat!  We'll be there most Wednesdays at the same time and hope to add other regular times.  Otherwise,  email or call us, and we'll find a time that works best for you!  

747 Creative Christian Worship with Holy Communion will be held on Wednesday evening, September 12, in meeting room 1 at the HUB, beginning at 7:47 p.m.  Please join us and bring a friend!  Note that our weekly worship will take place on Wednesday evenings at 7:47.  


Beginning Thursday!

Eager to learn more about the Bible?  Join Vicar Josh on Thursday evening, September 13, at 7:30 p.m. in the Campus Ministry Office (Johnson Center, Room 239).  We'll begin with a trip through the book of Exodus.


It's not too late to register for

Unplug. Relax. Renew." the upcoming young adult (18 to 35)retreat September 21-23 at the Northbay Retreat Center, North East, MD.  The retreat is sponsored by the Metro Washington and Delaware-Maryland Synods of the ELCA.

From Pastor Amy Sevimli (

"No question, life is busy. Whether you're grinding out the semester as a college or grad student, working an impossibly busy job, or simply trying to figure out "that next step" personally or professionally, your body and spirit is more than ready to step away for a few days, immerse yourself in nature, reconnect with God, meet new people, and recharge your spirit.

During our upcoming Young Adult Retreat, you'll join dozens of other young adults from across the D.C. area, Delaware and Maryland for a unique opportunity to "unplug, relax and breathe" at the beautiful North Bay Retreat Center.

"During this weekend getaway, you'll enjoy:

· A variety of recreational activities (adventure activities) led by camp staff

· Basketball, hikes

· Nightly bonfires by the bay

· Prayer, reflection and other spiritual practices you can incorporate into your

daily life

"The cost is $99, which includes lodging, Saturday meals, Sunday brunch and staff/supplies for the adventure activities and bonfire!

If cost is an issue, or if you have any other questions, please contact Pastor Amy Sevimli at; some scholarships are available.   "To register to attend, visit

For more information about North Bay Retreat Center, visit"   To find out more about Metro DC Young Adults, visit

Planning Ahead:  Want to get involved in helping to plan for the fall and spring?  Contact me to share your ideas and needs; none are too small!

And remember to save Saturday, November 3, for a fun run/walk at Lake Accotink Park in North Springfield.  This is a fundraiser for Northern Virginia Lutheran Campus Ministries, our parent organization.  We're looking for runners and volunteers.


Hope to see you sometime this week.  May God's grace and peace abound wherever you are.


In Christ,

Pastor Terry Hannon

Lutheran Campus Minister



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--Lutheran Campus Ministry at George Mason University